Where's Cactus Canyon?


New member
Feb 16, 2013
Supposedly (at least judging by my icon on my Kindle Fire) Cactus Canyon is out. The icon on my main page went from "Dr. Dude" to "Cactus Canyon". However, when looking in "New Tables" I see nothing different. I tried looking in "My Tables" and nothing new there, either. When Dr. Dude! came out the icon on my Kindle desktop changed and when I clicked it THERE it was...the new game! I didn't have to do anything. For some reason this one isn't working that way.

Anyone help? Anyone with a Kindle Fire HD that has CC yet?



New member
Jul 30, 2012
This happened on iOS last month with Dr. Dude. The icon and achievements update before the table is released. Should be out by the evening.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Hey Robin, was about to respond to your post on FB. Sometimes the icon updates (since its pulling from the online store) but the app itself is not updated. Have you tried manually checking for updates? Click on on "Apps", then click on "store", then click on the menu icon at the bottom between the back button and the magnifying glass, and click "App Updates". If our app isn't there it probably has not rolled out to your region yet. Please be patient if that is the case :) we have no control at that point. When you do get it enjoy!

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