Twilight Zone or TNG?


New member
Dec 31, 2012
Hi I'm new to pinball arcade and have enough Google play money to buy 2 tables. 8$ to be exact. I was wondering if some of you guys and gals here could suggest which you think is better. I'm a Star Trek fan but if the other table is better then ill get that. I'll more then likely pick up Theater of Magic as my other table. Thanks for any help you can give.

Also one more thing. What's the difference between the regular version and pro?
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New member
May 19, 2012
Don't you get demos of the tables to try before you buy? Not sure how Google Play works, but you do on IOS. You might be better off getting some table packs instead of the premium tables, they work out cheaper per table if you only have limited funds. If you do go for one of those two, I actually prefer Star Trek though in real life I always preferred TZ.

Don't bother with the pro versions, that just gives you access to the operator menu and a couple of other useless features.


New member
Dec 31, 2012
Yeah I can demo any table but still was wondering which people prefer. Maybe the better question would be which is deeper!


New member
May 18, 2012
Darn, my fav is Funhouse, but that's not what you want to hear I guess.. I find these fund-raising tables highly overrated, but that's me. Theatre of Magic is certainly a good choice.

Btw. since you are on Android, be sure to check-out another pin-game in the Google play store called 'Revenge of the Rob-o-Bot. Brandnew, on sale, beautiful graphics/sound fx and bloody hard! (I play it more often than TPA.) Check the Rob-o-Bot thread in the 'Other Pinball Games' section as well.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
If you're a Trekkie, get the Star Trek table. Both TZ and ST-TNG are tough tables though (easy drains). If you want value for money go for one of the two-table packs (I'd suggest pack #1).


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
STTNG and TZ are both just great. You can't go wrong with either one. Since you are a big Trek fan I would go with that one. But be sure to get TZ when you get some extra $, because it is just as good.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
As much as I hate to say it, considering all the cheerleading I've done for TZ, if you're already a Star Trek fan, go with ST:TNG if you can't do both.


New member
Dec 31, 2012
Thanks a lot everyone! I believe its a slam dunk. Star Trek: TNG it is. I will still pick up TZ in the future.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Star Trek: TNG was my favorite real-life pinball back in the Nineties, and it's rapidly becoming my favorite TPA table as well. Farsight really nailed it, and the brilliance of the original design shines through. It makes excellent use of the Star Trek: TNG license. If you're not familiar with the pinball, but you're a fan of the TV show, there are many surprises there that will make you smile.

It's one of the harder tables in The Pinball Arcade, which is interesting because I didn't think of it as unusually tough in real life; but I think the difficulty level of the simulated version is actually comparable to the real machine, whereas some TPA tables are significantly easier than their real-world counterparts.

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