I'm an EM enthusiast and always wanted a mix of 60s and 70s and a mix of Gottlieb, Bally and Williams for EMs. I was happy to get Wild Card.
So I guess not all.
(Although I do want all of the 70s Gottliebs you mentioned.)
I should have been more clear. I didn't mind getting Spanish Eyes at all (and Wild Card which I had never played) and of course assumed more Gottliebs would come later, and when i said all i should have said that much of the discussion in the forums wanted to see the [perhaps limited in number of tables] licenses for Bally/Williams be used for solid state games and Gottlieb for the EM's, playing to the strengths.
So I wasn't trying to speak for all the audience but instead thinking that Farsight going for the William's EM's was unexpected and perhaps the reason was they had used their allotment of Gottlieb tables.
Bottom line is I love EM's (and mostly pre DMD solid states) and if they still have the ability to produce Gottliebs I sure wish they would. But it's starting to sound like this is the end of the line.