White Rose Gameroom Show (York PA)


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Just about a week away. I will be there Friday for sure. My wife and a friend from work are going too. Hope there is a good mix of pins and the weather has to be better than last year.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I was about to bump this myself. Friday I will be there on my own. Saturday, I may have my daughter in tow. She'll be the one who does one of the following:
a) Thinks the whole thing is amazing, and just wants to play everything;
b) Gets bored after 10 minutes and complains her feet hurt and she's hungry.

I'm betting on b).


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Might not be able to get off work this year for the show, might have to wait again till Pinfest 2015 in Allentown.
Would like to go seeing my daughter is off school that day and she loves pinball.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Ack, I'll be in Delaware on vacation. That said, it's about the same distance to York as if I would be coming from home in NJ, so it's a (very) distant thought.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Just about a week away. I will be there Friday for sure. My wife and a friend from work are going too. Hope there is a good mix of pins and the weather has to be better than last year.

I wasn't there last year but I think it rained on Friday. Rain can be good for deals but you have to be prepared to get it home unscathed. Weather looks good so far. After playing the TPA version a lot, I'd be in the market for a project BSD. Nonetheless, I always keep my options open and am just looking for a fun game for a good price. Oh, and I got a parts list too to scour the flea market with.


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Jun 3, 2014
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
It's tomorrow! Doesn't time fly? I'll likely be showing up sometime between 10 and 11 on Friday. Look out for a large (wide but not that tall...) gentleman in a Guns N Roses T-shirt.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
I went today (Friday). This was probably the first time I've played a real pinball table in almost two decades and the most time of spent playing pinball during my lifetime. It was quite fun and interesting. I was impressed to see how close TPA plays to the real machines. In some cases TPA plays better because virtual machines don't wear out. It was kinda sad to play the lone ST:TNG table. It was all by itself and in bad shape. The upper flipper was stuck up, making it impossible to hit the right orbit. I still managed to get half a billion in one game. Of course that's nothing compared to my 29 billion in TPA. I really wish I had the money to buy that table and restore it to it's former glory. If I could own one table, that would be it.

There were a number of other TPA tables there as well. There was a really nice Victory, that just felt awesome (and I don't particularly care for this table in TPA). I enjoyed playing Genie, much like I do in TPA. There was a Flight 2000 but it felt like the flippers were a bit weak. I could not get close to hitting the ball into the lock. There was a very nice T2 table that played quite well. I think it had a surprisingly low selling price (of course I don't know what these tables are worth). I think Harley Davidson was there but I had no interest in playing it. Black Rose, High Speed, and Scared Stiff were all there but I didn't get around to playing them (I'm allergic to lines). Sadly, Haunted House and Cirqus Voltaire were there but never operational.

I also got to try those virtual pincabs. They are pretty nice. If I had that kind of money to spend on entertainment I'd probably get one. For a moment I thought one of them was running TPA because I saw Whirlwind but, as soon as I plunged the ball, I realized it was not TPA but probably something like Visual Pinball.

Overall, it was really neat to go to. One thing that made me really happy was seeing that there are still plenty of interesting tables not yet in TPA.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I went today and am glad to see the White Rose Gameroom Show losing the "gameroom" aspect and becoming more of a pinball show. Decent group of games to play in the free play area. Lot of EM's. I'm more there for the swap meet side of things. Honestly, I was there for two and an half hours before I even played a game because I was busy shopping for parts and a game. Picked up some parts but the big buys were a really nice original backglass for my Top Card (mine is a mess) for $175.00 and I bought a Getaway for $1750.00. Working with some LED's installed. Got it as the guy was unloading it for the free play area. If I would have waited until it was set up I would have had to wait till 4 and also pay a $35.00 removal fee because they like to keep games in the free play area. The game's in nice shape but I'm gonna give it a full shop job before setting it up.

Also, Walking Dead was ok. Doesn't hold a card to AC/DC, Metallica or Star Trek though.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Shout out to Eldar. It was a pleasure meeting you today at the York show.

As for the show...well I had a great time as I always do at these pin shows. A full range of pins there to today. Everything from flipperless all the way up to The Walking Dead. A very good turn out. Maybe a little too good as I had wait in line to play many pins. Seemed like a lot of Sega and Data East pins this year.

Highlight of the show was the evil laugh my wife let out when she tripled my score on Twister. In my defense, I did tilt ball two because of a stuck ball. But yep, she cleaned my clock.

Edit: Almost forgot to mention this. I'm standing in line to play Robocop and guess who is playing in front of me? None other than Chris Bucci, the guy that makes those great YouTube vids about his pinball collection. He was kind enough to speak with me for a few minutes. What a nice guy.
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