I thought TPA was the same price?
Just it's $10 because it includes ToM, RBION, BH and TOTAN altogether rather than individual purchases. Bought for iOS, those 4 would also cost $10 - $1 for TOTAN, $9 for the rest?
Just like it's $10 on Xbox and PS3 and Vita...
the MAC version
And the tables that can be bought separately are a bit more expensive, but as opposite to the iOS version, the MAC version table-prices are all the same from what I can see in the App store.
Are there any ball and camera stutter problems on the Mac? (Problems I currently experience on the iPad2)
I play TPA on iPhone, iPad, and iMac. And while I thoroughly enjoy playing on the iPad (iPhone is just too small), I'm still much more satisfied when playing on my iMac. The screen is larger thereby making the experience more lifelike. And I've had no issues with lag of any kind as long as you play in fullscreen mode. I have had issues when NOT playing in fullscreen mode. Fullscreen mode = (command + control + F)