Williams Pinball App Data Collection


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I haven't even unlocked Safe Cracker at 1*.

Other tables:
Owned: AFM, FT
3*: PZ, MM, HS2 (all at max parts), ToM (24 of 100)
2*: JY, BR (both available to upgrade), CPub (44 of 50 parts)

1960 tickets
9 coins
Lv 37

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Oh yeah, I wouldn't bother with SC then, not when you hate it. I don't know how you feel about spending money on the app (I think I've made it abundantly clear how I feel about that!), but purchasing the next pack for $10 will keep you from totally falling behind the 8 ball, otherwise unless Zen makes some changes, you're screwed. This next interview I have with Mel should be interesting as I've got a lot to say to him about the app rewards.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
My apologies. It is still 100 coins. I foolishly went to the wrong screen. Safecracker is the only table I have left to upgrade and I can’t bear to pay for coins for that particular table because it is by far my least favorite. I appreciate your responses and will delete my original post. Playing to win 50 challenges a day for a handful of coins is making me lightheaded I guess. Again, I apologize.

No worries man, at least we've cleared that up! What is your coin count? If you can upgrade SC before the next pack drops, you can earn a butt load of coins beforehand, as I've discovered. If you hold off on upgrading and Zen doesn't put in hard caps on parts, you are only going to hurt yourself with collecting parts for the next batch of tables. Just keep that in mind.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Oh yeah, I wouldn't bother with SC then, not when you hate it. I don't know how you feel about spending money on the app (I think I've made it abundantly clear how I feel about that!), but purchasing the next pack for $10 will keep you from totally falling behind the 8 ball, otherwise unless Zen makes some changes, you're screwed. This next interview I have with Mel should be interesting as I've got a lot to say to him about the app rewards.

I'm unlikely to spend money.

While you're at it with Mel, ask him about Android League Play and if it's ever going to be 100% fixed so it gives out rewards, and that those rewards are commensurate with the number of tickets sunk into the effort (i.e. I'd expect a profit, as long as I put up a decent enough showing). In the three "seasons" of League Play that I participated, I never got an official reward - I had to go through customer support, who credited me with some tickets and coins. I've not bothered since.


New member
Apr 9, 2019
Thanks SYT. I need 49 coins to finish up. It’s a point of pride not to spend money. I am at level 42 with 66k tickets. I can recite almost all the commercials.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Thanks SYT. I need 49 coins to finish up. It’s a point of pride not to spend money. I am at level 42 with 66k tickets. I can recite almost all the commercials.

I’m right there with ya. Never spent a dime on a single mobile app. Do you play the Skillz multiplayer or are you on Android and can’t? I turned $3 of free rewards into $50 playing that.

“Slots Eraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”


New member
Apr 9, 2019
On average I was getting one coin for every five challenges. I have just gone over 30 challenges in a row without receiving a single coin. 70,000 tickets and all the safecracker parts you could ever want.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Is that with just the Basic challenge? I know you are resetting that cycle, but don’t know what other challenges you are playing. I was typically getting a coin out of the Pro challenge after the latest ‘adjustment’, averaging 3 a day, no cycle resets.


New member
Apr 9, 2019
2 pro, 3 advanced, the rest basic. I finally hit paydirt on challenge 38. One coin. Yippee! Played five more and received another coin. Nothing in the last ten. Lots of cannot connect to server messages followed by crashes that bring me back to challenges erasing the challenge I just beat. It’s getting worse.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I've not even been playing these past few days. I've been busy, granted, but at the times I've been playing pinball recently (usually watching TV after dinner), I've switched to Elder Scrolls Blades, which has zero ads and a much simpler currency system.*

* Okay, if you look at it from a certain standpoint, it has dozens of different "currencies", but these are all crafting materials needed to improve your equipment and rebuild the town: wood, stone, metals, herbs, precious gems, and so on - nothing you wouldn't expect from an Elder Scrolls RPG, in fact; in addition to generic "gold" (used to pay for upgrades in-game). The only purchasable currency are "gems" which are the de facto pay-to-win Smurfberries.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I get the ‘cannot connect’ messages usually when I first log into the app, but I’ve never had one erase a challenge. Crashes occur when flipping the watch an ad card and that ad is interactive. Pushing the icon in the lower left corner and reporting it usually prevents the crash. Are you by chance charting your rewards?


New member
Apr 9, 2019
I get the crashes regularly. The last two days are the first time the challenge I beat disappears erasing my progress. I started reporting the crashes yesterday as you suggested. I don’t know if that contributes to the flakiness of the app and the scarcity of coins.


New member
Apr 9, 2019
The last two days I have had crashes or freeze up before the prize box opens as well. Hopefully volume 4 will stabilize the ship.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
That’s what I’m saying, it’s the interactive ads that crash the app. I just had 2 of those in the past 10 minutes, but as the ad started I pushed that little icon and bypassed the ad, no crash. It has nothing to do with the scarcity of the coins. Zen made a change a few weeks ago that increased ticket allotment but decreases parts, and really stifled coins. I’m earning coins easily right now only because all my tables are maxed and instead of a flip if the card giving me parts, it gives me a coin instead. That’s why I’m scrambling to get 300 before the next pack drops so I don’t have to worry about them.


New member
Oct 4, 2018
Where have all the coins gone, I've earned 22 in the past 3 weeks which is horrendous (avg. 1 per day).
Part drops continue to disappoint so the incentive to keep playing challenges is rapidly diminishing.

Vol 3 Progress - Day 54:
CP - 79/100
SC - 74/100
TOM - 46/100


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Here's the summary after playing the app for 52 days

Level 39 (+2)
Tickets 27,735 (+10,000 approx)
Coins 301 (+246)

As you can see, I went farming for coins. Didn't matter what level of challenge I played, I always got at least one coin instead of a table part. Sometimes I'd get 2, on a rare occasion I'd get 3 but that was few and far between. I pretty much stopped playing the Premium challenge unless I knew it was an easy table for me, and even then I didn't try and try over and over again, failing 3 times was pretty much my limit. Same went for Pro more or less. I did find that cycling through the Basic challenge over and over meant playing a rotation of like 3 tables, so that also got boring fast. Let's just say I've played a LOT of Black Rose, Party Zone, and Junk Yard for some reason.

I really don't know how many of you will be able to exploit farming for coins like I did, as obviously you first have to max out all the tables. It is something to keep in mind though if you find yourself buying all the tables outright next time offered. Here's what you'd have to do...

1. Buy a pack of 300 coins
2. Play for parts of the 3 newest tables.
3. As soon as you have the 100 parts needed for full upgrade, do it. This will speed up collecting on the remaining tables.
4. Playing to the 15 star goal of Basic and Advanced will net you 6 parts in total each. Pro will get you 8 parts, Premium 9.
5. Expect it to take at least 30 days to earn enough parts for that first upgrade IF you are playing all the challenges to 15 stars.
6. Once that first table is upgraded, you'll earn the other table's parts within 10-15 days probably.
7. Once you have upgraded all 3 tables, you need to bank coins for the next go around.
8. I was earning around 25 coins per day, just farming for them. I wanted to beat the next release by having 300 ready to go.
9. You can now choose to relax on farming for coins. Or can you?
10. I plan on continuing to play daily and earning more coins, but not with any sort of purpose. There might come a time when Zen either raises the coins needed for upgrade or does a special release of a table (I'm thinking how they said licensed tables would get their own release separate from Volume packs), so having an even larger cache of coins would save you the headache of finding yourself once again behind what is needed.

Obviously none of this is ideal, but for those of us that want to spend as little as possible (or anything at all), this is the reality.

Next Time

More of the same, still updating the score chart. I slacked off on doing that this last week, mainly because most of the scores I need to grab are in the Premium challenge. I still hope that once I talk to Mel, a spotlight can be shone on this whole mess. It is simply impossible for a new app user to get anywhere in this game now, and that does not bode well for the life of the app. Even people that would prefer paying upfront for it all, imagine opening the app for the first time and being hit with "Special offer, $50 bucks for all, you only have 3 days". Yeah, no bueno.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
they ended up crediting me 500 tickets for that glitch i was experiencing weeks back where it was forcing me to pay the coin for the extra card flip every game. lost about 30ish coins (all of them at the time). now i have like 3 coins. looks like they fixed that though as it no longer happens. unfortunately i was skating and slammed myself down sideways onto the street, im fine but my phone was in my pocket and is now spider-web city. it still works for calls and stuff but pinball is not fun on it, gonna need a replacement soon but too broke to care at the moment so taking a break on the app for a bit.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
All I know that I still don't have 100 coins....... I've been grinding daily challenges almost every day since the game came out on android. And I still don't know how their biggest selling point, physics, actually feels like. So how am I supposed to know is the game actually worth the money. Something is broken there. Apart from plunging.


New member
Apr 9, 2019
Anyone else unable to open boxes on iOS? I see on another thread Android users are having this issue. Win a challenge, the box stays locked. Go back to challenges and the challenge you just beat is erased.

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