UK Pinball


Nik Barbour

Found this

I've really gotten into pinball through TPA, and it's given me the urge to seek out some real tables, as I've only played a handful and they were about 20yrs ago now.
You don't see arcades much in the UK, and when you do find one its video games and slot machines only.

So did some digging around and found the link above, its an annual pinball festival in its 3rd year this August which should have an estimated 110 machines all set to free play.

Looks awesome!


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm hoping to go but I'm in Corfu for 2 weeks and get home the day before the party, and I'm in work the day after it, add in a few hours driving to get there and it's not looking too promising.:(

Nik Barbour

I don't think I'll actually get to go either.
With a young family and being the only bread winner, weekends away are a luxury, and my wife would prefer firstly the weekend didn't involve 110 pinball machines, and secondly that she was invited.

I live in the north west of England and have been researching where I can just go and play real pinball.
Today I contacted the website and asking if they knew where I could go play, I got an email back 2 hours later telling me about a northern club that meets bimonthly at certain members houses who have private collections of pinball machines, and got an invite to attend the end of June meet.
So hopefully (if I get my pukka invite off the organiser) I'll be playing my first real pinball machine in 2 decades next week.

I've been involved in all sorts of game forums and groups over the years, but have never come across so friendly and helpful a group of people as pinball fans.

I'll post here if it comes good in case anyone else North west England based is interested.
Can't wait now!


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Wow, that would be awesome. There's nothing near me in south Wales, nearest tables that I know of are about 40 miles away. Played a couple in western super mare a few weeks ago and there's supposed to be a few in Barry island ( yes, Gavin and Stacey ) and maybe some in porthcawl.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
I'm in the north west from time to time, around Northwich, if that counts as North West. Usually around London though. A few mates from Croydon and Leicester and I, are planning on a trip to the Pinball Museum in Ramsgate on the south coast at some point.

Would be really interested in what you think of the Ukpinball meet Nik

I did think of asking the London organiser, but feel guilty I can't reciprocate on the hospitality front.

Nik Barbour

I'm in the north west from time to time, around Northwich, if that counts as North West. Usually around London though. A few mates from Croydon and Leicester and I, are planning on a trip to the Pinball Museum in Ramsgate on the south coast at some point.

Would be really interested in what you think of the Ukpinball meet Nik

I did think of asking the London organiser, but feel guilty I can't reciprocate on the hospitality front.

No worries - I'll post here what happens.
Still not got the official invite yet though - just hoping it comes off now.

Yeah Northwich counts as Northwest just about. I had a job just after the millenium of installing industrial Air-con units, and helped build the Drive through KFC at Northwich. So next time your tucking into your Fried Chicken treat, spare a thought for me stuck on the roof of that thing in the middle of Winter Dec 2000ish - god it was cold!

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Just been down to Hastings for work, had a look round but the area seems to have gone through an awful decline. A few arcades but not a pin in sight... Sad times.

The good news is that huge investment is coming. The pier will rise again. Local industry is recovering. Regeneration funds are on their way.

Could this mean a return of the classic arcades of my youth? Banks of pins alongside asteroids, galaxian, defender?

I can only hope. Im not the only one who things arcade owners a missing a trick not havings pins am I?

Nik, I'll be at that KFC probably Wednesday strangely enough, and a thoroughly good job you made of it too.....l

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Just a quick point here guys, the indicators showing what state the pin is in (1 through 5 I think) aren't always accurate.

Hate to think people are going out of their way to find a machine in poor state of repair, or disrepair.

Apparently all the machines in Ramsgate pinball museum are 5. Tournament standard. I can't wait for that but going to wait til it's sunny. September then.....

Nik Barbour

Great link, thanks Turbine,

I think it's party at Robs house looking at Northwich Nik......

Ha ha - that is a seriously cool collection @ Robs house.

Trust my luck to live in a pinball black spot.

I think the closest may be that avatar machine in the Northwich pub - I'm going to tell the wife she deserves a drive out for a drink, just to spoil her.
Think she'll buy it?

Nik Barbour

Is it for sale?:D

I'm off to Walsall/Tamworth/Birmingham shortly for the weekend, anyone know of any pinball up there? doesn't look promising looking at that website.

I was actually streaming a Birmingham based rock station called Kerrang when you posted, so I texted the station to ask your question.
It would appear brummie rockers have no love for pinball - no response, sorry mate!


New member
May 19, 2012
I'm in London so was going to take a trip to Southend to seek out some pinball, but judging by the condition of the tables there I don't think I'll bother. There's a bar called The Pipeline in central London and the owner seems to be a big pinball fan. They have 4 machines going by what's on that website and they're holding a tournament in July with all machines set to freeplay. I would love to go, but having not played for years I reckon I'd just embarrass myself :eek:

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
I'm seriously thinking about checking that out Turbine Probably not for a competition but for a laugh. It's tucked away a bit in Middlesex street, but looks good.... They must be renting the games out. My money is from Liberty Games in Epsom. If I was getting a pin for any reason, I'd get it from them..

Got distracted there cos Greece just scored.....

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