Wildly dissimilar backup & restore times?


New member
Feb 28, 2013
(I dunno if Android has the remote backup & restore functionality so I'm posting this here - feel free to move it as needed...)

I got a head scratcher here. On both my iPhone5 and iPad4, the "Back up save data" -> Remote operation takes 38 seconds, while the "Restore save data" -> Remote operation takes 2 seconds. This is on a fast-enough network (>5Mbps in both directions). Howcomecausewhy are the times so hugely different?

Just wonderin'.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
noticed the same thing. perhaps the server that hosts the restore data limits connections to some small bandwidth. either that or perhaps the database on their that they're querying is beyond slow.


Maybe it's due to the asymmetrical nature of most residential broadband internet connections?

For example I get a max of 40Mbps download and a max of 1Mbps upload on my connection, this means that my uploads will generally be much slower than any download; depending on server speed.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
Maybe it's due to the asymmetrical nature of most residential broadband internet connections?

For example I get a max of 40Mbps download and a max of 1Mbps upload on my connection, this means that my uploads will generally be much slower than any download; depending on server speed.

that's what i always assumed. mine is asymmetrical. but he claims he's on 5mbps both ways.


New member
Feb 28, 2013
Maybe it's due to the asymmetrical nature of most residential broadband internet connections?
Doubtful; my d/l speed is ~5 times my u/l speed (>30 vs. 6Mbps), which doesn't explain a ~15x difference between backup and restore times. As a (former) programmer, the two-second restore time seems about right - 1 second to get the (very small, certainly no more than 10KB) data, and another second to overwrite existing score data. It's the backup time that seems excessively long to me.

I'm thinking pez's DB theory may have something (or everything) to do with it; fast reads from their DB but sloooooow writes.

P.S. - What are your backup & restore times, netizen? If they differ by a factor of 120 ((40:1 / 30:6) * 15x difference) that would point to network asymmetry explaining the difference - if they differ by 15x, it's processing time at one side or the other.
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Unfortunately Android has no remote back-up so I have no way to time it, I was just offering a possible option is all.

It's probably a mixture of the asymmetrical speeds and the write times.

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