What else are you looking forward to on PS4?


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Mercenary Kings can only be completed if you play multiplayer. Just too hard single player due to the clock. So your choices are have a mate at your house, mate online to join you, or go public and hope they can play (or thats' there intention). Either way, it's like Metal Slug on steroids.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Mercenary Kings can only be completed if you play multiplayer. Just too hard single player due to the clock. So your choices are have a mate at your house, mate online to join you, or go public and hope they can play (or thats' there intention). Either way, it's like Metal Slug on steroids.

Hm that doesn't sound good. There's a strict time limit or something? Anyway on the plus side I found that in Resogun your game doesn't end or anything if all the little green men get killed, so yay, I don't have to worry about them and can just shoot stuff. : )


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Yeah, that time limit kills my enjoyment. After the first couple of missions, it's like I spend the entire time exploring and finding out where I need to go and then on the 2nd try, I'll know where to go and get the job done. I'd play it if it wasn't for the time limit.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'm actually looking forward to playing Super Motherload again on the PS4.


I made the mistake of writing if off as a weird puzzle game when I first saw the trailer for it, but I recently bought it when it went on sale for $3.75 for Plus members (it's normally $15) and wow, is it awesome!

It's a pretty unique game, with elements of Dig-Dug and Mr. Driller.
It has a very rewarding collection and upgrade system too. It's a lot of fun figuring out how to collect the resources in the best way too earn the most money for upgrading.

I've played through it 3 times now on the PS3, and thanks to the free PS4 version being included with Cross-Buy I get to play through it again on the PS4. I'll go for my hardcore difficulty run on that.

The music is also very well done as well. You can listen to the tunes on Bandcamp

Unfortunately Super Motherload doesn't have a "Next Gen" look to it so it's gone mostly underappreciated.
Most reviewers also didn't do it justice either. The IGN review was terrible and the guy obviously had no clue what he was doing.
The Destructoid reviewer was more informed.

Their live action trailer confused a lot of people too, though I think it was neat, especially after beating the game and learning the backstory. I think they should have had it in the game. It would have been a cool throwback to PS1 games with strange FMV like Warhawk, Krazy Ivan. ;)

When I have about 50 PS3/PS4/Wii U games in the backlog and I find myself playing through this game 3+ times... that says something about the game. :p

I recommend it for something different in between blockbusters.
Last edited:
Feb 19, 2014
3 things that kill Mercenary Kings for me.

1 delayed jumping. Just, not sure what they were thinking with that.

2 delayed crouching... Or rather, just wierd crouching. You need to come to a complete stop to crouch.

I guess they did this to diffentiate from Metal Slug, but it just feels so wrong in a 2D run and gun.

And the 3rd big no no is reloading.

At the end of the day id just much rather be playing Contra or Metal Slug. Even the graphics don't touch metal slug in the slightest, I appreciate the art style but why blow it up so much to the point of pixelation. Metal Slug and even Contra never had grainy, pixelated art on the original CRT monitors they were displayed on, the graphics looked like living, breathing 2D artwork.

Oh and I guess a 4th is the open world thing. I just wanna run and gun, in well made levels, open world is just a fail for this type of game.

They tried to be different and failed IMO. Already deleted this off my ps4, not trying to be a hater it's just not for me for reasons I listed.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Yeah the jump delay is weird, and I find the time limit and respawning enemies to be a strange decision. Hm I guess it was probably for multiplayer or something. Eh.

I think I may still end up liking the game a bit. Played through an actual real level and it was decent fun, did have to hurry past some parts in order to make the time limit, in a way though that makes you do a different kind of decision making than you usually have to do in a game like this. It's definitely intentionally slowed down pacing-wise vs a Metal Slug; I probably would have preferred a Metal Slug (or more MS-style game) too, but then again with MS I feel like I always blow through them pretty quickly and then am not all that compelled to go back and do it over again--with MK they evidently were looking for ways to ramp up the playtime and play-throughs, the old home vs arcade thing.
Feb 19, 2014
I hear ya.

Just not for me.

Another game that is not for me is BF4.

I wrote my original mini review and I gotta say, wow, I changed my mind totally.

I dislike battlefield 4 so much, it's actually given me a new found appreciation for Killzone! Lol, I am not joking. I am enjoying Killzone multiplayer so much more as a result of hating bf4 that much!

I realize bf gets a lot of love, but It's just not for me at all. To be fair, I'm not a call of duty fan but I can say I enjoyed the last call of duty (modern warfare 2) that I played much more than this. But to each his own.

Waiting patiently for Destiny.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Man. What a waste of 40$.

Phantasy Star Online was one of my favorite Dreamcast games. It was so fun. Pick a class, customize your dude, enter the world, have fun. Play with people online, interesting locales, great balanced gameplay. Man, would I love to revisit that. If only Dreamcast servers still existed *tears*.

So naturally I got Final Fantasy XIV expecting the same.

Well after about an hour and a half of downloading updates and God knows what, entering code after code, sign up for this, make an account for that, I FINALLY get to the intro.

Hot damn! Looks amazing. Wow. And I believe the intro was real time, because it was shifting between 30 and 60fps. Absolutely gorgeous, epic wasn't even the word. Wow, I thought, can't wait to play this.

Create a character was very in depth. But cool. Made a hot chick, let's do this.

Get to the game. What the... Looks nothing like the intro AT ALL. I know I'm exaggerating but the graphics look like ps2 to me, except in HD. I mean low res textures, pixelated shadows, low poly characters. Granted the art is still very pretty - it felt like I was in that Forrest, thanks to the 1080P HD, it still is lacking graphically and has zero excuse for running at 30Hz for how it looks. I mean, seriously why the low framerate? And 30Hz just looks so juddery, so uneven and so wrong in 1080P. Somehow Phantasy Star Online is smoother at 480P and 30Hz. But whatever, enough graphics talk.

After a long and boring ride with some wired npc hitting on my hot babe, just skipping the dumb dialog, finally OMG GAMEPLAY.

Except it's not gameplay. It's a tutorial. Good God, what the **** am I looking at here? 25 menus all over the screen, just all kinds of confusing. Who the hell wants to sit here and learn all this ****? Is this a video game or a damn college RPG course. I mean seriously I just want to enjoy a good story, go on some quests with friends and have a good time.

I mean this is literally like that Southpark episode and I'm not kidding. Macro this skill that I mean what the **** is all this crap.

Finally get to a Forrest. So it's me and a bunch of I'm assuming other humans running around a field. The graphics are bad but the art is really pretty, and again I'm enjoying the Forrest setting, I'm a huge tree hugging kinda guy and I'm just like man, I want to live here. For real. So this kind of reminded me where I want to move to and be, at an area like this with a cabin and whatnot. So I'm happy for that.

Anyways I notice some creatures. Like a big spider, just chilling there. So I'm like jumping all over him, not sure what to do. Suddenly it locks on and I press X. Epic battle music starts and I'm suddenly fighting this thing. Uhh what? Why would I want to hurt this spider? What did it ever do to me? So having no ****ing clue how to attack, I'm just pressing buttons. We'll it seems my girl was automatically attacking it. I think. I mean there were 4 menus in front of me, and I still couldn't figure out what the **** to press. Man, all this over a damn spider.

And I mean I couldn't help but chuckle at the musical choice here. I mean really, is epic music like this necessary for what amounts to killing some harmless, innocent creature. It was literally the South Park where they kill a bunch of boars over and over. I thought that was a joke and exaggeration but no that's really how these games are.

And I know that in time I'll be fighting dragons and what not but I mean, come on man. Phantasy Star wasn't like this. In that game you were fighting threatening, formidable foes from the very beginning, not random Forrest creatures.

Anyways I tried running away from the spider, but was still taking damage from it. Wtf. So is there -any- strategy involved here? I mean, can I dodge stuff? Or do I just hope that I'm more powerful than the creature I'm attacking? What fun is a game that immediately throws you into a lame grindfest.

Look I'm well aware that there is a market for these types of games but. Man. This is just not for me in the slightest. I really should have done my homework much better. I have never played World of Warcraft so I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I figured its Final Fantasy, I love the turn based games, how could I go wrong? And especially loving when Phantasy Star went online, which was also originally a turn based series, I thought this would be a home run. But no, no you couldn't pay me to turn that on again.

I mean I'm sorry but when it takes an hour just to learn how to play the damn game that's just a major turnoff in my book. What ever happened to accessibility? Pick up and play? These types of overly conveluted, overly complicated, devoid of actual gameplay "point and click" type games just don't belong on consoles. This is exactly the reason I was never into PC gaming. IMO when you can't pick something up and play, then the game fails hard at accessibility. What a turn off. Games like these give gaming a bad name I'm sorry. Yuck. I need a shower.

Final Thoughts: I wasted another 40$, I could be playing Trials or idk, enjoying some drinks. I write this review for people like me. If you like Fighting games, Shooting games (2D and 3D), turn based RPG, racing, action Bayonetta Gears of War Halo Metal Gear solid you know GOOD **** stay the **** away from crap like this and thank me later. Sheesh.

*sigh*. The wait for Destiny Continues.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
On a brighter note:

Strider kicks major ass! 15$ we'll spent. Highly recommended.

Trials rocks. 20$ or 40$, great game.

Pure Chess is amazing, best 11.99$ I've spent on psn. Seriously. I love chess, gorgeous game, buy it.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Pure Chess is amazing, best 11.99$ I've spent on psn. Seriously. I love chess, gorgeous game, buy it.

I had it on PS3; the PS4 version looks identical except for slightly nicer graphics (they're quite nice on PS3 already). I ended up not playing it much, two things kinda bugged me: 1) how the cursor always switches back to your king when it's your move, instead of staying on the last piece you moved--an option to have it do that would be nice, and 2) you can pan the camera around a little while sitting around, but it doesn't give you full movement control, and it doesn't stay where you set it, but immediately resets as soon as you release the stick--so there's little point to the environments looking so nice as the game really just forces you to stare right down at the board from a straight-on view which kind of makes it hard to see pieces that are right next to each other in the same column. While watching a stream of a game played on the PS4 version I found that I much preferred seeing it while it showed a tiny 2D board during the opponent's move (this was a replay of a play-by-mail type multiplayer match, I guess?), and I wondered if I could set Pure Chess to play entirely in a little 2D board view like that. I'm not sure you can, but it eventually occurred to me that I could probably get a tiny 2D version of chess on my Android, and for free, and what do you know, you can--"Droidfish" on Android is free, ad free, runs Stockfish, currently rated the second-best chess engine in existence (Stockfish, which is open source; the highest-rated engine is an expensive proprietary commercial one), and has a very nice, clean interface. Recommended! : D


Sep 12, 2012
October 7th. Dragon Age III. I really wish there was a huge rpg right now to get lost in. Even though I hate EA I do like Bioware's games.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I'll be honest.

Bought the ps4 for pinball arcade, but I'm seeing nothing that interests me, besides Deep Down and it's anyone's guess when that's coming.

Destiny looks underwhelming. When are devs going to copy the only good thing about call of duty, the 60fpsstandard, instead if the dumb stuff like iron sights? Ehh.

This system is certainly no Dreamcast when it comes to quality releases. I may just ditch gaming altogether for a while. It's a pinball box for me and nothing more.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
To be honest I still play my PS3 more than anything else. With so many free games coming out each week on Plus my backlog has grown to about 80 games now.

Once I beat Tomb Raider and L.A. Noire on the PS3 I will start inFAMOUS: Second Son on the PS4.
I'll probably play Super Motherload all over again on the Cross-Buy PS4 version. That game is really one of the best and most addictive games I've played in years.


Jan 18, 2014
I´m looking forward for a racing simulation, same quality as Forza on X-one. Maybe Project Cars will fulfíll my hopes. Otherwise, on a far briefer schedule, Watch Dogs is on my list. Also waiting for a new Fallout in vain.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I´m looking forward for a racing simulation, same quality as Forza on X-one. Maybe Project Cars will fulfíll my hopes. Otherwise, on a far briefer schedule, Watch Dogs is on my list. Also waiting for a new Fallout in vain.

I'm holding out that Gran Turismo 6 gets the Last of Us treatment.


Apr 12, 2012
The new UFC and Sniper Elite games both look great. Those, and Watch Dogs are probably my top wants.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Project Cars would be the game that would make me buy a PS4, providing they've nailed the car physics. I dare not hope for GT7 in the coming years..

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