when will we see cabinet options?


New member
Jul 5, 2013
It has nothing to do with thinking ahead. It has everything to do with cabinet owners being an exceedingly small (and yet apparently an exceedingly vocal) fraction of all TPA players.

Lots of effort to make a cabinet version + little reward in terms of additional revenue from making a cabinet version = probably not a high priority.

True to some extent, but don't discount the marketing/buzz factor. People at pinball expos who wouldn't look twice at a booth with a PS4 running TPA will be much more likely to pay attention to a full size virtual cab. Blog articles and Facebook posts featuring a cab will grab people's attention as well (and have already). This is all good for PR of TPA and pinball in general.

Hard to quantify as a strict ROI, but then again I bet I'm right in saying that the people at Farsight would like to see their work the way it was "meant to be played", just because it's cool and they're pinball enthusiasts at heart as well.


Mar 25, 2013
People at pinball expos who wouldn't look twice at a booth with a PS4 running TPA will be much more likely to pay attention to a full size virtual cab.

I dunno if that's true. At the Chicago Expo the virtual cab was set up and while I saw people come over to play they didn't stick around. I got the sense it was more a curiosity. The manufacturer of VirtuaPin was also there with their cabinet running Visual Pinball and it was empty the times I walked by. I seemed to be the only one interested in playing the thing - which I thought was pretty fantastic. And on Pinside typically the comments in the VR cabinet or TPA threads generally contain a fair amount of negative comments. Typically complaints about it not feeling the same and the physics not being good.

So even in the pinball community it seems like VR cabinets are not all that popular. Or perhaps its one of those items that quite a few have but don't like to admit they have one.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
I think that pincab owners could be some exclusive target for TPA. And in my opinion if somebody spent some money on Pincab there will be no problem to pay more for well-prepred cabinet version because they are not interested in playing on screen.
This would be some kind of "collectors edition" with additional extras like artworks mabye some other "gifts" like PA dedicated buttons :)


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I have a Pincab running VP with real DMD and backglass. The latest VP tables are incredible. I also run PA in the cabinet. I tend to show people VP ATM, and so many ask can it be played on a 'normal' monitor and I tell them yes but it needs some setting up. I then show them PA as its easier to setup and I have lost count in the number of people have gone on to buy PA/season passes after me showing them it. In the many months before PA was launched and ever since I have promoted PA in numerous forums. A lot of us Pincabbers are passionate and go to extreme lengths to promote pinball - after all it takes a lot of love and effort to build a cabinet. It can't be measured but I suspect there may be only be 500-1000 of us but maybe we have generated 1000s of extra sales.

If people know a product can be run in a cabinet they might be persuaded to buy it with the thought 'hey maybe I will build a cab or mini cab one day'. It also looks great as a showcase piece at a show, etc.

Now I am really fed up with waiting for full Pincab support to the point where I have stopped after season 2 buying anything. I don't even download a demo now. I don't feel like promoting PA either. Lost interest. That's the truth.


New member
Jul 5, 2013
It can't be measured but I suspect there may be only be 500-1000 of us but maybe we have generated 1000s of extra sales.

Judging by some of the download numbers of cabinet-specific VP stuff, HyperPin, etc, I think it's quite a bit higher than that. Obviously still pretty niche, though.

I dunno if that's true. At the Chicago Expo the virtual cab was set up and while I saw people come over to play they didn't stick around. I got the sense it was more a curiosity. The manufacturer of VirtuaPin was also there with their cabinet running Visual Pinball and it was empty the times I walked by. I seemed to be the only one interested in playing the thing - which I thought was pretty fantastic. And on Pinside typically the comments in the VR cabinet or TPA threads generally contain a fair amount of negative comments. Typically complaints about it not feeling the same and the physics not being good.

So even in the pinball community it seems like VR cabinets are not all that popular. Or perhaps its one of those items that quite a few have but don't like to admit they have one.

I think some of it may have to do with the quality of pinball software in years/decades past. Not dissing those games, but technology in general has come a long way in recent years. I bet in a lot of the hardcore Pinsiders' minds their idea of virtual pinball is '90s-style 2D stuff. I think some of the more outspoken guys are pretty close-minded about it, honestly. I mean I get that it's still not real, but modern physics engines are pretty good. It wouldn't be worth spending a lot of money on a virtual cabinet if they weren't. I wonder if some of the older guys still harbor grudges against video games in general because of how they contributed to pinball's drop in popularity.

For less hardcore fans, I still think cabs might pique their interest. I met a guy who had fond memories of playing TZ and whatnot in college, but hadn't been around pinball much since then. I talked about my cab that I was getting and he was like, "wow, I didn't even think about pinball being something that would work as a video game". But he was totally into the idea. He probably won't get a cab, but I told him about TPA for the PS3.

I totally get that most people don't have the money/space/desire for a cabinet. But to me, playing a pinball sim without a cabinet is like playing a racing sim without a wheel and pedal set up. You can do it, but it's just not the same experience. ;)

Speaking of racing, I remember when Microsoft showed off Forza Motorsport at E3 on a triple-monitor rig with wheel and pedals. Most people won't play it that way at home, but it got a lot of press because it was extremely novel to most people -- something they didn't even know was possible. Kind of like a virtual pincab...


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Judging by some of the download numbers of cabinet-specific VP stuff, HyperPin, etc, I think it's quite a bit higher than that. Obviously still pretty niche, though

Those numbers don't necessarily indicate the number of cab owners.

To enjoy full screen tables on vp with a back glass you only need a laptop and a second monitor to lay over top of it with a USB keyboard.

You don't even really need the second monitor to play the game full screen.

Honestly, when people go on about how not having small features are making them not buy the game at all, well, point one, you aren't helping anyone or anything, it's like people who think if they give up eating big macs it will topple the McDonald's empire. Point two, it reminds me of the scene in Jerry Mcguire where he loses his job and does the who's coming with me scene.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Honestly, when people go on about how not having small features are making them not buy the game at all, well, point one, you aren't helping anyone or anything, it's like people who think if they give up eating big macs it will topple the McDonald's empire. Point two, it reminds me of the scene in Jerry Mcguire where he loses his job and does the who's coming with me scene.

By people you probably mean me. I supported the game on multiple platforms and promoted it months before it's release. I don't want to topple the empire - I want them to do well, however having spent a lot of money on the product I am still not seeing stuff that was promised yonks ago and I personally have just lost interest. I come here from time to time now to see progress and it appears to never move.

As for 'Jerry Mcguire' I have no clue as to who or what that is, and have no intention of googling it to find out.


Mar 25, 2013
Those numbers don't necessarily indicate the number of cab owners.

You don't even really need the second monitor to play the game full screen.

In my case I download the cabinet versions of the VP tables as I have a desktop monitor that rotates and tilts back. The DMD appears on the table in a small window in one of the corners where it doesn't obscure too much. Would rather have an actual cabinet but for now this setup works fine.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
In my case I download the cabinet versions of the VP tables as I have a desktop monitor that rotates and tilts back. The DMD appears on the table in a small window in one of the corners where it doesn't obscure too much. Would rather have an actual cabinet but for now this setup works fine.

I agree having a cab would be ideal. If they were affordable they would be more widespread. Even building one is pricy mainly due to it being a dedicated pc with two monitors or more required.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
1) no one wants to topple the empire here (at least I hope no one's stupid enough to think by posting in a forum he can threaten anyone). I guess some of us just wanted to show their commitment. I got all 3 seasons pro even if I only like half the tables and never used pro so far. And I don't expect anything in ret... well... Cab support please.

2) cabs really don't have to be expensive. You can very much design them to your needs and lot's of junk people have laying around can be reused. First I had no dedicated pc. Just cardboard box with 2 old displays, buttons of a hacked gamepad, two cables going to my laptop's graphics card. This was already so much more fun... so I decided to move on.
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New member
Sep 2, 2013
I'm gonna beat the dead horse..
Farsight should AT THE VERY LEAST allow us cab users and vertical monitor users the ability to move the stupid playfield over!
Look at a real pinball machine Farsight! Are the flippers centered on most of them? NO!

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
I don't have a problem if the logistics of it leads to a fee for cab support that would at least provide support for backglass/dmd on a second monitor And nudging support. Playing on a pincab without at least backglass support and the ability to nudge loses so much. If there is reason to change what was promised because there was a lack of understanding on the costs involved, then that is cool. I have an ledwiz with toys and a real plunger and a real dmd, but I realize the more stuff added, the less amount of customers will benefit = is it worth it for them to do the work? So although I want them to support it, I will take what I can get :)

But no matter if costs are a factor, a good reason why farsight needs to provide updates on this is because they said they would release this. If there is one area that FS has earned negative points it's their communication with their clients. I won't start listing them, serves no purpose, but they know what they have said and they surely know they can improve in this area... and there is no better time to start than today.

I suspect this will still come out, if they had no intention they would not have bothered to procure a virtuapin pinball cabinet. But their lack of communication is starting to have an affect on their fanbase, obvious when reading the many posts. I just hope they are paying attention. Good press is golden, bad press can be debilitating.

Still love what they have done, Still supporting them, just... I too am starting to wonder about their level of commitment to their word. I do appreciate what Mike and other Farsight reps have done to try and pass on good info, its one of the main reason why I am still on board.


New member
Feb 26, 2014
I would LOVE to build a cabinet, but the lack of legit IP is one of the things that has held me back. Cabinet mode PA, please! I'll even buy a separate copy, since I understand that additional development work would be pretty high for something that they aren't going to sell a lot of.

That said, the home Virtual Pinball market is small potatoes... Since they are licensing the original IP, why think small? Why not piggyback the development of a Cabinet Mode PA with a true Coin-Op version? The reason that so many bars got rid of their pinball machines was because they are a maintenance nightmare, specially if you don't have a pinball wizard on staff. I think a machine that plays every popular pin ever, and never requires maintenance has great potential. And as long as the bar has WiFi, you could set up local/regional leagues and leaderboards, just like those Golden Tee games.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
That said, the home Virtual Pinball market is small potatoes... Since they are licensing the original IP, why think small? Why not piggyback the development of a Cabinet Mode PA with a true Coin-Op version?
FarSight would likely have to renegotiate their licenses to do a coin-op version, since you now have another revenue stream, and the IP owners will want their cut.


New member
Feb 26, 2014
Of course they would. But who wouldn't want a new revenue stream from old IP? I just meant that FarSight was in a position to make it happen.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
no one is in better position at the moment for that. but, lets quit the evil thoughts of fs ruling the coin-op world.
this is supposed to be a home / private entertainment product, and I hope it stays that way a little longer...


New member
Feb 26, 2014
I think some of it may have to do with the quality of pinball software in years/decades past. Not dissing those games, but technology in general has come a long way in recent years. I bet in a lot of the hardcore Pinsiders' minds their idea of virtual pinball is '90s-style 2D stuff. I think some of the more outspoken guys are pretty close-minded about it, honestly. I mean I get that it's still not real, but modern physics engines are pretty good.

I forgot to mention this in my original reply, but this was the case with me... I've always hated Pinball Video Games. When I first saw one of my Steam buddies playing PA, I thought to myself, YUCK! But once he told me what it was, I went and bought the first season right away.

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