Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses


New member
Jul 2, 2012
I want Space Shuttle. I know it's been done in TPA, but I want the Zen treatment for that table...it's the one I played most as a kid, and holds insane nostalgia for me. The rest of the solid state Williams tables from that era are all pretty special too, IMO.


Oct 31, 2015
Just tossing it out there as it isn't a DMD, but I'd like to see Eight Ball Deluxe and if that is there, Centaur as it is the table's cousin, if not sibling.

I love playing Centaur and have warmed to Eight Ball Deluxe in the real world, but the TPA versions were off. One of the rare tables I generally did better in the real world than in the video game.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
Just tossing it out there as it isn't a DMD, but I'd like to see Eight Ball Deluxe and if that is there, Centaur as it is the table's cousin, if not sibling.

I love playing Centaur and have warmed to Eight Ball Deluxe in the real world, but the TPA versions were off. One of the rare tables I generally did better in the real world than in the video game.

I love Centaur and EBD both in TPA. Got a chance to play EBD in real life a few times and while the TPA version was different, it was probably equally challenging and a lot of fun.

TPA honestly did a really good job in general with this era of games, especially later in the TPA run (Eight Ball Deluxe, Fathom, Sorcerer). They would be good to bring over because they have really strong competition rulesets, and the layouts are tough but fair. Downside is no DMD (and no modes), so Zen may be worried that their fanbase would turn up their noses.

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
Just tossing it out there as it isn't a DMD, but I'd like to see Eight Ball Deluxe and if that is there, Centaur as it is the table's cousin, if not sibling.

I love playing Centaur and have warmed to Eight Ball Deluxe in the real world, but the TPA versions were off. One of the rare tables I generally did better in the real world than in the video game.

Yes! Centaur is one of my favorite tables. And Eight Ball Deluxe is right up there for me too. Would love to see both of these tables remade by Zen. I am sure they could do great things with them.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
If Zen does do EBD, I for once will be able to compare it to the real thing as I've got one in my garage!

Just wanted to also state that Zen will never do a kickstarter (thank god), as they feel it is on them to strike a deal and pay for it, not to rely on crowd funding. This I have been told from reliable sources. They feel they are very good at licensing and have good relationships with IP holders. More to the point, needing a kickstarter makes Zen look weak and IP holders get nervous as suddenly a crowd can determine if their IP even has value.


Mar 25, 2013

That would be such a nice pull if they do that one. It's not a complicated table but I've always found the layout challenging and the theme fun. Just gotta get the multiplier bell clang to sound right - e.g. make it far louder than any of the table sound effects.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
The suspense is driving me banana flippers. Because those gambling issues this next pack is going to be different. its gonna tell us stuff like... check it out we really are putting out some older tables and this is how we will be treating them, or look what awesome property we were able to get, or see how we were able to modify the tables to avoid the issues, or maybe even show us a pack of tables never before digitized so they can be all like Hey guys we know you wanted something new and you got it. This next pack could be anything. It might not even be a 3 pack, it might be a single licensed table, for all we know it could be Indiana Jones. anyone else starting to go bonker balls like me here? what gonna happen??!!! WHEN!!!??? ahhh!!!!! man i love this stuff


Nov 11, 2012
The suspense is driving me banana flippers. (...) for all we know it could be Indiana Jones.

TBH I'm just glad if there is at least one table I already own on TPA/SPA. Yes they're all good tables, yes there's an improvement in the Zen versions, but it's all been there, done that as far as digital pinball goes. I'm ready for something different.


May 19, 2019
While the UMP and Vol.5 can keep us playing for a long time it would be nice to hear which tables Vol.6 will have.

Also I disagree about "been there done that" by TPA, as the bad implementation of something doesn't mean it's there at all. I gave TPA several tries in the past but the physics were so bad that it always drove me off so I just skipped it totally, and the turn of events have shown it was the right decision. Paying so much money for seeing just 3D models and hearing ROM sounds while having a bad & sour gameplay experience is not "been there done that", but rather "I threw my money in the toilet". It's like paying for a BMW but getting a BMW chassis with a FIAT engine under the hood.
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New member
Feb 29, 2012
While the UP and Vol.5 can keep us playing for a long time it would be nice to hear which tables Vol.6 will have.

Also I disagree about "been there done that" by TPA, as the bad implementation of something doesn't mean it's there at all. I gave TPA several tries in the past but the physics were so bad that it always drove me off so I just skipped it totally, and the turn of events have shown it was the right decision. Paying so much money for seeing just 3D models and hearing ROM sounds while having a bad & sour gameplay experience is not "been there done that", but rather "I threw my money in the toilet". It's like paying for a BMW but getting a BMW chassis with a FIAT engine under the hood.

I'm with you. The Zen versions are so vastly superior, it makes every TPA table irrelevant. I haven't even touched TPA in years now. Zen totally revived my interest in digital pinball with these Williams machines, and I'm happy to let them keep selecting the tables they want to work on without whining about it.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
i still like and play tpa, zen is better for sure, but after zen i still think tpa is the best in digital pinball. and yeah ive played all the bootleg unofficial pinaball stuff too. i love making dmd's and modding other's tables into stuff with those but they are so prone to crashing.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
i still like and play tpa, zen is better for sure, but after zen i still think tpa is the best in digital pinball. and yeah ive played all the bootleg unofficial pinaball stuff too. i love making dmd's and modding other's tables into stuff with those but they are so prone to crashing.

After completing all the new Williams Pinball tables (Monsters and Vol 5) to four stars, I have actually gone back to TPA for casual play. I definitely can't bring myself to play any of the tables that are now in Williams, but they suffer both from having been done better by Zen and also being some of the oldest tables in TPA. But I have been spending time with the tables that, in my opinion at least, Zen did the best.

I tagged some favorites, tables that play great in TPA and that probably won't get implemented in Williams any time soon:

- Big Shot
- Centigrade 37
- Eight Ball Deluxe
- El Dorado EM
- F14 Tomcat
- Fathom
- Paragon
- Sorcerer
- Space Shuttle
- Whirlwind

They also did a fine job with some of the later DMD implementations, starting with The Addams Family but also Judge Dredd, Indianapolis 500, Brahm Stokers Dracula, Jack Bot. Still very playable and fun. And the SPA games are all really strong.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
After completing all the new Williams Pinball tables (Monsters and Vol 5) to four stars, I have actually gone back to TPA for casual play. I definitely can't bring myself to play any of the tables that are now in Williams, but they suffer both from having been done better by Zen and also being some of the oldest tables in TPA. But I have been spending time with the tables that, in my opinion at least, Zen did the best.

Same here! I still play TPA for the non-Zen released tables.

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