Will High Resolution textures be include for PC Season 1 and 2 games in DirectX11 ?

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
i think the worst offender isn't CV its Creature..the majority of the textures that are on elevated sections like the top of the slings are just blurry low res mess that's been upscaled. if that was photoed at high res a mistake was made on all the art that is above bumpers etc



New member
Jan 26, 2014
i think the worst offender isn't CV its Creature..the majority of the textures that are on elevated sections like the top of the slings are just blurry low res mess that's been upscaled. if that was photoed at high res a mistake was made on all the art that is above bumpers etc


This is sad but true.
Also monster bash.....
I did make a list once.
Cv is apparent since dx11. The backbox is just...ugh. If you get to the Canon you'll see.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Oh i 2nd that comment, love this table to bits " step back kiss myself"

Yeah Monster Bash it one of the greats and defo deserves some loving not just in the art department but the table toys leave a lot to be desired.....


and the low res of the Playfield...


Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
The next kickstarter should be a updated season 1 and 2 to "Next Gen" modest KS vs a super expensive licensed table.
I can appreciated there's somethings financially that aren't viable to do ..like redoing tables for free..
Seems like just doing a TPA2 might require new licensing potentially so that might just not be the best idea, but Season 4 looks so good overall I'd contribute a reasonable amount for an upgrade if thats what it took to dedicate resources to going back. Dx11 affects everything forward or back so its expense and time are easier to justify.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
i think the worst offender isn't CV its Creature..the majority of the textures that are on elevated sections like the top of the slings are just blurry low res mess that's been upscaled. if that was photoed at high res a mistake was made on all the art that is above bumpers etc


This will be improved in next patch. I had a higher rez texture for those plastic parts.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
The sad thing is we have Xenon, a table no sane person will play again after getting the wizzard goals, looking top notch, while the good stuff feels like a generation behind...

TPA2 is needed! 1 New table + 1 new rererelease each month!

I'm perfectly sane and I will play Xenon again despite having all of the wizard goals. A) I like it, and B) those voices in my head keep telling me to play it! :p
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New member
Jan 2, 2015
This will be improved in next patch. I had a higher rez texture for those plastic parts.
Well how cool isn't that :)

The Genie pics did show the compression artifacts very nicely too though.

Personally I will now and then notice that some of the art is not as crisp as I would have wanted, but I won't stop playing :p


New member
May 24, 2013
they all look great to me.when i`m playing you think i`m looking at textures and how a table looks,no bloody way Jose,i`m looking at the mongrel ball to hit the little mother in the right direction !!!:cool: over the many years i`ve played on real tables i never once worried about how a table looked,i`ve the same attitude to TPA and ZEN pinball today.i just enjoy playing all the tables.:eek:


New member
Jan 26, 2014
I know you don't care and you play everything that is thrown at you - and that is certainly a positive way to look at things. But some people do care about quality. So please respect that and please stop ruining every thread were people try to whine and nag little. Give our wish for improvement some room.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Here's my take. Is it necessary for us to have true shiny chrome, playfields that look like they just had a fresh coat of wax applied, and bulbs you can actually see the filament inside of? No, but it'd be awesome. Did we really need DX11 lighting and new flipper physics? Not really, but you wouldn't catch me going back to the DX9 either. Point is, you often don't know what you need until after you have it and someone threatens to take it away.

I used to be perfectly happy with my widescreen copies of certain movies on VHS. Then I bought them on laserdisc. I held off buying DVDs, because I didn't see that much of a picture difference in the store. Finally I caved. You better believe after a few months, I started replacing all my laserdiscs. Due to my 14 year old RPTV, the difference between DVD and Blu Ray is subtle, but I know once I buy a 4K TV, the difference will be night and day.

So whether the rig you are playing TPA on is adequate or top notch, it's these little graphical tweaks, changes to the physics engine, or lighting differences, that will keep the game chugging along for years to come. Stagnation is death for a game.

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