v1.2.10 is now live in the App Store


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I don't know what you guys think happens during a beta, but it's not like we report an issue and it gets fixed immediately. The sound issue in Whirlwind took awhile for FarSight to track down and fix. I'm not going to go into detail about what takes place during a beta, but I assure you that bugs and issues are being reported. Don't question our competency if you have no clue of what goes on behind closed doors.

Is there a window I can look through? :eek: ...couldn't resist saying that.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
The discs are loud...and some Whirlwinds have loud discs. I used to think the clock on TZ was exceptionally loud, because no TZ I had ever played had a loud clock. I bought a very nice TZ this spring. Guess what? It has a loud clock.

Also keep in mind that beta testing doesn't stop after submission. That's how FarSight was able to provide you with a known issues list in the first place. So these issues didn't "get past beta", they were caught in beta. The fix just isn't available in time for release, that's all. (And in fact fixes for most of the issues are being tested now.)

In the meantime, please enjoy Champion Pub, which I think turned out mostly error-free.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Sorry if you can't tell I've had a really cranky bad Friday. So I'm blowing this out of proportion. I appologize. And Pin Wiz I'm not challenging anyone's competency. Fact is they are aware of all the bugs so you guys did your job, I feel though the sound on those spinners definitely needs tuned down and really they should have delayed a week to get Whirlwind ready to ship (this is not release quality I'm sorry). Champion Pub seems perfect though. Anyways that's on them not you guys.

I will say though. Kinda disappointed we still don't have an update to Cirqus, or rom emulation for Black Knight, both of which were promised to be getting addressed. But that's it for complaints.

SERENITY NOW Focusing on the postives: Champion Pub is amazing. Option for our own music: YES!!! WhirlWind is still Whirlwind and hopefully we get a mid-cycle patch to address the problems. Also I'm really pumped to watch this documentary and also, Bowen released a tutorial for Banzai Run today, so all in all, my pinball Friday night is still set to be a good time.

There's a myth, some say a legend. Long ago. It was on these ancient video game machines predating modern times. Legend calls it the PlayStation 2. It was before we had the internet so clearly nobody remembers. Anyway legend has it developers used to release finished software without bugs that never needed multiple patches to fix. Some say they didn't even have beta's back then, that internal "testers" caught bugs before release. Then again it's just a legend who knows if it's actually true.

Anyway's enough joking and negativity I want to have a good pinball Friday night so good day to you sirs, thanks *ahem* Farsight for at least letting me post-beta test your Whirlwind table, and to all a good night!

I agree with just about everything you posted except for one thing. FarSight is on a fixed release schedule, so they do the absolute best they can in the time frame they are given to get tables and other features ready for release. While I do agree that some tables are released with more bugs than many would like, I have to disagree on postponing a release (with the exception of PS3/PS Vita) since no one is forced to purchase the initial table releases. If you would like to hold off until the majority of reported bugs and issues are fixed (which is understandable), then I would recommend that you wait for a follow-up update which will fix the majority of the lingering bugs on any given release.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
There's a myth, some say a legend. Long ago. It was on these ancient video game machines predating modern times. Legend calls it the PlayStation 2. It was before we had the internet so clearly nobody remembers. Anyway legend has it developers used to release finished software without bugs that never needed multiple patches to fix. Some say they didn't even have beta's back then, that internal "testers" caught bugs before release. Then again it's just a legend who knows if it's actually true.

You know..... You've got a point there.

Miyamoto believes in delays in order to polish his craftsmanship. He attributed the quote," A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."

Unless you have the luxury of online updating. I kinda miss those days of yore.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
It's all good but I mean it's worth pointing out, I only complain when it's justified. Pin*Bot, despite poor music quality, is FAN-Tastically reproduced, as is Centaur. Both, are like, freaking bug free. And really I think the quality has been spot on for quite a while. I have been very impressed with all tables basically since Attack from Mars. Those phone-breaking bugs that locked up peoples phones last month, I didn't even experience that. So overall I've been very happy with the product and I've sung it's praises, this is the first time that I feel they really screwed up and since it's Whirlwind, which is without question a table I've been looking forward to for over a year and a half, I'm particularly tee'd off (pun intended, it's coming soon!).

I actually got a new friend to get into Pinball arcade and I bought him an Apple points card today to get tables. This is another reason I'm once again embarassed because if he gets Whirlwind, which btw I was on the phone for like an hour hyping it and Champion Pub to him, it's not up to the quality and now I feel like a jackass. Thankfully he's dead set on Star Trek, Twilight Zone, and WhirlWind+Champion Pub so he won't get the game breaking sound glitches on Elvira, Dude, and Pin+Bot, but still, it's embarassing , I might just tell him to not get Whirlwind/CP till next month.

It's not just the sound I forgot to mention, the ball coming out of the right wires get's caught on the spinner in a wierd way, I can without question say the Williams version is far superior, and more accurate, and way better sounding despite scripting!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
It's not just the sound I forgot to mention, the ball coming out of the right wires get's caught on the spinner in a wierd way, I can without question say the Williams version is far superior, and more accurate, and way better sounding despite scripting!

Yet another issue that will be fixed in the next update...and trust me, the fixed TPA version of Whirlwind is miles better than the scripted PHOF:WC version. :)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I agree with just about everything you posted except for one thing. FarSight is on a fixed release schedule, so they do the absolute best they can in the time frame they are given to get tables and other features ready for release. While I do agree that some tables are released with more bugs than many would like, I have to disagree on postponing a release (with the exception of PS3/PS Vita) since no one is forced to purchase the initial table releases. If you would like to hold off until the majority of reported bugs and issues are fixed (which is understandable), then I would recommend that you wait for a follow-up update which will fix the majority of the lingering bugs on any given release.

I feel you pinwiz. I just think Farsight is overworked. Getting the PS4, Ouya, and multiple PC versions has clearly taken it's toll. I can tell. I think they deserve a month off tbh, go to the beach come back and then take another month to just bug fix. But that's just my opinion.

The discs are loud...and some Whirlwinds have loud discs. I used to think the clock on TZ was exceptionally loud, because no TZ I had ever played had a loud clock. I bought a very nice TZ this spring. Guess what? It has a loud clock.

Also keep in mind that beta testing doesn't stop after submission. That's how FarSight was able to provide you with a known issues list in the first place. So these issues didn't "get past beta", they were caught in beta. The fix just isn't available in time for release, that's all. (And in fact fixes for most of the issues are being tested now.)

In the meantime, please enjoy Champion Pub, which I think turned out mostly error-free.

Please don't try to defend the disc noise. Dude it DROWNS OUT the music hard... Papa has two Whirlwinds and the discs don't sound that loud. Bowen does a tutorial with the glass off and they aren't that loud. It's ear-bleed level stuff man, and Pinball Arcade mechanical sounds and music quality has been crap for a while, a sound-package revamp is overdue but again, I don't feel like getting into negativity land today honestly, I've said my peace it's time to enjoy my Pinball Friday Night - TM.

Alright final complaint and then I'm DONE, off to positivity land with pretty blue skies and white clouds and beautiful fairies. I find Whirlwind is too "clean", the color is off, too white-saturated. Again the Williams disc get's it right with the saturated color orange and blue Nickelodeon Double Dare look of the real machine. The pinball gods just took a dump on me today since they knew this was my most wanted table next to freakin' Addams Family, Xenon, or Dracula.
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New member
Sep 22, 2012
I agree with just about everything you posted except for one thing. FarSight is on a fixed release schedule, so they do the absolute best they can in the time frame they are given to get tables and other features ready for release. While I do agree that some tables are released with more bugs than many would like, I have to disagree on postponing a release (with the exception of PS3/PS Vita) since no one is forced to purchase the initial table releases. If you would like to hold off until the majority of reported bugs and issues are fixed (which is understandable), then I would recommend that you wait for a follow-up update which will fix the majority of the lingering bugs on any given release.

good post PW..............HOWEVER, that is acceptable to us die hard PinballArcadeFans. But to the average Joe in the street AKA Facebook crew, they are gonna be pretty pi**ed and do yet more complaining. I appreciate the release schedule, but surely a few days late to fix some of the issues would have been better.

the lack of Kickstarter promo shows a lack of PR savvy and ForeSight. They need to embrace social media and marketing 101 to succeed.

I get the feeling they might have lost some staff or had a reshuffle recently - yet they seem happy to take on even more platforms which worries me.

Do you think they are in trouble and struggling to stay in the black?
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
Hard to judge them as they do have a full plate! As long as the product continues to be good I'm happy. All games have bugs these days, there are a few glitches, but no showstoppers.

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