Bug Wizard Goals unlocked from the start?


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I downloaded for PS3 last night, and noticed after a few games that I couldn't view the standard goals, only the wizard goals. And some of them were marked as complete, even though I clearly hadn't done it (e.g. get 2,000,000 points).

Either the wizard goals have been unlocked from the beginning, or the standard goals are wrongly labeled as wizard goals on the menu. Not sure which one, could someone confirm the list of goals for this table so I can specify? It might even be the case that I got through the standard goals really quickly without realising, and ended a game prematurely so the popup didn't show saying I had beaten the standard goals. In which case it's not a bug. Maybe the lack of trophies threw me off, hah!
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Nov 11, 2012
I just got a "GOAL 5 COMPLETE" (the 2,000,000 point one) in the middle of a game where I was maybe at the 1,200,000 mark. None of the goals was unlocked at the start. These are the actual wizard goals. Edit: same as OP, on PS3.

It's probably a PS3 bug but we're told to post bugs in the table forum, so here goes.

EDIT: I noticed that the high score pops up regularly... maybe it has to do with that? At some point the game thinks that the high score being displayed is the current score and thus awards the goal?
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New member
Jul 29, 2012
i'm not sure if it is that or if the goal is mistakenly cumulative across multiple games, but the same bug was present on iOS.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I just got a "GOAL 5 COMPLETE" (the 2,000,000 point one) in the middle of a game where I was maybe at the 1,200,000 mark. None of the goals was unlocked at the start. These are the actual wizard goals. Edit: same as OP, on PS3.

It's probably a PS3 bug but we're told to post bugs in the table forum, so here goes.

EDIT: I noticed that the high score pops up regularly... maybe it has to do with that? At some point the game thinks that the high score being displayed is the current score and thus awards the goal?

Those two things happened to me last night as well! Scored 1,9 million and the 2 mill wizard goal popped up. Just completed the standard goals the game before that and the trophy didn't show. :(

PS3 version, love the table btw.


New member
Nov 28, 2016
There are still goal bugs on this table. I got the 750k Standard Goal even though I only scored about a 3rd of that.


New member
Nov 8, 2016
I just got the 2,000,000 wizard goal automatically and I'm only at 608K. When the third ball starts it puts the highest score up on the display as the score to beat and this triggers the goal.

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