Wizard goals possible after St. Within same game


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Yeah, this annoys me, as well. I have yet to get the Beat the Crate wizard goal in SS, yet I felt like I managed to get it when I had a game where I beat the last Standard Goal. Come on, FS, just make them instantly unlocked within a game where you complete the last standard goal.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Street goals would be interesting though. It's where you walk around on your street and complete standard goals, and assume you won't get hit by a car. Lol! While trying to use the paddles to keep the ball out of the gutters. 'Paddles' 'gutters' lmaoing
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New member
Jun 26, 2013
Whatever the std. abbreviation may be (ahem) I did have a brain wave about this the other day. After unlocking all wizard goals, I wouldn't be sad to have a running total of the number of times I've hit the goal *after* unlocking it. Or a running total of how many times you've gone into wizard mode, etc.

Honestly, I just live for the tiny little "ga-ja-CHING" noise that it plays when you clear a goal. I'm easily amused.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Whatever the std. abbreviation may be (ahem) I did have a brain wave about this the other day. After unlocking all wizard goals, I wouldn't be sad to have a running total of the number of times I've hit the goal *after* unlocking it. Or a running total of how many times you've gone into wizard mode, etc.

Honestly, I just live for the tiny little "ga-ja-CHING" noise that it plays when you clear a goal. I'm easily amused.

There's a noise? Haven't noticed it on Android.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
There's a noise? Haven't noticed it on Android.

I think so, though on noisier tables it may get lost or never played.

It's entirely possible I'm mingling PHoF memories with Android play, but I'm pretty sure it does make a little noise when you hit a goal. I finally unlocked Atlantis on RBION the other day for the first time, but I was too awed with myself to pay attention to the sounds. :D


Apr 12, 2012
Whatever the std. abbreviation may be (ahem) I did have a brain wave about this the other day. After unlocking all wizard goals, I wouldn't be sad to have a running total of the number of times I've hit the goal *after* unlocking it. Or a running total of how many times you've gone into wizard mode, etc.

Honestly, I just live for the tiny little "ga-ja-CHING" noise that it plays when you clear a goal. I'm easily amused.
I second the vote for the running total.

Heck, I want tons of stats, like you get with Zen.


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I don't want my Wizard goals checked off in the same game I check off the standard goals. If anything, I'd like to see both Standard and Wizard goals achieved in order. As in this non-existing table:

1) Skill shot
2) Extra ball awarded by points
3) Combo shot
4) Score X number of points
5) Multiball

1) Extra ball awarded with skill shot
2) Max bonus multiplier
3) Combo shot in order
4) Beat the Boss
5) Score X+ points

I'm open to moving things around, but the gist of it is this...beat the machine. If you can get either group of awards in a game, that's great. But, first Standard then Wizard.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I'd like the option at least. In the meantime I'm still pursuing my first post-Standard 750k+ game of Firepower!


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I don't think it makes much sense to tier them off. If you want to list them from 'easiest' to 'hardest', fine, but I have the same issues as some of you. Maybe it makes a little more sense on consoles (achievements), but not on mobile.

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