What is a "Pro" Table?


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Negatives: turning on operator menu, even if you only change the Family Mode that doesn't effect gameplay, makes you inelligable for leaderboard scoring.

That's a massive negative. Playing the game uncensored with the rest of the settings set to default as it should be found in the wild, negates the leaderboards? WTF were they thinking?


New member
Apr 19, 2012
That's a massive negative. Playing the game uncensored with the rest of the settings set to default as it should be found in the wild, negates the leaderboards? WTF were they thinking?

It takes time and resources to implement this kind of thing, and unfortunately I think this is a case where they just didn't see it worth the time and money it would take to decide which settings would affect scoring and which weren't and build the infrastructure capable of detecting what should be permitted or not. It's just easier to say "use the vanilla settings entirely or don't use leaderboards." It would be great if they could do that, but I understand why they would go this route, at least in the early stages.

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