Well, Now I Own A Pinball Machine Too!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Look at what is now sitting in my garage...


This was completely out of the blue for me. So I was given a "gift" of $500 from my in-laws. We get these time to time, and they come with rules. Rule #1, money can't be used to pay bills. Rule #2, it has to be spent on something fun. So immediately, I'm thinking what big ticket item can I buy. I want a new bike, but I don't really need one. I want a new TV, but what I want costs waaaaaay more than five hundred. Then I thought, I wonder what type of pinball machine on craigslist I could find for that?

As I'm looking, the only things even close to that range were EMs, and I'm not a fan of those at all. I mean, I've always wanted a pinball machine, but not and EM. Then I see the ad for this Firepower. Just got posted that day, and for exactly what I have. Hmmmm, coincidence?

I am so not an impulse shopper. If I want something, I research the hell out of it. I have been so far removed from the possibility of buying a table, I haven't even begun seeing what's what. The only thing I do know, is the tables I want, they cost a bunch. Seeing Firepower for that price seemed like a good entry point for me.

I have no history with the machine. I'd played it in VP and PHOF, but that's it. On the plus side, it's got multiball, I like the sound, it's well known, and Steve Ritchie designed it. On the negative, no ramps, no wizard type goals.

It was ultimately driving me crazy trying to decide if I should even consider this, so I called to check availability. It hadn't sold yet. 13 other people had already called. Someone was driving out that night if it hadn't sold already. The seller had just gotten served divorce papers and was selling off ALL his toys before the soon to be ex could claim half.

In other words, time was of the essence.

An hour later, I knocked on his door. Dude was totally frazzled. He'd already sold off his pool table. Motorcycle was selling in a half hour. I turned on the machine to make sure it worked, and everything lit up. He gets a phone call..."the pinball table? It might be sold, hold on...Hey, you gonna buy it?" Umm, I don't know yet? I ask if I can remove the glass, he's like nope, take it or leave it, others want it, I got things to do. Oh man, this is really going against my better judgement now!

Play field has wear, some plastics are mildly warped, and one of the pop bumpers has broken plastic where it meets the table. I fire a ball into action, it rolls well. Pop bumpers all work fine, flippers seem fine. I ask if he's got the manual or anything. He just looks at me. "I've had the table for 15 years, and that's where it's sat the entire time. I can't believe I have to sell it. F**kin' b**ch, she's gonna love that."

Oh what the hell, let's roll the dice. I don't even bother negotiating since he's been getting even more phone calls about it this entire time. "I had no idea this machine was so popular. Maybe I should have gone online to see how much I should be asking." I told him no, it's just tables move quickly in Los Angeles.

I give him the money, we take the machine outside, and now I really see it in all it's glory in the daylight. What the hell did I just buy? Now I notice the dirt. Now I notice the cracking rubber. The scrapes on the cabinet. Did I just make a huge mistake? I can't believe I did, since I feel I could flip this real easily considering how many calls he's gotten. For a complete noob, this seems like a good starter table. If I put in the basic TLC, with minimal money spent, I figure I can come out ahead. Maybe trade up to something better.

Get the table home, the wife points to the garage and says that's where it's gonna live. Meanwhile, my 7 year old boy is going nuts, yelling at the top of his lungs for all the neighbor kids to hear, that we have a pinball table! I plugged it in, called him over, and this is the result...


That pretty much makes the entire thing worth it right there, even if I did make a boneheaded purchase. Isn't that the rule for your first table anyways? I pulled the glass, checked every target, and they all worked. Key to the coin door worked, but it doesn't appear to be the correct key to the back box. Looks like I'll be needing to pick that lock somehow. I have no idea if ownership is the hobby for me or not, but it looks like I'm about to dive right in and see. I'll take a butt load of pics tomorrow and find out from you guys just how much trouble I've gotten myself into.

Fingers crossed!


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Damn, money to just blow on something fun? Too bad my fiscally responsible self won't let me do that.

Anyhow, you could've told the seller that if he asked for more, his ex would get more. He's holding a fire sale to screw his ex on the stuff after all.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Damn, money to just blow on something fun? Too bad my fiscally responsible self won't let me do that.

Anyhow, you could've told the seller that if he asked for more, his ex would get more. He's holding a fire sale to screw his ex on the stuff after all.

Actually he was holding a fire sale because she drained the bank account and he needed to save his house. You could tell he was barely keeping it together. Said he was out of state on a turkey hunt (uh, okay?) and got home yesterday to find all her stuff completely removed from the house. Then a guy knocks on the door and served him papers. Brutal.

My fiscally responsible wife normally wouldn't let me do this either. That's why my mother in-law sent the check in the mail addressed to me! Then my wife started thinking of things she might like, which opened the door wide open. Believe me, if I didn't spend it within a week, it would have been absorbed into the bank account and we'd have to make up some B.S. story about what we bought!

It's funny, since I really didn't have any time to think about having the money, I don't really feel like I spent it. Instead a pinball machine just magically appeared in my garage!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Awesome! There's no way you made a bonehead purchase, man. It's a great first machine.

I say who cares about a few scratches? Those just add character, in my opinion. Like you said, just some TLC and maintenance and she's gold. I'd leave the cabinet paint and scratches as is, if it were mine, but I'm the kind of guy who likes that sort of thing. It shows that it has history and isn't just a stuffy trophy piece....anyways, you did good, man!


New member
May 10, 2012
Great story and picture.

There is no way that is a bad choice or price. Well done.

A few repairs on a more than 30 years young machine is bound to happen. The only way this could be a poor purchase is if the thing explodes in the next 24 hours ;-) Have tons of fun. Looks like it could be a hit with the family(at least the kids) also

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Looks like your kid is on his way to PAPA.

I probably wouldn't be a pinball nut today if my parents hadn't bought a machine. You can rest your head tonight knowing that you've planted a seed of joy in a young boy's heart....and now I'm getting choked up....talk amongst yourselves! :D


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Glad this worked out SYT. Good that you got to see it in person and start her up. Looks better in your pictures than it did in the Craig's list ad. I get the feeling that picture of your kids playing will be a photo you cherish for a long time.
As I said last night, Firepower is a great pin. Enjoy playing her.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Dirt conserves the whole thing, honestly :) good choice and good price... Congratulations!
Just add $50 for rubbers and new balls and you're done!

Prepare yourself to want a second one! ;)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Well done! And I don't think you need to have any remorse, even if it's in less-than-ideal condition. You've made off with a great early SS for half a thousand that was "mad money" anyway.

That pretty much makes the entire thing worth it right there, even if I did make a boneheaded purchase. Isn't that the rule for your first table anyways?
I don't know...Twilight Zone and I tend to think otherwise! :D

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Its not a whos table is better cintest sean

Ban youserlf right now young man

Edit - firepowers better
It had nothing to do with whose table was better; it was an illustration that not all first-time machine purchases are boneheaded.
Last edited:

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Seems like you made a great decision to me. $500 for a modernish pinball machine that you can use to see if you enjoy working on/maintaining them? That, plus the fun your kids seem to be having with it make it a no-brainer!


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Great read. Fast forward 1 year and I bet it won't be standing there alone :D. Well done, you won't regret it I'm sure. Looking forward to the photos.

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