Version 1.39.x


New member
May 29, 2015
So.. I'm still on public beta, my Steam has not updated, I have not seen an option to purchase Roadshow anywhere, yet I see people have been playing it all week and I'd like to know how some people apparently are able to play the DX11 version full screen, mine only works windowed.

Now, I'd like to point out that I really suck at using forums or any social media, other than youtube, so if I'm again in a wrong thread or whatever, I'm sorry. Despite that, I'd like to get some help to my problems. Thanks.


New member
Apr 15, 2015
Tested the new version, and getting slowdowns for most of my tables in directx11 (along with the flippers still being cropped out due to the 4:5 ratio)? I tried afm, tales ofan, and tz- getting a consistent slowdown. Oddly enough CV didn't give me one? Anyone else run into this since one of the last two updates?

Fixed the slowdowns with a driver update! Still need a fix for the 4:5 ratio (1024x1280) cutting off my flippers and I'll be set! Dx9 displays them correctly. Anyway to pull those camera ratios into dx11?


New member
Apr 15, 2015
Mine is a 19 inch 5:4 monitor 1280x1024, that I have flipped portrait. It's a standard size for non widescreens.
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New member
Nov 6, 2013
Ah. I meant to type "What kind of monitor has a 4:5 ratio? " which is what he said he had. 1024x1280?

Yeah, the flipped resolution would be an oddball. 4:5 was a standard for a time when they were starting to move away from 4:3.

On my monitors (two 1600x1200 monitors, 7 years old and still doing just fine) the DX11 version has black bars on the top, unlike the DX9 version. It looks like the textures are heavily optimized in DX11 for widescreen.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Just wanted to say thank you to Mike and everyone at Farsight. This game was groundbreaking when it came out and continues to improve. The recent updates have been very noticeable, great job guys really. I am so glad to now have all seasons on PC. Please keep up the good work!


New member
Oct 29, 2013
Can you make a list of which tables have had their physics updated?

I just played a load of Dr Dude (great table btw) and could swear it felt a bit different.

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