What Licenses Would Give FarSight The Best Bang For Their Buck?

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
I agree. Dr. Who would be pretty cool.

And since we're on the topic of time traveling... how about Back to the Future?

It's clear that the license holders are open to new products given the recent BTTF video games.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Doctor Who will probably never happen (I imagine the licensing would be tricky, since aside from the BBC property itself it has likenesses of all seven classic-series Doctors and many other characters from the show, including a fair number of now-deceased actors).

But I'm another one who would dearly love it. I have to play that thing and get Dalek Multiball whenever I find one, though it's a pretty hard table, kind of like a more advanced Pin*Bot.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
...oh, yeah, and it features the Daleks too, which probably means dealing with the notoriously prickly estate of Terry Nation. For a while it wasn't even clear that the revived TV series would be able to use the Daleks.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
One thing that would make Dr. Who easier is the UK is less litigious than the States and the BBC are definitely into monetizing IP. I don't think actor likenesses in this case are that difficult because these aren't Hollywood actors we're talking about either.

Point taken on your last issue Matt, but if they were able to overcome issues for a new TV show, then hopefully a simulated pinball machine would be easier.

This looks like a decent table, but I'd rather have Judge Dredd if I had to choose between them.
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New member
Feb 2, 2013
Definitely onboard with Dr who, it would need to have Rose , Martha, Sarah , Mickey, K9 and all the other companions to round out the theme. Not to mention all the cool new baddies like the angels and the silence, plus the standby classics like Cybermen and daleks.

I wanted to throw out Spartacus as a cool idea. It doesn't have to be tied to the more recent TV series or older Kirk Douglas film although both hold some appeal to me. Roman times theme could work, maybe historical people/places like Cleopatra, Caeser/Egypt and the Pyramids.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Apollo 13 would be interesting & probably a cheap license given it's not a recent movie.

If anything, older movies would be MORE difficult. Terms expire, the property gets split and sold off in different ways, a lot of puzzle pieces need putting back together. Just because it is old or the license wasn't that popular does not mean it will be cheaper in comparison.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
If anything, older movies would be MORE difficult. Terms expire, the property gets split and sold off in different ways, a lot of puzzle pieces need putting back together. Just because it is old or the license wasn't that popular does not mean it will be cheaper in comparison.

On the other hand, a very old IP or film license often gets handled by one controlling entity , who goes about the licensing trade shows hoping for a company like FarSight that is looking to buy into one of their properties .

It really depends on the how the film studio handled the contract for say "Apollo 13" , it just might be the studio who owns all rights inclusive , and that can make things really simple , esp. when you consider the economy of today.

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