Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses


Dec 14, 2018
So Williams volume 6 has been in beta since 18th March?

"beta" in that certain folks had access to the upcoming pack since then. Not sure how much feedback is actually taken by Zen in the form of traditional beta testing from the preview releases.

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
It means they may have licensed tables but will be part of their own unique label, like the Universal Monsters pack. So we could see other licensed tables appearing within their own groupings.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Is it really that bad? Or just the price?
I don't mind the actual game, is it a bad conversion?
It's nothing special and the platform is basically abandoned.

I personally believe their licence for Stern is lapsed so buyer beware based on what happened last time when they lost a licence.


Jan 28, 2013
It's nothing special and the platform is basically abandoned.

I personally believe their licence for Stern is lapsed so buyer beware based on what happened last time when they lost a licence.

True, and I couldn’t be more happy that Zen were there to pick up the WMS license when they did.


May 19, 2019
Well, after seeing no support for Linux and particulary not in the slightest (as with simple Proton that makes more than eleven thousand Steam games (almost) perfectly playable https://www.protondb.com) despite having all the code for Linux-Android already, I decided to not care again about anyhing pinball related from Zen and instead am focusing on alternatives.
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Staff member
May 8, 2012
Well, after seeing no support for Linux and particulary not in the slightest (as with simple Proton that makes more than eleven thousand Steam games (almost) perfectly playable https://www.protondb.com) despite having all the code for Linux-Android already, I decided to not care again about anyhing pinball related from Zen and instead am focusing on alternatives.
"Almost" is the problem here. Almost means increased support cases.
I wouldn't consider Linux as a gaming platform so I can understand why they aren't dedicating resources to this.
If they even hint at supporting Linux through whatever technique, where does the support begin and end with all the idiosyncracies between distros?


May 19, 2019
"Almost" is the problem here. Almost means increased support cases.
I wouldn't consider Linux as a gaming platform so I can understand why they aren't dedicating resources to this.
If they even hint at supporting Linux through whatever technique, where does the support begin and end with all the idiosyncracies between distros?

"Almost" means 99% problem-free regarding the core gameplay experience with 1% various quirks of minor importance, if it is done natively it runs flawless. Linux is a perfectly viable gaming platform nowadays with Steam (Valve having done a tremendous work in the last years with Proton (which is Steam Play) and not only) and Lutris (with which you can play Blizzard games flawless), and lots of devs supporting it as it is proven by the number of Steam games supported (>11.000) and educational videos sprawling around in youtube praising Linux gaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T_-HMkgxt0&pbjreload=101. , and with Linux distros supporting gaming out of the box in mind, with 1-click-install including Steam, codecs and device drivers done in a couple of minutes (vs. "half an hour" with W10), like Pop! OS, Manjaro, Mint et al. Fun fact is that older DirectX games run better on Linux than on Windows 10, which is... an accomplishment by M$ to say the least, or Linux's... depends from which side you are looking at it. With Steam Play there are no idiosyncracies at all, you have Steam installed, you click 'play' and the games run fine as one is used to.

With respect, apart from not considering Linux as a gaming platform many -and that is the problem- including Zen consider also that Microsoft does not use telemetry with Windows 10 that spies on you 24/7 and which can't be disabled, that even government agencies can't tell for sure what exactly is being transmitted, that it wasn't silently backported to Windows 7, 8 & 8.1 as well, that Microsoft became a monopoly by fair means and not by stealing someone's OS (CP/M), not by threatening OEMs to include IE, not by mafia tactics (death threats) against officials of Netscape, not sabotaging other browsers and other "office" applications with ActiveX etc, not breaching contracts like Java, OS/2 and all things "Embrace, extend, extinguish" and not being multiple times convicted with fines worth billions for monopoly and predatory tactics.

So the above -comically tragic affecting Zen employees and bosses as developers/users/gamers as well- , in other words Zen's arrogant & ignorant refusal of protecting my (and their) hobby from known spyware (not to mention being forced to cope up with the added bloat/mess on top of the previous with every "new" Windows NT iteration (kernel, registry, disk space & memory consumption, UWP apps, forced updates & reboots plagued with all kind of problems) and practically the stagnation of the desktop environment for over 20 years), despite having all the tools already -Steam, Proton, OpenGL, Vulkan (which is faster and better coded than DX12), some of them already used for their Linux-Android ports, as well as the fact that lesser studios with lesser manpower and lesser funds, as well as competitors like Zaccaria, Pro Pinball Ultra, Pinball Wicked, partially Pinball Arcade, support Linux natively already (and in the worst case scenario through Proton), and hearing as an excuse after all of those that "the user base is too small" when in fact you are the one responsible for this viscious circle, backed up by ignorant cheerleaders behaving like the PC is another "closed system", a console, systems that Zen loves as it is proven by their logic of the lowest common denominator (uniform UI, non-customizability for the PC, idiotic reason to not have Steam cards as the top of the cream), Xbox, PS4, Switch, Arcade1UP, otherwise called "consolitis", all those made me lose every respect about Zen as a company, despite admiring Peter's pinball physics. Maybe Stadia -which is running on Debian Linux with Vulkan, not DirectX- and could be the next-gen thing Mel was talking about will force Zen change its narrow mind, who knows, until then, farewell.

I'd suggest you all give the M$-OS a second thought though after reading a bit about its disgraceful history, it's worth ditching it alone for the new exciting things you can learn with Linux and being part of a community.
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New member
Jun 9, 2019
So. The new stuff is getting announced tomorrow? Cant wait to see whats coming with digital pinball in general with Zen!


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
In about 11 hours from now.

11:30 AM PDT/2:30 PM EDT is the scheduled session for Zen Studios, and Arcade1UP following shortly after.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Did they announce a release date? I put it on for a little bit, but there was no picture. I would love to see a trailer.

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