What's the shot you can only hit when you don't want it?


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I'm surprised it hasn't been completely derailed yet. We've been on a roll.

To add another one. I can hit the snack bar for days in CFTBL unless I'm trying to restart multi ball.


May 10, 2013
Every table I play has a notable example of this flaw -- certainly it is a design problem having nothing to do with my ability (ha) -- but the one that popped first into my head is Ball and Chain.

I can fill it up -- left ramp, right ramp, left ramp, right ramp, miss, cradle, left ramp, right ramp -- and get it started in less than ten shots, but when the music starts and she's coming down the aisle I invariably choke with authority. Usually it's off the post and slam-dunked down an out lane with only one or two frying-pan slams for my troubles.

Have I ever completed Ball and Chain on purpose and without some random multi-ball play involved? I don't recall having had that moment of satisfaction, which I'm sure would have been among my happiest.

If you put me in a room full of monkeys and a room full of Monster Bash tables, all of the monkeys would get Ball and Chain before me. And they if hurried over to their typewriters and started pounding out sonnets while I labored away, they'd all be published poets before my Bride gets her microphone.


New member
Sep 11, 2013
Does anyone else read this thread and suddenly think of BK2K's chorus singing "You Can Do It!" The chorus always seems to kick in with this line right before I shank a shot.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Totally ^^

If a game has a rather dramatic countdown at the end of the mission (think Lord of the Rings), I will without fail mess it up. I'll generally drain, actually. Even if I'm not focussing on the mission, the tension seems to get to me subliminally and I'll mess up.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
There's a lot, but one that sticks out like a sore thumb is the left loop in STTNG. I can hit it quite a few times, but if super spinner is lit or warp 9 mode's going on, the ball outright refuses to go up there.


New member
Feb 5, 2014
There's a lot...

The point was supposed to be shots that are easy to hit when they'll set you back, rather than just shots that are hard to hit when you need them.

No objections to people listing the other kind as well, obviously - especially since vikingerik pointed out that SS may be the uniquely extreme example in TPA of that.

Still, there are a few that qualify I think. I agree about Hareem multiball and hitting the Genie... (grrrrr :) )
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New member
Jan 5, 2013
The point was supposed to be shots that are easy to hit when they'll set you back, rather than just shots that are hard to hit when you need them.

No objections to people listing the other kind as well, obviously - especially since vikingerik pointed out that SS may be the uniquely extreme example in TPA of that.

Still, there are a few that qualify I think. I agree about Hareem multiball and hitting the Genie... (grrrrr :) )

Well the Merlin scoop was already said, so, yeah. Heh.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
The force field in AFM, when you are trying to get the billion hurryup. on the fly it's very difficult to hit those three standups... unless it will ruin your hurry-up stack. then it's really easy to hit it by accident.


New member
Dec 14, 2013
Genie's "bank your points" shot. i hit it all the time, but cant when i need to cash out my points... and is why ill never get over a million.

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