wear and tear on iPad (or mini) any issues


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I am playing a lot of pinball and doing a lot of flipping. I am wondering how the screen holds out with all the constant pressing / flipping especially when you press extra hard to try and save a SDTM. Has anyone experienced any issues with wear or does the hard ware hold up to this. I was also concerned about this on the iPhone as well but the older iPhone 4 seems to have a better build quality.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I had a clear screen protector on my ipad and it started to wear through right where I keep my thumbs for the flippers. So I had to replace it after only 4 months. No big deal as they are pretty cheap. Other than that I haven't run into any problems yet.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Was it Kevlar, or someone had a thread reporing he had worn through the surface coating on his ipad where he flipped?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Yeah it was me but not as bad as it sounds, its just that even after cleaning if I hold my ipad at an angle to see reflections I can still see where my thumbs go, like I've worn away some of the oleophobic coating. I doubt anyone else would even notice it.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
I often find myself mashing into the smartphone screen when caught up in the game. I try to remind myself to be "precise like a sniper, not heavy-handed like a weightlifter".


New member
Apr 21, 2013
i did an inspection in good light everything looks ok and based on feed back there have been no serious issues which is good. I just have to remind myself don't press so hard easy on it still flips the same.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
i don't use any screen protector at all, and my iPad2 has held up fine. i have played a TON and i mean a TON of pinball since the day TPA was released. that's a lot of presses all on pretty much the same two areas, and the thing seems fine. can't tell any difference. it seems the screen itself is tougher than the protectors.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
it seems the screen itself is tougher than the protectors.

There are many different brands of protectors on the market to purchase. You can get them for $1 or pay $40. You get what you pay for. I've seen so many naked iPads with scratches on the screens and I always think to myself if the person had only applied a protector the scratch wouldn't be there.

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