What tables do you want (and not want) to see in Season 3


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
IMO stick with DMD/system 11 games as EM are slow and boring. Definitely no more Gotleibs!

Totally disagree with you on this one. You must be playing the wrong EMs if you find them boring. Try playing more of the mid 1970's Gottlieb EMs. They truly are some of the smartest designs in pin history.
But I wouldn't worry if I were you. We have around 40 pins on TPA and only two that I can think of are EMs (Big Shot, Central Park). And I see no reason to believe they will be making any more of them anytime soon.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
IMO stick with DMD/system 11 games as EM are slow and boring. Definitely no more Gotleibs!

Almost half of season 2 was Gottlieb, more than any other. Not to mention all the top ones from the poll. I think we might see a Stern this season, but something tells me FS will go easy on the Gottys.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Almost half of season 2 was Gottlieb, more than any other. Not to mention all the top ones from the poll. I think we might see a Stern this season, but something tells me FS will go easy on the Gottys.

Season 2 was so heavy on the Gottliebs because for a few months there, they were still renegotiating and extending the license for the Williams and Bally tables. While that was in progress, they released Gottliebs to bide their time. Now that that renegotiation is concluded, I suspect a high percentage of tables in Seasons 3 and 4 will be from Williams and Bally.


New member
Jan 19, 2014
MY pipe dream is the Sopranos. I doubt itll ever make it into TPBA proper, and because of the license and age of the table, unlikely to make it into After Dark, but it was one of the few Pinball tables one could find in northern Maine, and I loved it.

Loving the show helped too.


Jan 18, 2014
Yeah, indeed, the "SOPRANOS"-table would be one of my favorites. By the way, I´m also a big fan of the TV-Show. One of the best in history of television.
James Gandolfini, R.I.P., an amazing, unique actor who played, as Tony Soprano, the role of his life.

I never had the chance, to play that table in real-life, but i saw several videos of gameplay, making my heart went: Boom, Boom, Boom.

Hope to to let the Bada-Bing-poledancing girls swing the thing, and become the "capo dei capi"!


New member
Dec 26, 2012
Since they have RBION by Stern why couldn't they do TSPP? That would be a great addition even if they have to do a kick starter to get the license. C'mon FS DO IT!!!

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
Season 2 was so heavy on the Gottliebs because for a few months there, they were still renegotiating and extending the license for the Williams and Bally tables. While that was in progress, they released Gottliebs to bide their time. Now that that renegotiation is concluded, I suspect a high percentage of tables in Seasons 3 and 4 will be from Williams and Bally.

I was on the Facebook page earlier tonight for The Pinball Arcade and they announced Black Knight 2000 is the next table and they have reached a license agreement to produce more Bally and Williams tables in the future!


New member
Dec 18, 2013
Great!! While they are at it, let's finally get F 14 Tomcat! Would really like to hear Yagov's voice, "Now you die!"


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I really want to see Judge Dredd. Love the theme, used to read a lot of 2000AD when I was younger, and it's one of the few tables I have an opportunity to play in real life.
Heartened to see it in the 'educated guess' above.


New member
May 10, 2012
So many great ones still left.

Why not do the whole Bally 1981 lineup: Flash Gordon, Eight Ball Deluxe, Fireball 2, Embryon, Fathom, Medusa and Elektra. (Centaur was also from 81) Could this be the best Bally year altogether?

I am also really hoping for WCS 94 for June or July just to have something to do when not watching Fifa WCS from Brazil. If Farsight was a European company this would be a no-brainer but maybe not that many soccer fans up at Big Bear Lake?

Other ones on top of my head that should not need any heavy license: Swords Of Fury, High Speed, Banzai Run, Earthshaker, Strange Science, (looks fun but never tried it) Diner, No Fear,(looks fun) Road Show, Safe cracker and the list goes on and on.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
i ant it all!...i eant it allll an i want it now! paragon medusa and tx sector oh my, gimmie a wee data east too, just gimmie more than just wms


New member
Jun 4, 2012
why direball 2?

So many great ones still left.

Why not do the whole Bally 1981 lineup: Flash Gordon, Eight Ball Deluxe, Fireball 2, Embryon, Fathom, Medusa and Elektra. (Centaur was also from 81) Could this be the best Bally year altogether?

I am also really hoping for WCS 94 for June or July just to have something to do when not watching Fifa WCS from Brazil. If Farsight was a European company this would be a no-brainer but maybe not that many soccer fans up at Big Bear Lake?

Other ones on top of my head that should not need any heavy license: Swords Of Fury, High Speed, Banzai Run, Earthshaker, Strange Science, (looks fun but never tried it) Diner, No Fear,(looks fun) Road Show, Safe cracker and the list goes on and on.


New member
May 10, 2012
Hei, It was out in 1981, can't be that bad, right? never played Fireball 2 myself.DE did a couple of non license games around 1987-88: Time Machine, Lazor War and Secret service all look more than ok. Only played Time machine but had a good time with it.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I wish they'd just release EBD so we don't have to hear about it anymore. :p

I'm getting BK2K next, so that's one down. If they release High Speed, I'll have my must-haves, and anything else will be gravy. The Addams Family would be great as well. Here's to hoping something can get worked out.

p.s. Most stand alone EMs would sell like crap. I doubt we see another unless it's a surprise 2 table pack.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
am i the inky ine whi thinks oeivital 1 would be great after a few beers? probably heh,

ots a shame we probabky wint see much more than wms/bakky this season, vairety is the spice of life etc

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