Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses


New member
May 24, 2013
you guys are so impatient , the world is going through a pandemic , a lot places are still closed , in my case i can`t see my son and his family who live in Melbourne , who under lockdown again , 80% of the workers at the airport where my son works have been stood down , QANTAS is going to sack about 8,5000 workers . get bloody real you guys , where do you live in a fantasy world ? we`ve all got plenty of tables to play with in the meantime . sometimes i think you guys remind me of a heroin addict looking for another hit . have a great day :cool:


New member
Oct 10, 2019
Just because you happen to live in Australia, which has one of the worst, most panicky and most badly mismanaged responses to the virus does not mean that the rest of the world is like that. I live in Europe and most everything has been open and business as usual for months now, and there is no real surge in new cases.

There may be a lot of excused about what's going on right now (none of which have been communicated to the fans, though), but I'm willing to bet the virus is pretty low on that list, especially for the last 3-4 months and for a studio based in Europe.


New member
Mar 9, 2019
I posted my own musings and speculation - essentially from a position of being a huge fan of digital pinball and looking forward to more tables after nearly 12 months. Also this forum is so quiet nowadays, I thought I’d contribute a post instead of my usual lurk only mode. Moreover, I read or infrequently post on social media such as here in no small part to distract myself from thinking about real world problems such as being made unemployed myself during this pandemic.

But thanks for giving me another timely reminder of why I should not bother with such trivial follies as social media. Too much hassle seemingly to just innocently share opinions without someone taking it the wrong way or misunderstanding one’s intentions.

Got rid of FB and Twitter years ago and had binned off forums and such like before finding myself drawn here. As an ageing curmudgeon I should know myself better by now. Back to silence I merrily go

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Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
I'm thinking the delays are probably due to strategies that involve the upcoming new Sony and Microsoft game console launches and possibly even the iPhone 12/iOS 14 software release. What that might involve is anyone's guess, unless they are privy to this information.

These developments are largely unpredictable and completely out of Zen Studio's immediate control, although extremely important to their operation.

It seems like the new pinball collection is ready to go, at least for PC and probably for other current devices; however, with only a few weeks before some major gaming platform launches that have an enormous impact on Zen's business model, they are now in a holding pattern with regards to any release.

Just my worthless opinion brought about from my over-eager anticipation. :D
Oct 15, 2013
Hmmm, I don't think the new consoles are holding back Zen. With the news that Sony's biggest "next gen" titles are coming to PS4 and Microsoft doing a similar thing it appears that the consoles are adopting the PC approach of scalability. So FX3 can behave the same as it does on PC. One version of the game that scales depending on the platform you're on. No longer is it an either or question, the same games will exist across different consoles just at varying levels of graphical fidelity and performance.

Good thing too because I'm still rocking a 1080p tv with a 5.1 optical surround sound receiver. If I got a PS5 or a Xbox Series S/X I'd only get digital stereo and wouldn't be able to take advantage of the 4K options. So I think the sound would actually be worse with a little sharper picture. Also 4K is just silly because the internet isn't fast enough where I live to stream anything in 4K and there's no over the air 4K yet either. Maybe when that space internet becomes available and sports are being broadcast over the air in 4K it will be time to upgrade to a 4K tv.

I look at the new consoles as keeping up with audio and video equipment standards. As far as games go they don't really offer much that you can't get now. This is also the first time that the new consoles are based on the same x86 architecture of the old ones. Thus the scalability.

Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
I don't believe the delay is technical as much as it is strategical in a marketing sense. PC sales set a low benchmark and don't necessarily dictate too much with regards to a global, cross-platform software release. If the next update comes with new physics for all of the tables, or just balanced physics that is the same for every Williams table, that would be more than enough to thrill me.

I find myself pausing over the purchase button for a Stern Star Trek Premium vault edition every other day. I'd definitely have to get the colorDMD for it. Then I think maybe a newer table might be better, like Avengers. I really need some new virtual tables before I do something that lives up to my username. :)


New member
Oct 10, 2019
What I wonder is, doesn't Zen have some sort of contractual obligation to produce and release X tables per year, to hold on to their license?

What is going on right now can be considered 'force majeure' to an extent, but they're racing towards a full calendar year without a single new Williams product.
Oct 15, 2013
What I wonder is, doesn't Zen have some sort of contractual obligation to produce and release X tables per year, to hold on to their license?

What is going on right now can be considered 'force majeure' to an extent, but they're racing towards a full calendar year without a single new Williams product.

I would think the contract would be for a period of time and profit goals rather than a set number of tables.

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
you guys are so impatient , the world is going through a pandemic , a lot places are still closed , in my case i can`t see my son and his family who live in Melbourne , who under lockdown again , 80% of the workers at the airport where my son works have been stood down , QANTAS is going to sack about 8,5000 workers . get bloody real you guys , where do you live in a fantasy world ? we`ve all got plenty of tables to play with in the meantime . sometimes i think you guys remind me of a heroin addict looking for another hit . have a great day :cool:

While I think the pandemic has had some effect, I don’t think it’s the whole story. Other developers are still producing things. Thus, the restlessness. I mean come on...to go the whole year almost with nothing at all even after an announcement quite some time ago, is a little bit off putting don’t you think? I think we would still be in much of the same situation without the pandemic. So then what would your response be? The same? Different?

While I think great things are ahead and that things will work out, being kept in the dark is something that has ALWAYS fustrated me about Zen, even in the best of times. And I have been quite patient...but it’s been literally long enough to conceive and bring a baby into the world. Time for Zen’s new baby to see the light of day too...lol.


New member
Jun 9, 2019
Im starting to guess they are getting ready for next gen, ps5 and x1 and want to release next pack by november. Still its hard to understand wtf happen so they just release 1 pack this year. Its a major disappointment.


New member
Apr 18, 2019
Im starting to guess they are getting ready for next gen, ps5 and x1 and want to release next pack by november. Still its hard to understand wtf happen so they just release 1 pack this year. Its a major disappointment.

Yeah, I'm beginning to think that this may be the case as well. Wishful thinking tho, I was thinking that maybe, just maybe Zen has an ace up the sleeve with a new an improved game/app (Maybe FX4) and complete overhaul to the Williams app. It's been quite sometime since any update was done on the Williams app, neglecting some amount of bugs, so hopefully it will be a big update that we hoped for.


New member
Aug 27, 2018
Just because you happen to live in Australia, which has one of the worst, most panicky and most badly mismanaged responses to the virus does not mean that the rest of the world is like that. I live in Europe and most everything has been open and business as usual for months now, and there is no real surge in new cases.

LMFAO!!!!!!! I've seen some BS in my time but this takes the cake.


New member
Oct 10, 2019
LMFAO!!!!!!! I've seen some BS in my time but this takes the cake.

Look, mate, I'm genuinely sorry your country is being run by idiots. And if you still believe the virus is as dangerous as your government wants you to think, I think you might want to start living in a pod and eating bugs to really get on with the program.


New member
Jun 15, 2018
Yes I did too. I hope that means there will now be some progress on pinball!

Indeed - back to pinball! I think we now can look forward to news about toy pinball cabinets from GarbageMart containing exciting assortments of FX3-year-old tables!
Considering how much my appreciation for TPA Gottlieb tables has escalated over the last few months, I fear that by February I will become some weirdo who stealthily slips out of bed at night to go play Al's Garage Band.
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Nov 11, 2012
So we may be looking at a 2nd wave of COVID-19 and may be looking at staying at home as much as possible again. It would be very nice if Zen can finish up and release Vol. 6 before that happens so we have something new to play while at home. Meanwhile they'll have some cold hard cash coming in to weather that storm as well.


New member
Aug 27, 2018
Look, mate, I'm genuinely sorry your country is being run by idiots. And if you still believe the virus is as dangerous as your government wants you to think, I think you might want to start living in a pod and eating bugs to really get on with the program.

I believe the leading infectious experts not right wing nuts jobs. 1M dead in 6 months.
Yet in country of 25 Million we've only had a 1000 deaths.

Most of the country lives COVID free without restriction or the fear of infection. A country run by idiots? Try a country that doesn't cater to idiots.

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