What is your favourite FX2 table/tables?


Nov 23, 2013
Curious what the arcade players like.

I have so far the soccer league table, southpark pack and avengers pack plus epic quest. Good collection?

The free sorcerers lair seem to be right up there in term of quality really nice table too. A common genomer is that it´s perhaps just a tad to hard to fail. There should be at least one risky shot that is quite important :)


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Curious what the arcade players like.

I have so far the soccer league table, southpark pack and avengers pack plus epic quest. Good collection?

The free sorcerers lair seem to be right up there in term of quality really nice table too. A common genomer is that it´s perhaps just a tad to hard to fail. There should be at least one risky shot that is quite important :)

Try Han Solo


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Try Han Solo

Han Solo is probably the easiest table in the game. It's the only one I've had a game last over three hours.

My favourite SW table is Starfighter Assault. It's not difficult, but not unreasonably easy, and a lot of fun. But I also wasted a lot of time on A New Hope. It's probably the most arcade-y table they've made. Not a drain monster, but lose focus and you'll lose your ball. Plus it's largely a two-flipper game, which is very unusual for Zen.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
I have 3 for each set:

Star Wars:

3. The Empire Strikes Back. I like tables with ridiculously deep rulesets and this one is no exception. Nice integration of theme, and lots of modes and Multiballs to complete.
2. Starfighter Assault. Despite this table's rather gray looks, I feel it has one of the most imaginative rules in any Zen table. Shoot for the missions or begin and stack all sorts of modes.
1. Han Solo. Admittedly, at first, I didn't enjoy the table that much. Some of the objectives felt extremely hard, like the "Han Shot First" or "Escaping from Jabba" objectives. But now, I have played it more and more, and I have a passion for it. One of the reasons for it may be the uncanny resemblance to late 90s - early 00s Sterns in the ruleset (Lost World Jurassic Park, High Roller Casino) and part of it may be the theme integration, and part of it may be that it looks like a table that could mostly be done in real life... it's just perfect in every regard. Other than the unbalanced Hurry-Up Jackpots from Battle of Yavin. 57m for one shot!


3. Deadpool. AHHH... humor! Not only does this table have some nice modes and rules, but there is also a great sense of humor. I like Deadpool talking to himself about how the things he say suck. The same designer who did this table did Starfighter Assault, so there are a lot of comparisons between this and Starfighter Assault that rank this table on my top 3.
2. Fear Itself. This table would be my #1. There are a lot of features, yet a sleek playfield that allows easy access to shots. Cool modes and lots of multiball action. The one problem that prevents this table from being a masterpiece is that there are no stacks! This table would be so much cooler if you could stack a Worthy Mode with a Multiball with something like say the Hammer Drop.
1. The Infinity Gauntlet. This is my favorite Marvel table of all time for several reasons. It has a deep ruleset, many modes to complete that can be STACKED (see Fear Itself?) for completion, and two Wizard Modes that have challenged me for a while. This table is so awesome that it convinced me to buy the original Infinity Gauntlet comic... and that's saying something for a digital pinball table.

Zen Classics:

3. Biolab. Despite the theme not making a lick of sense to me (monsters that eat cookies who are trying to escape a lab?) this table is fantastic. No stacking, as per the usual for FX2 tables, but a great atmosphere and some nice features pull me in to play this table again and again.
2. Mars. This table is awesome! Despite there not being any stacking, there are tons of unique modes to complete on this table by shooting every shot. Some of the shots seemed a bit flawed, the Pyramid ramp feels impossible to make when you mean it.
1. Sorcerer's Lair. People have been raving on and on about this table - and I'm one of them. Because it came free with the game, millions of people have played this table and nothing else. The table uses realism as much as possible to create a true pinball experience that rivals all other Zen tables in physics.

I also have strong opinions on South Park: Super Sweet Pinball and The Walking Dead, but I don't want to post them here because it would make this post way too long.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I have 3 for each set:

Star Wars:

3. The Empire Strikes Back. I like tables with ridiculously deep rulesets and this one is no exception. Nice integration of theme, and lots of modes and Multiballs to complete.
2. Starfighter Assault. Despite this table's rather gray looks, I feel it has one of the most imaginative rules in any Zen table. Shoot for the missions or begin and stack all sorts of modes.
1. Han Solo. Admittedly, at first, I didn't enjoy the table that much. Some of the objectives felt extremely hard, like the "Han Shot First" or "Escaping from Jabba" objectives. But now, I have played it more and more, and I have a passion for it. One of the reasons for it may be the uncanny resemblance to late 90s - early 00s Sterns in the ruleset (Lost World Jurassic Park, High Roller Casino) and part of it may be the theme integration, and part of it may be that it looks like a table that could mostly be done in real life... it's just perfect in every regard. Other than the unbalanced Hurry-Up Jackpots from Battle of Yavin. 57m for one shot!


3. Deadpool. AHHH... humor! Not only does this table have some nice modes and rules, but there is also a great sense of humor. I like Deadpool talking to himself about how the things he say suck. The same designer who did this table did Starfighter Assault, so there are a lot of comparisons between this and Starfighter Assault that rank this table on my top 3.
2. Fear Itself. This table would be my #1. There are a lot of features, yet a sleek playfield that allows easy access to shots. Cool modes and lots of multiball action. The one problem that prevents this table from being a masterpiece is that there are no stacks! This table would be so much cooler if you could stack a Worthy Mode with a Multiball with something like say the Hammer Drop.
1. The Infinity Gauntlet. This is my favorite Marvel table of all time for several reasons. It has a deep ruleset, many modes to complete that can be STACKED (see Fear Itself?) for completion, and two Wizard Modes that have challenged me for a while. This table is so awesome that it convinced me to buy the original Infinity Gauntlet comic... and that's saying something for a digital pinball table.

Zen Classics:

3. Biolab. Despite the theme not making a lick of sense to me (monsters that eat cookies who are trying to escape a lab?) this table is fantastic. No stacking, as per the usual for FX2 tables, but a great atmosphere and some nice features pull me in to play this table again and again.
2. Mars. This table is awesome! Despite there not being any stacking, there are tons of unique modes to complete on this table by shooting every shot. Some of the shots seemed a bit flawed, the Pyramid ramp feels impossible to make when you mean it.
1. Sorcerer's Lair. People have been raving on and on about this table - and I'm one of them. Because it came free with the game, millions of people have played this table and nothing else. The table uses realism as much as possible to create a true pinball experience that rivals all other Zen tables in physics.

I also have strong opinions on South Park: Super Sweet Pinball and The Walking Dead, but I don't want to post them here because it would make this post way too long.

Few comments (but of course it's pinball so as long as you have fun, that's all that counts:))

When saying everything on Han Solo could be done in real life, you are forgetting the super strength magna-save, which make it far too easy to avoid losing a ball!

What kills Deadpool for me is the centre shot, where a successful shot leads to a SDTM. Successful shots should never go SDTM. Failed shots should, but not successful shots! It's a bit unfair, but does make for one of Zen's harder tables if you want a challenge. That said, I did have #2 on the PS3 leaderboards for a while (doubt it's still at that position), so it's not bad :)

I picked up the Civil War comic because I liked the table so much. Zen has that affect on you.

Mars is a decent table, but very easy again. ASIDE from the one mission where you need to hit the left-hand targets. They are impossible to hit from a flipper, and each time I play that table my progress grinds to a halt when I need to beat that mission. It's a shame, because it ruins the experience.


Nov 23, 2013
Continue fire away Captain Zarre.

If I would force you to rank a top three :D. I guess I gonna have to collect some more tables wonder when there is sales :)


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Han Solo has some really hard goals. Also in the breadth of the human condition Espy, I think we can agree most mere mortals don't play a three hour game of pinball. That's truly impressive. :cool: That being said, I've done hour long games on it, myself. It may be hard to lose a ball, but that's balanced by some of the shots like carbon freeze Multiball being supremely difficult and a lot of the modes being incredibly difficult to complete. I think it's a table that rewards advanced play along with novice play. Also if you like Star Wars it's just plain fun. Who doesn't want to hang out with Han and Chewie on the Millenium Falcon?

Rebel Assualt is def my #2. I'd put Jedi as my #3.

Captain - I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on walking dead. The table just hasn't grabbed me. Also what's your plan of attack on South Park? I usually go after sarcastaball first.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Han Solo has some really hard goals. Also in the breadth of the human condition Espy, I think we can agree most mere mortals don't play a three hour game of pinball. That's truly impressive. :cool: That being said, I've done hour long games on it, myself. It may be hard to lose a ball, but that's balanced by some of the shots like carbon freeze Multiball being supremely difficult and a lot of the modes being incredibly difficult to complete. I think it's a table that rewards advanced play along with novice play. Also if you like Star Wars it's just plain fun. Who doesn't want to hang out with Han and Chewie on the Millenium Falcon?

Rebel Assualt is def my #2. I'd put Jedi as my #3.

Captain - I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on walking dead. The table just hasn't grabbed me. Also what's your plan of attack on South Park? I usually go after sarcastaball first.

You're right - in that time I only got the wizard mode once. But the magna saves make it far too hard to lose. But I admit it is difficult to win.

P.S. Generally I see an hour-long game as a long game for me. The 3.5 hours I had on Han Solo was quite extreme. But there are some people that are so good at digital pinball that the only challenge is handling the boredom of playing the same table for hours on end...


Nov 23, 2013
Those that take control of the ball should be pretty much immortal on some tables? I don´t have the patience and love chaos so I don´t cradle the ball after each ramp shot :)


Nov 23, 2013
Bought the Marvel pack, Epic Quest and the South Park tables. Have the soccer table since before and Sorcerers lair of course.

Still very first impression but Fear Itself is what draws me in most of the new tables. The musical score is so simple but so genious and brainwashing me like crazy. Voice overs are perfect. I have no clue what super heroes is portraited but maybe that is a plus too. Kind of hard too. Not drainy but I don´t believe I won a single mode yet though been close a couple of times. Is there any trick to the skillshot btw?

I suppose sometime I will get the Star wars tables inevitably. That Master of the forces was actually drainy and looked quite cool :)

I also revisited the soccer table and it´s really nice but it´s a bit fatiguing. You really need to take a day off for this one. It´s a bit strange getting rewarded for hitting the outlanes. But the feel when you start to hit combos and really outdribble the competition then get to the penalty area and then scores!

The half time multiball I wish you wouldn´t gain any points or progress doing that so you could just skip it. Maybe you don´t loose to much just letting the balls drain? It´s enough with the goal celebration multiball. Anyway maybe this would flow better with nastier outlanes. Can´t believe I would suggest that :p.
Can´t be many that have this table I am top 100 on the leaderboards?


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Jul 12, 2014
I really dig epic quest. sometimes it's nice to have a pinball game that's less about points scored and more mission based.

I'll have to give fear itself another look. i like the table but have never spent a lot of time on it. check out the spiderman table on the marvel app. it's pretty good, with great voice acting.

the soccer table is fatiguing. i play it once in a blue moon and enjoy the change of pace, but it's not one i can play a lot.

i personally think the star wars table pack is zen's best. master's of the force is deceptively addicting once you actually get around to figuring it out.


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Jul 24, 2013
I keep coming back to "fear itself" (have all tables minus the different soccer team themed ones).
The darker theme appeals to me and I like that it does not take too many "not-possible-in-reality" liberties - it restricts itself to a regular shaped pinball cabinet for the most part and the animated charakters on the table also respect that space, so it's almost like a real game with some liberties taken for the better of it.


Nov 23, 2013
Hmm there is a big metal thingie walking across the table though? He is not respecting my pinball :D. It´s just an advanced version of trolls though and I guess could be done but I suppose he magnetics required would mess the pinball up also since it need such mega matnetics for the magna save to work this well. Or well I hardly know when to use it since normally you do want to loop it :)


Nov 23, 2013
Yep can´t quite get into the other Marvel tables as much as Fear itself. They don´t feel complete.

I wonder if not my favourite is Sorcerers lair afterall. But it has a similar problem as the soccer table you are just about as immortal. The outlanes are always safe and it´s hard to SDTM. It was a relief when I after 400 millions got a multiball and somehow drained 3 balls within 2 seconds lol.

The odd thing is leaderboard show me having 78 million points. DQ for using slow motion??? Where and how would I use that? Never felt the table went to slow motion anywhere? Also I still got to enter high score. But that I must do after every single game for some reason?

Epic Quest I am already quite tired off but it´s okay.


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Dec 14, 2013
i like boba fett, it was my first ever table i got addicted to. sorcerers and epic quest were good. but now my new thing is Pasha, soo good.


Nov 23, 2013
Got the two old star wars pack on sale and they are all excellent. The mini games are kind of hard to understand. So far not deflected a single shot in jedi training lol.

The quality of these tables visually are so much higher then pinball arcades it´s hard to go back. Gameplay wise they are much more interesting. Maybe I just tried to much classic pinball tables now they all feel the same and way to drain happy to be any real fun. Semi eternal life so I can get deeper into the story etc gives me more then what unfair drains does ;)


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Mar 28, 2012
Marvel Tables

Fear itself
Civil War

SW tables

Masters of the force
Han Solo
Empire Strikes Back
Starfighter Assault

Core tables


Standalone packs other than Marvel and SW

South Park
Epic Quest
Sorcerer's Lair

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
South Park - Zen's pinnacle.

Fear Itself - Those sound FX.

I want more tables like South Park, it's one of the only machines in the game that reflects the rules of actual machines (basically X-Men except a bit more complex). Also the layout is basically Simpsons Pinball Party mirrored so there's that.

Fear Itself has awesome sound design. By expansion Han Solo and Wolverine by the same designer do as well.

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