This is one of my top hated tables (along with Genie, Class of... etc). It has some of the worst features from tables:
- Lots of sideway movements. Most movements from the upper part of the table ends up in the sling-shots, side-targets, back to sling-shots and eventually down an outlane. This is probably what I hate most with this table.
- Very bad balance between what you are supposed to do and the tools you have to do it. Many countdowns but most of that time is spent in the mid part of the table bouncing off sling-shots. Very frustrating.
- Bad music / sound effects
- "Magnets" on outlanes.
- Very bouncy flippers that adds to the general difficulty to apply some skills to the table.
- One incredibly important shot. Basically, your high-score are HIGHLY dependant on one skill-shot (sort of like Bride of pinbot and Who dunnit).
- No real gameplay. Just: get multiball, fail to increase the jackpot, get the puny jackpot. Repeat.
- Super difficult Wizard goals (that makes me come back for more torture). The 5M ramp shot seems possible during the right circumstances, but the constantly resetting 5x jackpot? WTF?
It was nice to get that out of my system![]()
Yeah but real pinball games have subwoofers. laptops and ipad's don't.
This game is totally evil for tournaments. The only pain worse then losing because you bricked your double score is not getting the chance for one because ramp millions overrode it. And worse then that is a house ball off the plunge robbing you of your chance for it. house balls form the bumpers naturally go down the right outlane... "NOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" indeed
I get that the flipper gap is big and I'm ok with that. But those f###ing outlanes. Almost impossible to make a save in iOS when a ball get in the outlane area. So that is where I'd like it eased up a bit. I like the rest of the pin. But the outlanes ruin the fun for me.
I went into the programming and there is an "average ball time" option. It's set at 30SECONDS by default. That's weak. Just for the heck of it I changed it to 59 seconds and for the first minute it kind of slowed it down by not having the slingshots so powerful etc. Of course as soon as the minute was up I'd drain almost immediately. It's maddening that DE would purposely design a pinball machine that was made for the sole purpose of sucking quarters and giving you very little enjoyment for your money.
Finally have my copy tonight!It's just as awesome as I remember it being from back in the day. This is one that I tried to acquire several times, but never worked out. (People usually wanted an arm and a leg for the table) The artwork, the music, and the gameplay is stellar, I'm not sure how anyone can truly hate this table?
Pardon my ignorance but having never played in a tourney I don't know what a house ball is. Please advise?