What's Your Best All-Time Score/Highest Ranking...


New member
Jun 25, 2016
... for any table in The Pinball Arcade? Meaning, what's your best score & ranking on your best table from your best game? I was looking through TPA all-time rankings recently and came across my score and ranking for Starship Troopers. I remember that game. That **** lasted so long I was getting mental fatigue. I remember thinking that I had played a pretty good game but also thinking how tired I was and that I had no chance at a top spot. Yeah, I was wrong, and in hindsight kind of pisses me off that I played the last couple balls too casually.

My highest ranking for any one table/game is for Starship Troopers: All Time Ranking#8: Score 2,612,654,680.

Edit: that was on mobile (android) btw
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Just checked through mine, because I had no clue. I’m listed as #2 on Paragon, but that is some kind of crazy scoring error. My top score on Paragon is nowhere near that. My actual best is #10 spot on Fireball at just a bit over half a mil. Most of my top scores hover around 1,000 or so in the standings.

Joe Schmoe

New member
Oct 11, 2017
Probably on Scared Stiff. I lasted about an hour on that game, longer than any other I played. Got a score of 245,924,830. My best score on my all-time favorite game, TX-Sector, was 10,703,300, most of which was gotten on my very very last ball on my 4th player (I have to 4-player this table since balls drain so quick on this one). A valuable lesson there. Never quit early just because your ball drains quick. You can't hit if you don't swing!
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New member
Nov 6, 2013
My current best score is on No Fear (#23) at around 18 billion.

But yes, something is wrong with some of the leaderboards. In the master data I'm #24 on Centigrade 37 with a weird score (2,489,029,150). My actual high score is around 310K. I don't even want to know what a 2 billion scoring game on Centigrade looks like!


New member
Feb 8, 2014
There are known issues with cross-posting between Stern Pinball Arcade and Pinball Arcade leaderboards. Someone somewhere did a thread analyzing it.


Oct 31, 2015
Probably on Scared Stiff. I lasted about an hour on that game, longer than any other I played. Got a score of 245,924,830. My best score on my all-time favorite game, TX-Sector, was 10,703,300, most of which was gotten on my very very last ball on my 4th player (I have to 4-player this table since balls drain so quick on this one). A valuable lesson there. Never quit early just because your ball drains quick. You can't hit if you don't swing!
Yeah, I think I got stiff twice and that game lasted quite a while. But I must be in the thousands (1000 to 2000) on that game for a ranking. Otherwise I'm top 3000 or 5000 on games.

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