v1.2.10 is now live in the App Store


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I've found a bug in this release: THERE'S NO MENTION WHATSOEVER OF THE TERMINATOR 2 KICKSTARTER ON THE OPENING OF THE APP. I mean, it mentions CP and WW no problem, but how are people going to know about the T2 KS if they never mention it anywhere other than their Facebook page?!?

Ugh, this is frustrating. Hopefully when they release the fixes for this pack (which I assume are already being addressed given they know about the bugs, as mentioned in the updates on iOS) they'll make some mention of it. Not everyone reads the PA mailouts that go out with each update.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Truthfully, I can live with a few bugs, been looking forward to this pack. :cool:

Clearly, lots of pressure to stick with their monthly schedule. Friday release or die!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Not to be a dick but, "discovered late"?? Maybe I should be a beta tester since I noticed the sound bugs the second I opened the machine. The sound here is atrocious good lord what happened.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
whats with the sound on WW when the discs spin wow thats going to get annoying.

Yeah this is my final straw with the sound guy. The discs sound like you have the glass off and the music turned down good god my ears and as for the rest of the sound bugs, where to begin!!! It's COMPLETELY jacked up from the moment you start the machine! How did any of this get past beta?

Sorry if I'm upset but Jesus Dr. Dude, Elvira, Pin*Bot Etc do not have any of these problems at release. It's like the sound guy didnt just fall asleep at the wheel he crashed and blew up today.

Also the music in these system 11 games is some of my favorite and again this suffers the same fate as pinbot: super low fidelity sound. What the hell, Elvira sounds ok why the issues here? And of course the various sound glitches, hanging sounds, overlapping sounds/music, and those atrociously loud spinners just.... I can't play this.
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Jul 11, 2012
Im guessing the lack for attention to detail was the really short beta window. How does a machine they have on site get this bad?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I don't know what you guys think happens during a beta, but it's not like we report an issue and it gets fixed immediately. The sound issue in Whirlwind took awhile for FarSight to track down and fix. I'm not going to go into detail about what takes place during a beta, but I assure you that bugs and issues are being reported. Don't question our competency if you have no clue of what goes on behind closed doors.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I don't know what you guys think happens during a beta, but it's not like we report an issue and it gets fixed immediately. The sound issue in Whirlwind took awhile for FarSight to track down and fix. I'm not going to go into detail about what takes place during a beta, but I assure you that bugs and issues are being reported. Don't question our competency if you have no clue of what goes on behind closed doors.

Very true. In addition, sometimes a fix will create a new issue. Sometimes the fourth or fifth build will have a completely new issue pop up. It's not a straight progression as one would expect.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Sorry if you can't tell I've had a really cranky bad Friday. So I'm blowing this out of proportion. I appologize. And Pin Wiz I'm not challenging anyone's competency. Fact is they are aware of all the bugs so you guys did your job, I feel though the sound on those spinners definitely needs tuned down and really they should have delayed a week to get Whirlwind ready to ship (this is not release quality I'm sorry). Champion Pub seems perfect though. Anyways that's on them not you guys.

I will say though. Kinda disappointed we still don't have an update to Cirqus, or rom emulation for Black Knight, both of which were promised to be getting addressed. But that's it for complaints.

SERENITY NOW Focusing on the postives: Champion Pub is amazing. Option for our own music: YES!!! WhirlWind is still Whirlwind and hopefully we get a mid-cycle patch to address the problems. Also I'm really pumped to watch this documentary and also, Bowen released a tutorial for Banzai Run today, so all in all, my pinball Friday night is still set to be a good time.

Very true. In addition, sometimes a fix will create a new issue. Sometimes the fourth or fifth build will have a completely new issue pop up. It's not a straight progression as one would expect.

There's a myth, some say a legend. Long ago. It was on these ancient video game machines predating modern times. Legend calls it the PlayStation 2. It was before we had the internet so clearly nobody remembers. Anyway legend has it developers used to release finished software without bugs that never needed multiple patches to fix. Some say they didn't even have beta's back then, that internal "testers" caught bugs before release. Then again it's just a legend who knows if it's actually true.

Anyway's enough joking and negativity I want to have a good pinball Friday night so good day to you sirs, thanks *ahem* Farsight for at least letting me post-beta test your Whirlwind table, and to all a good night!
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