What's left regarding "essentials"?


New member
May 26, 2012
Definitely. They were all kind of a trilogy but they each felt pretty unique and all were fun. For the sake of thematic variety, I'm somewhat surprised not one of them has shown up as a confirmed table yet.

Same here. It was never a series I cared for much (all that grey artwork) but I expected to see at least one of them represented.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I actually think there are not that many "Essential" tables left. By "Essential" I would think more of a table of historical significance or innovated gameplay and/or being amongst the most popular or critically acclaimed. I think Mark Wyda's list pretty much nails it for the most part although a couple of those titles could possibly be dropped as well. Plus there are a good deal of EM machines that have not been mentioned.

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