Very pleased with the control options


New member
Apr 19, 2012
The absolute biggest reason I was hoping for a PC version was for the possibility of using my trusty old X-Arcade Tankstick with side pinball buttons to play these tables, and I was only half-expecting to be able to.

But not only are the controls completely customizable, thus enabling me to play pinball with real side buttons as God intended ;-), but it also lets you use a 360 controller completely interchangeably without any hassles whatsoever. This is an absolutely fantastic design choice because there are times when I can lug that monstrous thing out for a good long session and other times when my girlfriend is also on the couch and makes anything other than just grabbing a controller for a quick game or two impossible.

I hadn't even thought about the possible hassle involved in switching between control schemes even if customizable controls were included, so it's amazing to see it was already thought about and dealt with for me!

Big kudos to Farsight for getting this out and doing more than just a quick port job. I had slipped a bit in purchases lately because I was starting to get a little weary of lacking the tactile buttons on the iPad, but I plan to buy both Season Passes and get back up to speed on PC as soon as possible.

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