Whats your favorite table?


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Mine is the BLACK HOLE,

Anyone who has overlooked this table, it is my favorite and it is one tough table. It is only enjoyable if you know the rules of the table so be sure to check them out.

Because I was never a big pinball player in real life, with each table I approach in the game, I read the first section of the rule sheet and then play and try to accomplish the goals. After I know those goals and have managed to nail them, I read the next section of the rules and try those goals and so on and so on.

Once I learned how to get a multi-ball on this table, it took me 4 days to actually accomplish it! But once I did, I finally broke the 500,000 mark with a score of 751,470 and made it to spot #628 on the ALL TIME LEADERBOARD under user name RETRO_____BLAST ! What a feeling and what a tough table ... next I shoot for a score of 1,000,000.

Now that I finally learned how to get a free ball and a special, things are heating up!

On a curious note, what is the benefit of earning a special? If you were actually in the arcade, you would get a free game, but since you are not pumping quarters into the PS Vita, is there any benefit to earning a special?
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Capt T

New member
Apr 17, 2012
Theatre of Magic (played a lot in real life), but Arabian Nights is getting a good portion of my time. Still need to mess with Black Hole some to learn the rules, but think it will be cool once I do.

Looking forward to medieval madness.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
Theatre of Magic is my favo. But Black Hole is for me an old table and i like the new ones more. But i will look at the rules. Maybe i will have a good try when i know the rules.
Believe it or not is my second favo and then Arabian Nights.

looking also forward to medieval madness. I played it a lot on the william collection.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Sorry Jeff, I'm a little new here, hehe ...
I never played Medieval Madness in real life but everyone seems excited about it ... I'm really looking forward to Bride of Pinbot in the next offering ... I used to play PinBot in real life, its really the only table I ever played consistently because it was in my lounge at my college dormitory ... so to get a crack at his bride sounds enticing!

Because I do not have real life pinball experience I need those rule sheets and reading them once, I forget everything, so as I said, I do it bit by bit and it has helped me a bunch ..... Today I scored 1,330,390 on the BLACK HOLE !!! The darn thing is, I was playing on the PS VITA without an Internet connection so the score never made it to the leaderboard! Its still there in my High Scores section of the game as the number one slot ..... but no leaderboard! uggggggggggggggg !!!!

That score was possible because I learned how to get the free ball! You have to make it down into the black hole section of the table, and hit the light blue drop down targets on the lower right side (the ones that open the gate on the top of the table), and drop all three twice. Then when you are back on the top of the table, all you have to do is pass the ball up the left semi orbit that leads to the three rollovers with red lights above them. You are allowed to pass the ramp again for a second free ball, but you are only allowed 2 free balls per ball in play. In other words, if you hit that ramp 3 times, no third free ball, die and you must start all over again.

Now that I am aware of all the rules in the Black Hole, I will try to learn the rules to Theatre of Magic since you all seem to love it!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
No need to apologize, and welcome to the forum! It's nice to have some Vita talk here anyway, so I'm glad you started this thread.

I think you're going to love Bride of Pinbot, especially sine you've played Pinbot so much (wish I would've had one in my college dorm). Congrats on the Black Hole score too!


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Thanks Jeff, I really can't wait for Bride of PinBot, I have never even seen it real life so I have no idea how it will play. Sure I have seen pics, but hands on with the Bride of PinBot ... I hope her husband isn't the jealous type ... because I hear if I flip my balls just right, I can turn her head ... I smell divorce already!
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New member
Apr 17, 2012
ToM seems to be the top pick around there ... I am really going to have to get into it ... Now I am stuck in the BLACK HOLE and actually decided that Ripley's will be the next table I concentrate on in the original 4 pack but I am really dying to try out BRIDE OF PINPOT.


New member
May 15, 2012
Right now I am having a blast playing Theater of Magic. I had some experience on it a few years back at a local bowling alley, but it is nice to be able to fully appreciate it now. I cannot wait for MM and BoP though which are both tables that I have plenty of experience on.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
i was hanging on the fence until last week , I loved the demo and the four playable tables in it. Then after 1.69 frimware , the Pinball Arcade had it's own update , I saw the Bride of Pinbot was now DLC . That cinched the purchase , insta-buy . So the real machine had been out in 1991 , and I knew I had seen it in real life , scratched my head for a while and realised my last girlfriend and I had done alot of Miniature Golf dates, and it was in the arcade I had played Bride of Pinbot . I was already a fan of the Pinbot Pinball NES cartridge around that time , so Bride of PInbot is my favorite . I cant wait to see it on PS3 next week .


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I'm with you on THE BRIDE! It is tied for me with The Black Hole ... I used to play PinBot in my dormitory lounge and loved it when I could afford to play it ... most of my quarters got sucked up by the video game Gradius which was right next to PinBot. I usually played Gradius more than PinBot only because I lasted a lot longer on it. But I did have some really good games on PinBot every once in a lucky while. After learning the Bride was coming to TPA, I actually found a real Bride of PinBot table about 45 minutes from my house in a bar in Brooklyn called Enids ... after spending one night with that lady, and a lot of money on her, I was pumped waiting for her to arrive in TPA, and now that she is here, the love affair continues!


New member
Feb 20, 2012
My favourite keeps changing, it was TOM for a long time, then MM, then FH now MB. I think if I could own 1 real table out of the bunch tho it would probably be TOM. CV is bottom of my list, not just because I find the outlanes brutal but I'm not really into the theme.

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