What's Better, TPA or VP?


New member
May 10, 2012
Should be no problem, Nightwing. Lots of newly modded tables that look and feel great. Let us know if you have any difficulty setting it up and I am sure help is coming. Best of luck, and let us know how you like it.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Should be no problem, Nightwing. Lots of newly modded tables that look and feel great. Let us know if you have any difficulty setting it up and I am sure help is coming. Best of luck, and let us know how you like it.



New member
Nov 5, 2013
on the subject has anyone posted a guide on here detailing successfully installing visual pinball on here? have tried but always have problems errors just downloaded full install of vp 9.9 installed and went to extract tables into tables folder and jzip came up with error message saying it couldnt be extracted?

just for the record my pc is
asus m4a 78lt-m
amd phenom x4 black edition 3.0ghz
4gb ddr3
windows 7 64 bit
geforce gtx 560 ti
22 inch 1080p monitor
tpa runs perfectly btw!



New member
May 10, 2012
Have you read the guide over at vpformus.org, alex? The tables goes into one folder and the rom files in another (vpmame folder). Rom files is to stay zipped, while tables must be unzipped. Rom files are small (less than 1 mb for older tables) and table files are from a couple of mb up to ca 50 mb. Everything is sorted into groups on vpforums. If you already know all this, I would check zip program
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Jim O'Brien

New member
Feb 28, 2012
on the subject has anyone posted a guide on here detailing successfully installing visual pinball on here? have tried but always have problems errors just downloaded full install of vp 9.9 installed and went to extract tables into tables folder and jzip came up with error message saying it couldnt be extracted?

just for the record my pc is
asus m4a 78lt-m
amd phenom x4 black edition 3.0ghz
4gb ddr3
windows 7 64 bit
geforce gtx 560 ti
22 inch 1080p monitor
tpa runs perfectly btw!


There are guides on vpforums.org one inprtant this to do is never unzip your Roms. You can check all your path settings through pinmame and make sure they are set up correctly.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
on the subject has anyone posted a guide on here detailing successfully installing visual pinball on here? have tried but always have problems errors just downloaded full install of vp 9.9 installed and went to extract tables into tables folder and jzip came up with error message saying it couldnt be extracted?

just for the record my pc is
asus m4a 78lt-m
amd phenom x4 black edition 3.0ghz
4gb ddr3
windows 7 64 bit
geforce gtx 560 ti
22 inch 1080p monitor
tpa runs perfectly btw!

Go to vpforums.org - They actually have a program that does most of the installation for you, except for a few things that need updating, which it also tells you how to do. Any further problems and they have a useful and nice help forum that has lots of FAQs, and they will answer any questions you feel haven't been answered.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Should be no problem, Nightwing. Lots of newly modded tables that look and feel great. Let us know if you have any difficulty setting it up and I am sure help is coming. Best of luck, and let us know how you like it.

Well the good news is that my upgraded PC is working fine. The bad news is that I'm so lost trying to get VP working properly that it's giving me a headache. I was just thinking because of the issues I'm having (I downloaded it before the upgrade and I've only got one table working most of the time on it) to uninstall & just try again.

Any help would be appreciated. Now I have three hours to decide on my other PC issue I'm facing...


New member
May 29, 2012
on the subject has anyone posted a guide on here detailing successfully installing visual pinball on here? have tried but always have problems errors just downloaded full install of vp 9.9 installed and went to extract tables into tables folder and jzip came up with error message saying it couldnt be extracted?

just for the record my pc is
asus m4a 78lt-m
amd phenom x4 black edition 3.0ghz
4gb ddr3
windows 7 64 bit
geforce gtx 560 ti
22 inch 1080p monitor
tpa runs perfectly btw!


First, scrap everything you´ve installed so far. Uninstall Visual Pinball, whatever you put on there in order to run it. I´d even recommend deleting all the related zip files as well - that´s what I did, you need to start completely fresh. Even a wrong version of a zip file will make it not run properly.

Then, go here:


You need to really, REALLY, REALLY follow every single step of this guide closely (not saying that you didn´t, just stressing this point). On my first try I just kinda flew over it and as a result it just crashed all the time. All this dragging of DLLs and "run as admin" is extremely important. I have Win7 64bit as well. It´s easy to miss a step, and boom, nothing works.

And, again: Don´t extract stuff unless it tells you to! Maybe that might have been one of the reasons it didn´t work for me initially. You also need to pay attention to the ROM names the table wants, for instance if it wants "RCT_7x" (I made that one up), another version of the ROM won´t work. Do only what it tells you to do!

I usually just run the table data from the editor first, see what error message pops up, write down the exact name and THEN download the ROM off the VPForums site. Everything is rather finnicky, unlike, say, an SNES emulator that just run any version of a game, VPin is very picky :p

It´s worth the effort and all the pseudo-hacking, though :cool: (I mean, it might also be possible that you simply have a system that won´t run the game, but as I said, I have Win7 64bit as well, it´s an Intel though, ATI graphics, maybe there´s the problem, who knows...) I did my first sucessful installation just two weeks ago, so this guide is very unliked to be already outdated.

Good luck!
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
vp stepping up into the 21st century

Just wanted to post a little screen shot of my current update to one of my tables to show how far vp has come in a short period of time.
I'd do a side by side comparison of tpa, but I honestly like both programs and once cabinet support is added they will both find a home in my cabinet.

I'm updating my bride of pinbot table.
The old version is very flatt, very clunky.

This is the current state of the update.
Aside from 4 metal guide walls. Every object on this table including the gates and spinners is a 3d model.

Once vp 10 and the new physics are available, I think vp will be back at the top or at least close to the top in the pinball simulation arena


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Yeah nice one!!!
A year ago I was convinced that VP had lost it, but the progress in the last few months is freakin' awesome.
All you guys are doing such a great work!

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Just wanted to post a little screen shot of my current update to one of my tables to show how far vp has come in a short period of time.
I'd do a side by side comparison of tpa, but I honestly like both programs and once cabinet support is added they will both find a home in my cabinet.

I'm updating my bride of pinbot table.
The old version is very flatt, very clunky.

This is the current state of the update.
Aside from 4 metal guide walls. Every object on this table including the gates and spinners is a 3d model.

Once vp 10 and the new physics are available, I think vp will be back at the top or at least close to the top in the pinball simulation arena

When is VP 10 and the new physics coming out?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
In the next few months we should start seeing alpha and beta test versions.
We've gotten a few alphas already with new features but the physics aren't in yet


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Looking really nice. I've been very impressed with the advances of vp of late. I read that the dx9 helps with performance. Is this true? I had to leave Vp behind since most new tables ran very choppy for me


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Yeah. They finally unleashed the power of gpu. Before that most of the stuff was handled by cpu.
It made me cry thinking that some cab owners had two or three very decent graphic cards in their setup... for nothing.

It runs really great now.

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
It's not for nothing, it's just future proofing ;) and once you start adding High quality AA, etc, those powerful GPU's will come in handy.

Superballs: vp9.9.0 has helped not just the frame rate but also eliminated some flipper lag. But the big killer is a new physics engine that's also added ball spin, etc., it's pretty awesome.

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