Volume 4 out on iOS


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I reached out to Zen about a plain old purchase option for Vol 4 on iOS. Below is the response I received. I assume that is a No. Guess they aren’t interested in my money or in me playing their app in the future.

Thanks for reaching out and sorry about the delayed response!

We try to find the best possible pricing and unlock system that suits everyone - this is why you might find changes in the part bundles or the table bundles available. We'll try to be more consistent in the future regarding the new bundles.

Thanks for your understanding about this!

Best regards,
Ray Kiss
Community Representative

I don't understand why I got the offer but not you. Isn't this digital? Why are there inconsistencies?


New member
Jan 14, 2016
My impression is that on Android, the initial release of the volume 4 build was so messed up that nobody saw the "plain old purchase" option - either it was left out on purpose or bugged and didn't show up for anyone. By the time they fixed it a few weeks later, I had already unlocked the volume 4 tables to 2 stars, I am guessing that is why the offer didn't ever show up for me. All of this is guesswork, there is no transparency into what is happening and it definitely seems like there are different things appearing for different people on the same platform.

I am on the beta build still, so that's another possible explanation for the offer never being presented.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
My impression is that on Android, the initial release of the volume 4 build was so messed up that nobody saw the "plain old purchase" option - either it was left out on purpose or bugged and didn't show up for anyone. By the time they fixed it a few weeks later, I had already unlocked the volume 4 tables to 2 stars, I am guessing that is why the offer didn't ever show up for me. All of this is guesswork, there is no transparency into what is happening and it definitely seems like there are different things appearing for different people on the same platform.

I am on the beta build still, so that's another possible explanation for the offer never being presented.

Nobody on either platform has said the option to buy Volume 4 ever appeared, it was only by asking to do so through support (I think?) that anyone was able to do so.

The only offers that appeared were:

250 coins to get White Water at 2 stars (which also then opened up the 3rd challenge in the timed event)
2000 coins to get the 'legendary pack' though I have no clue what was in it

after the White Water offer expired, there was...

250 coins to get both Hurricane and Road Show at 2 stars (not sure if this offer is still valid or has expired)

While there was different models of the game being presented during the initial Vol 1-2 release, as of Vol 3 there's been parity among everyone to the best of my knowledge. The only difference comes depending on when you actually open up a new update for the first time, as that sets the timer on expiring offers. I do agree though that Zen needs to be more transparent with the purchase models and what they are planning. Especially prior to implementing a change, we should be alerted to what that change is going to be so that we may prepare while using the current purchase model.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
It’s still being offered currently to me even though I have them all at 2 stars already.

I just want to purchase all three with everything unlocked like they have done previously. What does it cost to buy 250 coins? I'm not sure that is even a good deal for half of two of the three pins. I find this system confusing, which might be what they are trying to do.


New member
Jun 9, 2019
I just want to purchase all three with everything unlocked like they have done previously. What does it cost to buy 250 coins? I'm not sure that is even a good deal for half of two of the three pins. I find this system confusing, which might be what they are trying to do.

Its way to expensive compare to console price, and you dont even have the full feature unlocked. For the three table you need to purchase 800 coins, and speaking of Canadian currencies here, its 27,99$, which is double the price of fully access on other platforms. Its really not a good deal.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I just want to purchase all three with everything unlocked like they have done previously. What does it cost to buy 250 coins? I'm not sure that is even a good deal for half of two of the three pins. I find this system confusing, which might be what they are trying to do.

I've said it before, I'll say it again; nobody faults the casino for not having windows or clocks, for having labyrinthian layouts and no clear paths to exits, all in the name of keeping you there as long as they possible can to get the most money from you. The mobile market is the same way; convert your real money into fake currency that is sold in weird pack sizes that don't correspond easily to the very things you want to buy. The other similarity of the two is all you have to do is put a little effort and time into it, and you'll be able to navigate with clarity and understanding.

That being said...

It's 250 coins to unlock each Volume 4 table to 2 stars. I only see White Water and Road Show as options right now.
It takes 20 parts to get any table to 2 stars, plus 900 tickets. So each part is costing you 12.5 coins
A pack of 25 coins costs $1, so 50 cents per part at the worst. Pack of 800 costs $20, which brings the per part cost down to 40 cents

Zen wants you to play the daily challenges. They want to encourage engagement with the game on a regular basis. If you have already purchased the Vol. 1-3 tables, it can take as little as a week to earn the needed parts for Vol 4 to upgrade to 2 stars. Basic and Advanced challenges offer 1 part for Easy, 2 parts for Normal, and 3 parts for Hard. There's 12 parts, just by playing 2 challenges to completion (and neither is asking for a huge score). Cycle the challenges for 20 and 30 tix respectively, now you've gone to 24 parts in one day. Technically with that method you can be at 2 stars in as little as 3 days, but the reality of non even parts distribution means you'll have to put in another day or two of playing and then there you are.

The challenges are fun, they help focus your play, and there's a growing set of strategy videos on YouTube that I've been making to help you accomplish just that.

Once you are at 2 stars, I completely understand how the grind for 3 and 4 is daunting and why you might want to just throw money at the game. Here's a wise way of spending then...

Pro physics cost 150 coins
Pro difficulty (AKA tournament settings) cost 100 coins
Visual enhancements cost 75 coins

So for 325 coins you can unlock most of the features (no offline play, no practice mode) that would come with a fully upgraded table, and that is a one time purchase that works on all tables that come into the game.
350 coins cost $10

If (and that's a big IF) Zen continues with the 'limited time event' next volume, earning 2 stars on those will be isolated and achievable inside a week also. Suddenly that $10 you spent effectively lowers to $5 per pack. Come Volume 6, it'll be $3.33 per pack, and so on and so on.

But I know, I know, "I just want to turn on and play pinball, not jump through these stupid hoops and game modes I have no interest in". You still get to play pinball, you're not being asked to play Barbie's Fun Time Unicorn Adventure prior to playing pinball, and you've already waited this long for the tables, you can't put in a week's worth of time and effort?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
No, I can’t do it. The challenges to me aren’t pinball. It’s like having to go to a driving range every day for a month before being allowed to play a round of golf.
But thanks for taking the time to explain all that stuff. Saves me the time of trying to figure it out for myself.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
No, I can’t do it. The challenges to me aren’t pinball. It’s like having to go to a driving range every day for a month before being allowed to play a round of golf.
But thanks for taking the time to explain all that stuff. Saves me the time of trying to figure it out for myself.

Some would argue you shouldn't even step foot on a golf course without first practicing on the driving range and putting green! It's sort of how I approach the challenges, as practice, but it's also what I do after bashing around on any new table for a few rounds. I go into practice mode, learning shots, figuring out how to start multiball, where the big points are.

Glad I could spare you grief though, limited as I think it'd be.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I contacted Zen regarding the $9.99 purchase of all of the Volume 4 tables stating that it's clearly shown in the App Store that Volume 4 is an In-App Purchase and that I have not see any indication of it being available anywhere for purchase in the Williams App itself. Despite me telling my Zen contact that the Volume 4 offer is clearly visible in the App Store, he wanted to know where I saw such an offer being advertised...here's the screen shot I sent him:


IMO, these advertised In-App Purchases should be made available to all, regardless of whatever reason Zen decides to limit them to...

If you're going to advertise the In-App Purchase, it needs to be provided for purchase and not hidden or limited to when Zen decides to allow it for those select few (for whatever reason). It's otherwise false advertising and baiting for something that's not there.
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New member
Sep 14, 2012
What’s the announce and release schedule been like so far? Wondering how long it’ll be before we start hearing about 5.


New member
Apr 14, 2019
No announcement that I know of but in another thread the prevailing theory was mid to late August for the next release. As of a week or so ago vol had not entered beta. That’s the last I heard.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I’m with you MadScience2006. Certainly misleading.
I don’t understand their game plan here anyway. Leave it the way it is for the people that like the grind, but allow the purchase option for those non-grinders. As it is now, I don’t even open their app anymore. So I don’t watch their adds, don’t buy their tickets, don’t buy their coins. Just ignoring a segment of their market seems goofy.


Sep 19, 2014
Sadly the game plan is the same as all the other mobile games that have the same Freemium model. By introducing a grind to unlock a free game, the plan is that they will get more money from the few people who will buy up their premium currency to skip the grind than they would from people who will pay a more reasonable $10 outright for the whole game. Apparently it works, though I really don't understand why. Mobile is a secondary platform for me, but I won't touch it without a simple purchase option at a reasonable price.

I mean, come on, if the best defense I see here is comparing it to a casino of all things, there's a real problem with the model.


New member
Apr 14, 2019
I can see a model in the middle. New games go to the freemium model for awhile say a year then they stay in that model but you can also purchase them outright.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Zen are being too inconsistent and vague with these In-App Purchases. If they're advertised, they should be available.

Why are some being presented with the offer to purchase while others are not?

Someone here mentioned (I forgot who) that they were offered the Volume 4 tables for outright purchase. I personally have never been presented with the offer for Volume 4 which is the reason that I emailed them as outlined in my previous post above.

One of the past Volume offers was for a limited time that I missed out on and contacting Zen via email corrected that and I was able to purchase it. Another Volume offer was only showing on one device despite all devices being signed in under the same Apple ID (In-App Purchases apply to all devices under the same Apple ID) Going by this, they can apparently fix (on their end) the offer being presented to you or not. This also indicates that they are controlling (for whatever arcane reason) who is getting the Volume purchase(s) presented to them.

My Zen contact stated that the Volume 4 tables were not available as a group purchase (thus asking me where I saw the offer as I mentioned above) but are available individually for purchase using Zen Coins. Looking on my devices, the only tables I have being offered to me for purchase using Zen Coins are White Water and Road Show...Hurricane is not offered. All of these three Volume 4 tables have been ground to Grade 2. Why am I not being offered Hurricane to purchase with Zen Coins???

This is just plain nuts. :eek:
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Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
Zen are being too inconsistent and vague with these In-App Purchases. If they're advertised, they should be available.

Why are some being presented with the offer to purchase while others are not?

Someone here mentioned (I forgot who) that they were offered the Volume 4 tables for outright purchase. I personally have never been presented with the offer for Volume 4 which is the reason that I emailed them as outlined in my previous post above.

One of the past Volume offers was for a limited time that I missed out on and contacting Zen via email corrected that and I was able to purchase it. Another Volume offer was only showing on one device despite all devices being signed in under the same Apple ID (In-App Purchases apply to all devices under the same Apple ID) Going by this, they can apparently fix (on their end) the offer being presented to you or not. This also indicates that they are controlling (for whatever arcane reason) who is getting the Volume purchase(s) presented to them.

My Zen contact stated that the Volume 4 tables were not available as a group purchase (thus asking me where I saw the offer as I mentioned above) but are available individually for purchase using Zen Coins. Looking on my devices, the only tables I have being offered to me for purchase using Zen Coins are White Water and Road Show...Hurricane is not offered. All of these three Volume 4 tables have been ground to Grade 2. Why am I not being offered Hurricane to purchase with Zen Coins???

This is just plain nuts. :eek:

It is. Zen really needs to get it’s act together here, provide more transparency and more consistency. They have been all over the place and it’s not like we all haven’t noticed.

And I get that they might think they earn more money that way, but how much more could they be getting? How much are they leaving on the table by not providing an option to those who want it? It seems like a really strange business decision to alienate some of the people who are the most passionate about pinball and thus who would be your best customers.

I have to ask the question...if grinding through ads is the better income generator for them, why don’t they do their own tables that way? How come they sell those for a set price and not an unlock through grinding method?

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