Will there be a Season 7???


New member
May 10, 2012
One of the hundred here, also. I have a feeling that hundreds are not enough, though.

Hoping there are many thousands.

I agree with those saying just be happy that we will get a season 6, for now.

Worry later. Much later :cool:


New member
Oct 20, 2012
One of the hundred here, also. I have a feeling that hundreds are not enough, though.

Hoping there are many thousands.

I agree with those saying just be happy that we will get a season 6, for now.

Worry later. Much later :cool:

I'm glad there will be a season 6 and I'm thankful for all of the pinball machines FarSight has simulated and enjoyment this has brought me. To this day, it is the only game I really get excited about anymore.

But I believe season 6 will be the last one. The only remaining tables that will sell well require kickstarters and the Stern pinball app will pretty much satisfy anyone's digital pinball yang, even if the main purpose is for Stern to promote their physical machines. It's a crowded digital pinball market now, with Pinball FX2, the Upcoming Zaccaria, and the one-new-table-per-decade Pro Pinball series.

Don't get this too twisted-there are still so many tables I'd love to see recreated, I just believe they won't sell well enough to warrant a seventh season. Frankly, I'm pleasantly surprised the season 5 tables sold well enough to warrant a season six. Good season (with a awesome start w/ TG and F14), but the rest of 5 was just OK. IMO, LAH should have finished season 5 rather than TX Sector. TX may not be a bad table, but it's no season closer by any means.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The logic I'm applying is this...

If SPA is not going to be based on seasons, and instead gets released much like Zen does for theirs, that will become the new normal. So that will be happening on the game that is generating all the buzz, while TPA finishes out with doing seasons with 6. Thereafter, the door is still open for doing other tables, but it won't be on this mandatory monthly schedule. So while I believe the 6th will be the final season, I don't believe it will be the end of us getting new tables in TPA.

The good news, fingers crossed, for this model is that then FarSight can release day and date across all platforms like Zen does.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Yeah, the one table per month model is no good anymore. Haven't even played the last three, although I own the season pass. No interesting tables for me left that won't require monstrous kickstarter. The sad thing is the quality is great now, so I would really appreciate if they stop making another season and bring seasons one and two up to par. This will make old and new customers happy. This can be done in time with SPA, maybe and awesome KS table every two months.


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Season 8 - Refurbished tables. I would actually buy that because that is no more than what most companies do - an update on the game and sell it again.

S8 - New Physics Engine 4 from STERN development and ReDo the classic tables.

Those who don't want to re-buy the same stuff just skip it... it is not evil, it is business.


New member
Jan 2, 2015
I'll bet you're in a tiny minority. I wouldn't buy tables I already had and was happy with (which is almost all of them).
Then there is no business in redoing them. And I kinda agree, I'm quite happy with what we got - still, could be even better but I am not abhorred in any way.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
It shouldnt take a re-buy to get the proper fix on machines tho, for example Black Knight. I have been waiting for that one to get some love since day one. I want to say it was better on William phof, what happened?

It would be sad to stop at 6 seasons Imo. There are 20+ unlicensed tables in the top 100 pinside and top 300 ipdb, excluding EMs not in TPA yet. With a few licenced machines and some EMs, that could take us through 3 more seasons easy!


New member
Jun 30, 2013
I'd like to see more EMs and early SS tables from late 70s to early 80s. Be nice if we got more 2-in-1 packs with the older, simpler tables. Big Shot is an amazing "cool down" table after playing a really busy DMD. I wish there were more like it. Also I love Xenon but would have loved to see Paragon as well. The "Pre 80s" poll showed Paragon almost as popular as Xenon, and would likely have exceeded it were it not for some early Fireball votes. I actually voted Xenon but it was so close towards the end I thought they might tie.


New member
Feb 19, 2013
I'd like to see more EMs and early SS tables from late 70s to early 80s. Be nice if we got more 2-in-1 packs with the older, simpler tables. Big Shot is an amazing "cool down" table after playing a really busy DMD. I wish there were more like it. Also I love Xenon but would have loved to see Paragon as well. The "Pre 80s" poll showed Paragon almost as popular as Xenon, and would likely have exceeded it were it not for some early Fireball votes. I actually voted Xenon but it was so close towards the end I thought they might tie.

This! I wouldn't even mind if they released old EM's separate from the season pass and a lower price point as they would be simpler tables. Keep both groups happy. But realistically I'm curious how they'll keep up with both apps as is without adding the stress of extra tables.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Definitely more SS and EM's need to be made. Since SPA will handle the newest Sterns, we may see more of them in future releases. And there are tons of good SS tables to digitize.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Technically, any table that uses electronics is an SS. That includes modern Sterns.

But anyway, I've got a pretty solid number of tables in mind that could fill a hypothetical Season 7. I don't see any reason for them to stop after 6.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
Technically, any table that uses electronics is an SS. That includes modern Sterns.

But anyway, I've got a pretty solid number of tables in mind that could fill a hypothetical Season 7. I don't see any reason for them to stop after 6.
I think one of the main reasons why people complaining about the latest season having crappy tables (in reality every season has had some lackluster tables as well as tables I consider good but other people complained about) is because if Farsight releases all of the great unlicensed A++ tables now, there won't be anything "good" left to release in the future. Each season seems to have it's share of A+ gems as well as a few Bs and Cs sprinkled in for good measure. There's very few "turds" in TPA. I think I would rank Goin' Nuts between a "C-" to "D+" but I'm glad they included it as a historical curiosity since only ten prototypes were made.

While I would personally like to see more SS and EM tables dating from late 70s to early-mid 80s, I can understand why the DMD tables are more popular with the modern crowd. The earlier tables seem to play at a slower pace and make good cool downs from the busier DMDs.


New member
May 3, 2016
I think one of the biggest issues is continuing to think of TPA releases as 'seasons'. I understand that they do it for pack purchases but it creates a false sense of 'must start and finish with a bang'. I definitely see them continuing into season 7 - as long as the program is financially viable they'll continue making tables.

I actually really enjoyed S5 - I continue to play each table and love the EM 2 pack.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
One thing that does concern me, and was kind of what drove my reason for opening the thread, Does anyone know how many tables are left on the current WMS/Bally deal? If that is close to being exhausted, will they try to get another block of tables, Gottlieb us to death, or call it a day? I don't know if there is enough licenses left to do another season (after 6) even with all the Capcom tables without going to the Gottlieb/Premier well.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Yeah Williams is the back bone of this whole show, just take a look at any real top 10 list. I hope they re up if they need to! We have Capcoms, Alvin G's, EMs, and maybe if your real lucky some Allied Leisure to look forward to :) not to mention unlicenced Data East tables and some Pinball 2000, there are even a few Premier tables that might not suck (never played) Stargate, Cactus Jacks, Surfin Safari, Devils Dare, and some obscure ones like Qubert, 3 more seasons easy if they want it


New member
Jul 1, 2013
Yeah Williams is the back bone of this whole show, just take a look at any real top 10 list. I hope they re up if they need to! We have Capcoms, Alvin G's, EMs, and maybe if your real lucky some Allied Leisure to look forward to :) not to mention unlicenced Data East tables and some Pinball 2000, there are even a few Premier tables that might not suck (never played) Stargate, Cactus Jacks, Surfin Safari, Devils Dare, and some obscure ones like Qubert, 3 more seasons easy if they want it

I would like me some Allied Leisure as much as the next guy! :p In fact, there is a NIB of the Allied Leisure version of the GETAWAY (Not the cool one we have) on pinside for $1700. Can't find much information on it, so it must be rare (or no one admitted to buying it). Could be a bargain for FS?

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