Well, the self-repairs were only short-lived. The dip switches are no longer working again. I really liked having the extra scoring options and all the other extra stuff like attract mode, high scores being remembered, etc. and I don't want to go back, so I just ordered one of these bad boys: knows, maybe it will fix the sound issue too (could also be a dip switch issue). If not, no biggie. I can always throw one of these in sometime if I'm feeling frisky:
Well, the self-repairs were only short-lived. The dip switches are no longer working again. I really liked having the extra scoring options and all the other extra stuff like attract mode, high scores being remembered, etc. and I don't want to go back, so I just ordered one of these bad boys:
Who knows, maybe it will fix the sound issue too (could also be a dip switch issue). If not, no biggie. I can always throw one of these in sometime if I'm feeling frisky: