Will FarSight release a Halloween Themed Table Pack 19 (October)


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I hope we do get a scare themed table in October. It's challenging to really coincide an event or holiday with a pinball table. Halloween is one of the only days that works due to it being a catch-all for anything spooky. Really pulling for Tales from the Crypt this year with Sorcerer as the reissue or Haunted House a the new table (also with Sorcerer).


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I played Haunted House at PAPA this year. It was kinda neat, but it wasn't really a game-changer to me. It seems quite similar to Black Hole. The upper playfield was a nice touch, and I was able to keep it going up there for quite a while, but... it just didn't do it for me. The whole middle area of the table is extremely empty (partially due to the lower playfield, but there's a lot of extra empty space on top of that too).

Personally I'd much rather see Tales from the Crypt and BS's Dracula.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
i definitely remember hearing a while back that the official word was there will be no more horror themed tables until Halloween. I forget who said it or where but I do know I read it in these forums somewhere months and months ago. I'd love Nightmare on Elm street, but it did really bad in the poles and definitely didn't make top 10 so the possibility of that one is looking grim. I'm gonna estimate that i think every season will have 2 kickstarters (maybe) I don't think they ever officially mentioned if that is true or not. But assuming since the first season had two the 2nd season will have two as well, so my guess is addams family will launch on kickstarter sometime shortly after t2 is released and AF will be out for the October pack. but who knows what hurdles and hoops are in the way of that, and on top of getting all signed papers together how much is that kickstarter going to be? the suspence is killing me. I really hope they give us some news about the next kickstarter when t2 is released

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
Well Haunted House is coming in pack 18. So what 2 Halloween themed tables do you want to see now if you wanted Haunted House for this next Halloween?

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I saw video of Tales from the Crypt and I thought it looked really cool. September isn't Haloween, so I'm not sure why Haunted House is the Next month table. Rollercoaster Tycoon or 8-Ball or Road Show or Fish Tales or High Speed all make more sense to me for a fall release... Oh well.

What I'm saying is though. We might still get Tales from the Crypt for Haloween. Though my ideal Haloween table would be Dracula.

Fake edit. Maybe they moved Haunted House up a month to get Addams for October. Actually, Addams would make a great Halloween treat!


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Funnily enough, I don't see Monster Bash or CFTBL as 'horror' themes, so the only straight up horror themes we have are the Elvira tables.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I saw video of Tales from the Crypt and I thought it looked really cool. September isn't Haloween, so I'm not sure why Haunted House is the Next month table.

Last year they did a split release of the Elvira tables, one in September and one in October I think. So they seem to like doing two Halloween related tables just not in the same pack.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Last year they did a split release of the Elvira tables, one in September and one in October I think. So they seem to like doing two Halloween related tables just not in the same pack.

Very true. Wouldn't be a total shock to see TFTC or BSD in the October pack.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I saw video of Tales from the Crypt and I thought it looked really cool. September isn't Haloween, so I'm not sure why Haunted House is the Next month table. Rollercoaster Tycoon or 8-Ball or Road Show or Fish Tales or High Speed all make more sense to me for a fall release... Oh well.

What I'm saying is though. We might still get Tales from the Crypt for Haloween. Though my ideal Haloween table would be Dracula.

Fake edit. Maybe they moved Haunted House up a month to get Addams for October. Actually, Addams would make a great Halloween treat!
you would want your halloween release out by end of september . If they waited until October and there was a delay due to bugs or something its possible the release could miss halloween. Better to play it safe then sorry.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I highly doubt that there will be a Halloween themed pack in October. Chances are good that one of the tables will have a horror theme but not both.

Just my opinion.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
YEAH!!!, glad to see HH being in Table Pack 18.....hopefully this means we might see TFTC or BSD (accompanied by a remade table) in Table Pack 19 to bookend Halloween!?

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