Who doesn't own every table?


Nov 11, 2012
All tables on PS3/VITA (combo) and PS4 (also SPA+I+II). Own up to S5 I think on STEAM, but my Win10 laptop with nVidia M520(?) graphics is not really fast enough. I'll get the rest on STEAM as soon as I have a rig that plays dx11 perfectly. Getting a bit frustrated by the PSN release schedule (PS3/VITA are getting Season 6 all in one single release, so that should tell you something).


New member
Nov 5, 2015
I purchased Seasons 1 and 2 when there was sale for iOS. Ultimately I purchased Season 5 (the full $30) just recently because of Judge Dredd and Last Action Hero (from playing the real tables back in the day). I'll probably end up getting all the seasons eventually; just dropping $30 each time is a pain and makes my iPad 2 worth more than it actually is

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Sep 9, 2017
I had almost most of the tables up to whitewater or Sttng season 2..stopped bought a phone from a friend N it has every table on it.. Score!


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Jun 13, 2012
iPad Air 2 is my main platform and I stopped buying every table once they started selling them standalone. There's a few I own that I wouldn't purchase as standalone tables (Class of 1812 springs to mind for some reason as does another awful Premiere table, Ready, Set Action or whatever it's called). I'm not a completist and unless a table grabs me in some way I skip it.

So far that list includes Party Zone (too similar to Dr. Dude), Starship Troopers, Safecracker, Cactus Jack's, Bone Busters and Wipe Out. There's a few I did buy like Gladiators and Alvin G's World Tour I'd have passed on if I was being more discerning, but everyone makes mistakes 😉 .


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Jan 26, 2014
Own every pro pack until season 5.
Then I stopped caring and now I play other pinball simulations.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
I have purchased every table since day one on iPad.I wish I had the willpower to wait until the season goes on sale. But I've been playing pinball since 1960 and it's something I really love. I hope before I'm gone I can build a VPX cab.


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Oct 31, 2012
On PS3 I own up through season 4 and table packs of 41-43,45,46, 49 and 50. Yes, I know I have spent more on purchasing by pack then purchasing the whole season, but with all the problems season pass people had, was glad I did.

PS4, Season 1 only, until things get fixed not sure when I will resume.

PC Two or three seasons worth, not sure because my PC is slowly dying and I can only play it DX9.

Android a few seasons, though it's hard to play on my phone because of the size. On my tablet two or three seasons, have to take it in for an update because my tablet won't update anymore.


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Jan 9, 2015
I have bought every complete season released on PS4 for TPA in Pro version (even though I very rarely use any of the Pro Mode functions) - and for all but the first two I have bought season passes up front without knowing what tables would eventually be released. I will continue to buy season passes or complete seasons for the PS4 or its eventual successor as long as Farsight will release them, but not for any other platform. Also, modern pinball tables bore the crap out of me, so I am glad that the Stern tables were moved to a game of their own instead of clogging up the TPA seasons. And no, I will never buy SPA or any of its tables.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
... Also, modern pinball tables bore the crap out of me, ...

Me too. I don't know why that is. I've got SPA. I've played ST and AC/DC many times. I like the sound bites, but they still don't draw me in like MM, AFM, TZ, etc. etc.... What do the old rules do that the new ones don't? Anybody?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Me too. I don't know why that is. I've got SPA. I've played ST and AC/DC many times. I like the sound bites, but they still don't draw me in like MM, AFM, TZ, etc. etc.... What do the old rules do that the new ones don't? Anybody?

Many of the new pins rules are overly complicated for my liking. If I have to read a lengthy rulesheet online, or watch a tutorial, then it has probably gone too far for me.

Doesn't mean I won't enjoy the pin. But a good portion of the programming will be lost on me at times.


Jul 9, 2012
I own the iOS version of every released table of both TPA and SPA on my iPad Pro. And I have contributed to every Kickstarter for licensed tables. The iPad Pro runs these tables extremely smooth and the tables with stereo sound great via the integrated four speakers.

For the Steam version of TPA (which I run through my VPCabs Vertigo via the NOEx Mod) I own every table through Season 5; and have been “Cherry Picking” the tables I like on the rest of the Seasons. I also own every released Steam SPA table. I haven’t tried running SPA via the recently enhanced NoEx Mod yet. I’ll probably explore that once “Ghostbusters” is released and the “Star Trek” table is fixed.


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Apr 3, 2014
I have the first 4 seasons on PS3. Don't play as much as I used to so cheaply waiting for sales on the newer seasons. I bought the pro upgrades for the first two seasons when they were super cheap but I hardly use them for anything so probably wouldn't bother with any others.

I rather wish I had waited and bought on Steam, but I doubt I'm ever going to buy everything all over again.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Like Morg, I have the first 4 seasons on PS3. Then, I stopped purchasing anything about TPA on PS3 for multiple reasons:

- "Maintenance" support is over for PS3 since the S5 pass release (2 years ago or more?), meaning the PS3 updates (annual or biannual) since this date simply add the new tables and fix nothing. Some tables from previous seasons have still glaring bugs (some are gamebreakers), still the old physics 2.0, 1080p input lag, etc.

- There are plenty of problems with the season passes, tables not unlocked, pass purchased at the beginning of the year, and at the end of the year, only 3 tables have been released...

- Too much discrepancies now between all the TPA versions, so this is pointless to compete with PC players in the leaderboards. And the Monthly Tournaments grow old on me (and yet I was 11th on all-time leaderboards), due to the infinite attempts rule.

- TPA on PS3 is clinically dead, yet there's no discounts at all on season passes, still the full price for a broken product.

I don't own a PS4 and my PC is not powerful enough to run TPA. Even if it was, I doubt I will buy everything again though.
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New member
Mar 10, 2015
I don't. I like complex rules with deep gameplay and therefore would play only SS DMD tables and onwards.
Got base game and bought pack 1 as it consist of most of the DMDs and it was cheaper than buying them separately.
I also bought few single DMD tables from other packs like CC, TAF and others. It's frustrating to see the latest releases as they absolutely don't interest me (last 2 seasons). My money are waiting for games like The Shadow, Johny Mnemonic, Tales from the Crypt, Congo, Pinball Magic, Lethal Weapon 3, Godzilla, Indiana Jones (I know:) and others but they don't seem coming anytime soon.
I own AcDC, Mustang and Star Trek Vengeance which is my no 1 pinball table of all time.
Can't wait for the other modern sterns but they don't seem coming anytime soon either.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
I do not own all the tables. I think only 2 or 3 seasons on TPA. I won't spend anything for SPA yet until the game works properly. I would say I do not have them all because I do not prioritize spending large amounts on steam games. I have many hobbies as it is, and Steam games are into budget territory for me currently.

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