Video: Table Pack #5

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Hmmm, i kinda feel like i am disturbing a party. But this is the first DLC which has 2 machines i dont care about.

But now worries, there will be plenty machines i will like. These ones are not for me, but many others do like them. So, thats a good thing all sort of machines come out.

But ok, i am sure DLC 6 will make me happy again.

I wonder, TZ, in which DLC will it be? 8? 9 maybe? I am kinda wondering about that cause thats the first ever kickstart machine for PA, and they will give all they got on that one, i expect that.

Cant wait, pinball is living like never before. PA plays a nice part in it.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
MAJOR BUG: Flippers are not in the correct placements in Taxi: notice the holes on where they need to be. I have posted a link to IPDB's picture on the game; compare this with the video. By the way, enjoyed the video :)

EDIT: I've compared those two; they seem to have a smaller gap than Medieval Madness currently does, if you guys know what I'm saying.

I was wondering about that when I noticed that the yellow circles under the flippers didn't seem to be lined up. Maybe it's just the artwork though, the actual gap looks about right to me.

Hopefully they haven't screwed up another table... especially since they still haven't even bothered to fix the other.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
They should just remove those flipper circle holes with photoshop on all the tables... no need to keep them anyway...

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Jul 11, 2012
Just watched the video fro my XMB YOUTUBE app much higher resolution and thats the only thing I like about the YOUTUBE update. It almost looks as clear as the actual game.

Neil L

New member
Aug 5, 2012
Another DLC to look forward to. :)
One thing I've noticed though, the DMD still seems too far to the right (HD is worse than Taxi). If the gap on the left of the DMD was the same as the top gap it wouldn't overlap the table so much.
Maybe this could be changed on all the tables as some overlap way too much.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Another DLC to look forward to. :)
One thing I've noticed though, the DMD still seems too far to the right (HD is worse than Taxi). If the gap on the left of the DMD was the same as the top gap it wouldn't overlap the table so much.
Maybe this could be changed on all the tables as some overlap way too much.

I think i remember Mike said that Microsoft makes them do that so everything fits on older SD TVs.

Neil L

New member
Aug 5, 2012
I think i remember Mike said that Microsoft makes them do that so everything fits on older SD TVs.

Couldn't it be added as an option on the DMD button? (HD/SD/Off) and maybe an option to turn on the player number & ball number above & below the DMD.

I've noticed that some tables DMD positions are worse than others.
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New member
Aug 26, 2012
Taxi looks better on Phof to me. I don't know about the Ipad/Iphone version cause there are not any screens from it. Any beta testers have a different opinion?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
The physics and ball speed are much better on this version than it wasn't ROM emulated in PHOF, so this is definitely closer to the real thing.

Here's a video of the PHOF version, and you can see how the ball is much slower/floatier:
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Wonder who is playing in these trailers. There is absolutely no ball control. :D

I was just going to comment on that. I've been wondering this since the first video. Though I suppose watching someone spend time trying to gain control of the ball isn't going to look too attractive to those who don't really play pinball

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Hmmm, i kinda feel like i am disturbing a party. But this is the first DLC which has 2 machines i dont care about.
Give Taxi a few games and see if you don't change your mind. It's simple enough to be elegant, yet has just enough complexity to keep a person raised on more modern tables (like me) enthralled. I have never encountered anyone who actively hated Taxi once they played a few games on it.

I wonder, TZ, in which DLC will it be? 8? 9 maybe? I am kinda wondering about that cause thats the first ever kickstart machine for PA, and they will give all they got on that one, i expect that.
According to Update #10 on TZ's kickstarter page, it's still on schedule for a November release (I'm assuming that's on iOS/Android, with consoles to follow later). That date is some dependent on how many bugs the beta testers unearth - TZ is a very complex table and even the real table sometimes gets confused about what's going on. It will be a challenging table to get perfect on the first try, and if FS delays it a month to fix bugs, I for one will not begrudge them the extra time.


New member
Jul 11, 2012
Yep, I think any licensing money spent on HD could have been better used on a more interesting table. At least for me the theme is weak. I'd give 5 bucks for Taxi though, so its a decent pack.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Every beta player I've spoken to thinks HD is great albeit straightforward fun and it caught us by surprise. We had a fairly lengthy discussion that we just don't get the hate, and most negative feelings towards it must be from people that didn't actually play it and base their opinions on the scores (which are constructed by about 10 people I think). Might very well be a sleeper hit, and has the best physics next to Taxi.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Give Taxi a few games and see if you don't change your mind. It's simple enough to be elegant, yet has just enough complexity to keep a person raised on more modern tables (like me) enthralled. I have never encountered anyone who actively hated Taxi once they played a few games on it.
It's the perfect pick up and play-a-quick-game table and yet challenging once you get the jackpot, multiball and express lane ones as the pickups and multiball reset becomes harder after. Absolute best pre-DMD game for me, even beating Funhouse.

And people should really give HD a shot, it puts me in the same mood as Taxi does (simple straightforward "put a smile on your face" glee). Whereas RBioN, TOTan fulfill one side of the spectrum of pinball for me ("must beat highscore, and table!!!"), Taxi and HD occupy the other "Relaxing, fun, go with the flow, oh yay I beat my highscore!"
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New member
May 10, 2012
It would be nice if people actually play the tables in question before critisizing them, just based on a youtube video, harley looks ok to me, & I'm looking forward to the pack.

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