Volume 4 out on iOS

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
Not cool. I can see no way to just buy the tables as I have before. I am not grinding this out. I don’t play that way. And the menus are still way too cluttered and they are making this WAY too complicated. I am not happy.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I'm not even downloading and installing this newest version until it's made known that the tables are/will be available as a pack purchase. I already purchased all the tables on the Mac (Zen Pinball 2). I'm not grinding through the mess that it is to unlock tables & features on mobile...I don't have the time nor patience for this.

If Zen wants my money, I'm more than willing to shell it out to just buy the tables.

Zen, just let us buy the damn tables, please.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Not cool. I can see no way to just buy the tables as I have before. I am not grinding this out. I don’t play that way. And the menus are still way too cluttered and they are making this WAY too complicated. I am not happy.

Thanks for the heads-up. I won't bother downloading it then. I don't play the grinding game. My time is too valuable to me to play those kind of games. It drains the joy out of the pins for me. If they decide to sell it outright, then I will purchase it. I rarely play Zen Williams anyway as I can't play in landscape mode. I did purchase everything up to this point, but I guess that is over. :(


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Looking at the In-App Purchases in the app's description in the App Store (on the mobile device itself), I see:

Legendary Pinball Pack: $19.99
Williams Pinball: Volume 3: $9.99
Legendary Pinball Pack: $29.99
Williams Pinball: Volume 4: $9.99

(Yes, two different Legendary Pinball Packs)

Maybe Zen is listening?

They just need to make these available in the app itself...I'm assuming they aren't showing according to what I've been reading; I have not installed the update so I can't verify if these In-App Purchases are actually in the game itself.

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
Looking at the In-App Purchases in the app's description in the App Store (on the mobile device itself), I see:

Legendary Pinball Pack: $19.99
Williams Pinball: Volume 3: $9.99
Legendary Pinball Pack: $29.99
Williams Pinball: Volume 4: $9.99

(Yes, two different Legendary Pinball Packs)

Maybe Zen is listening?

They just need to make these available in the app itself...I'm assuming they aren't showing according to what I've been reading; I have not installed the update so I can't verify if these In-App Purchases are actually in the game itself.

Ugh. Well, at least it sounds like it might be there. Now it just needs to show. So frustrating. Including the listings of multiple packs with same name. This stuff all needs to be made more simple for customers and needs to just WORK. But it seems like Zen has been dropping the ball on both of those things and all that does is just frustrate people. Plus, from their end, I would think they’d want my money on release day....lol.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
well dammit,
the volume 4 option is NOT in the in-app store and I spent $10 on zen coins to unlock WH2O to 2 stars...
so I could begin all 3 challenges to unlock parts.
the grinding is out of control - not feasible and not fun.

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
They really do need to rethink their mobile model. It’s a confusing mess.

Additionally, they need to work out their constant error and bug problems. When this app originally rolled out with vol 1, there were server problems. Then volume 4 was held up on ios. Then it’s released but you still have to wait even longer to access the tables. What kind of nonsense is that? This stuff just needs to all work right from the get-go and be a smooth process.

Zen is not a new company, and not even new to mobile. So I don’t really understand why these problems exist. They shouldn’t for an experienced developer. I love the artwork. Love the physics. Love the lighting. Love the choices for tables so far. BUT, the rollout of them and the mobile UI has really sucked and not matched the high standards that the tables themselves do. I hope that gets straightened out...soon.


New member
Apr 9, 2019
I agree that this is a mess but at least it’s the monetization, not the tables. That can be easily fixed. Please follow SYT’s advice and post all concerns to their Facebook or twitter account. They will react to those posts. They are trying to find a balance so they can make a buck and produce great tables. If the last few comments made it to Twitter or Facebook, you would see change.


May 10, 2013
For the previous two bundles I emailed and asked if it was possible to simply buy the tables, and they arranged it. No stress, no fuss. Grinding for Zen coins is a Hell No for me. I agree with others that it takes all of the fun out of it.

Maybe I'm a little cranky today but I'm slightly annoyed that I might have to write again to ask to buy the tables. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of Hurricane, White Water or Red&Ted so the temptation level is real low and and I'm not excited enough to put out the extra effort.

ANd I'm a little bothered that, just now, when I touched the "WIlliams Pinball Legendary Collection" bundle in the app – hoping to see what it was – it gave me the "Confirm purchase" pop-up. If my thumb happens to be on the home button that's an auto-purchase. Grr. Now I really am annoyed.


New member
Apr 14, 2019
I was really mad when I first upgraded the app. Not only did I have to wait a week and a half to get the tables but now I can't even play them because I have to unlock them one by one. And that's going to be awhile because for the life of me I can't beat the easy level on White Water. Also the watch an add to get free tickets is no longer every 2 hours its every 24 hours.

....but the regular challenges have a huge change that really changes things for me. You can reset them when you finish the challenge! To reset the first two levels (I can't remember what they are called) is 20 and 30 tickets respectively. So play all three star levels, collect all the rewards, pay 20 or 30 tickets to reset (still keeping what you already got) and restart. I've been doing it over and over. I've collected about 1,500 tickets and 20 coins since this afternoon. The 3rd level I swear I was able to reset for tickets but now it wants 5 coins to reset. I should have paid better attention. Also if you don't like the challenger its only 5 tickets to try a different one. I haven't seen a limit to the number of resets. It does start the 24hr countdown clock each time you do it but basically anytime you want for a small amount of tickets (that you will more than make back if you win the challenge) you can grind to your hearts content. I thought I might not get anything to level 4 the old way. Now I might have everything fully unlocked in a week or two.


New member
Oct 4, 2018
It's painful as there's a quality game buried beneath it all, it's no match for the PC version but I enjoy playing it and want it to succeed. As previously suggested by myself and other members the endless changes are disheartening and reactive. I'm willing to cut Zen a lot of slack, mobile is a horrendous platform but even their most devoted fans are losing faith and patience.

Surely it should be grind or pay? Just sell the tables at normal prices, if people want to mess around grinding give them a fixed system or advert to play. It still feels like a beta four months later.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I swear I'm the lone voice around here that doesn't mind a grind model of playing. I get a thrill out of earning stuff without spending a dime!

Truthfully though, without the grind I don't open the app daily. I maxed all my tables, earned a healthy overflow of coins, and then stopped playing as I waited for Vol. 4 to drop. For the brief period I got it to work on my iPhone this weekend, I was right back to being an addict in feverish grind mode. Now then, do I like the constant changes and current rewards for grinding? Nope. I don't think it's friendly to new players in the least, as it's barely friendly to a Day 1 player like myself. The flip side is, if the app were purely purchase to play, it'd be like the Zen Pinball app on my phone; never touched because I didn't purchase any tables.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I swear I'm the lone voice around here that doesn't mind a grind model of playing. I get a thrill out of earning stuff without spending a dime!

Truthfully though, without the grind I don't open the app daily. I maxed all my tables, earned a healthy overflow of coins, and then stopped playing as I waited for Vol. 4 to drop. For the brief period I got it to work on my iPhone this weekend, I was right back to being an addict in feverish grind mode. Now then, do I like the constant changes and current rewards for grinding? Nope. I don't think it's friendly to new players in the least, as it's barely friendly to a Day 1 player like myself. The flip side is, if the app were purely purchase to play, it'd be like the Zen Pinball app on my phone; never touched because I didn't purchase any tables.

How often do you just play a regular game of pinball on there? Not a challenge or trying to earn something?
If your answer is never or rarely, then when you really think about it, in a way we are playing two very different apps. Neither play style is wrong or bad, we just want different things out of the app.

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