What are your favorite "excitable" or "hype" tables?


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Apr 20, 2012
First, you lock the third ball to initiate Multiball by hitting the center ladder shot, then loud sirens and bells go off. You're getting ready for it on:



Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Every Gottlieb game does it that has D-O-U-B-L-E you are mistaking DOUBLE Round, where you can EARN double letters, for what you get when you actually spell double.

Surf N' Safari is the first game i've seen that does this, but cue ball wizard will do it too. ALL of these games will try to distract you with flashers during the double.

Here is the buildup for that game, complete with drain within 6 seconds after starting (lol)

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New member
Aug 27, 2014
In general my "excitable" would be making it to wizard mode in any pinball game. That is a pretty rewarding experience by itself that is quickly replaced with "you've made it this far, now don't screw it up"


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Jan 5, 2013
Just about any wizard mode will get the blood pumping for me. In TNG, annihilating that Delta Quadrant ramp enough to hear Picard go "PREPARE FOR MAXIMUM ACCELERATION." lets ou know that you're in Warp 9 mode, and you better not screw up the left loop-Delta Quadrant wombo combo. Spotting that M in RANSOM on BK2K is always Hype. Just seeing it go "R-A-N-S-O-M" on the DMD, and that music that plays in the background as it lists what's lit in the king's Ransom, it's preparing you. And I find myself humming the mode's music. Loudly. Getting the Grand Finale in ToM is another thing. Just desperately trying to hit anything worth hitting, while you got the assistant going "You must believe in magic!" has you pumped, trying to score that 500 million. Lost in the Zone from TZ. Holy ****, the chaos in that wizard mode is delicious. When you hear "You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.", you know things are gonna go down. The list goes on for me.


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Aug 27, 2014
My locale pinball league played at a local collectors house last night - got to play a lot of TPA digitized tables IRL -many for the first time - TotAN, Dracula, CV, NGG, CC, Centaur. And some nice surprises including big bang bar which I spent a lot of time on -amazing game.

Wanted to mention (for the purposes of this thread) - I was kind of blown away by the multibqll mode in Lost in Space - it's a Sega and has a bit of look and feel of ST. The multi ball mode catches the first ball on a spinning plate, then catches a second ball and then a third - an amazing EDM riser music plays as the balls spin faster and faster on the plate until it explodes. It was a cool experience that made want to keep playing the game just to go for multiballs.


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Jul 31, 2014
- RTU in Attack from Mars
- Atlantis in Ripley's

Funny thing with AfM, the official flyer shows RTU as a yellow/orange button; it should be green. Probably, the flyer designer never reached RTU and just didn't know it.

Captain B. Zarre

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Apr 16, 2013
I have to give mention to the Casino Run intro animation in JackBot. The sounds in the background and just how exceptionally well-animated it is just adds to how enjoyable the actual mode is.

Also, the start of Tri-Ball on Jurassic Park. The loud sounds and the storm in the background give off an awesome vibe and really makes you hyped. Plus the Jackpot animations aren't bad either.


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Jul 6, 2012
- Saving the princess on Tales Of The Arabian Nights
- Turning the light red on High Speed
- Multiball and King's Ransom on Black Knight 2000 (only ever achieved King's Ranson once)
- Oddly enough, Multiball on Firepower
- Scared Stiff on Scared Stiff
- Feel The Power on Whirlwind
- Grand Finale in Theatre Of Magic (50 million... 50 million... 50 million...)
- Atlantis on Ripley's Believe It Or Not (only ever achieved once)
- The little musical jingle at the end of an adventure on Junk Yard (ironically only usually played when you didn't get all the fireworks)
- The Roof on Who Dunnit?

...There are others that I'll think of.

Forgot one of my other favorites:

- Joining the Cirqus in Cirqus Voltaire (and in particular unmasking Voltaire, "I am Voltaire.")


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Jul 31, 2014
Bride of Pinbot...basically everything that happens on that pin.

if you get big wheel and Billionnaire Club, then it's hype.
Billions are flowing here and there .. left right... etc sometimes you get bored with too many extraballs
Just made 7,6 billions like that ...

Michael Taylor

New member
Aug 18, 2014
My Fave "Excitable" from any TPA table (though I can NEVER get to it, not good enough): MM's "Battle for the Kingdom" Wizard mode, the music is freakin' AWESOME!

My Fave "Excitable" from any Table(s) in General (I can't decide as I also play some tables on Visual Pinball): Probably the Main Play Theme from R911, WCS and CV's Highwire Multiball

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