Would you like to see original tables?


Nov 23, 2013
I would probably buy original tables if they were releasing such, but I wouldn't be too happy about it. Looking at Zen it's pretty clear that what they put out is lightyears away from real pinball tables from real designers as far as table design and rulesets go. They've been getting better at it recently, and there are a handful of actually really well done tables on the platform (Fear Itself is probably the crown jewel), but overall it's going to be incredibly difficult for anyone to get to the level the Bally/Williams and old Gottlieb designers were at at their peak. I think it'd just lead to disappointment.

It´s not to hard it has been done 17 years ago...


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I wouldn't like it, but I would probably buy them if they were sequels to existing tables. Taxi 2: Dracula vs. Santa, Baby of Pinbot, no Good Gophers II: Bud and Buz Meet Gunther, etc.


New member
May 4, 2012
If the TPA team designed some original tables (a custom made table instead of recreation of the real pinball machine) would you buy them?
No way. I want to play games designed by professional pinball designers. And aspiring designers can build their skills with Visual Pinball or Future Pinball.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
No way. I want to play games designed by professional pinball designers. And aspiring designers can build their skills with Visual Pinball or Future Pinball.

And what if they hire a professional pinball designer? Someone who has already worked on real pinball akd proved himself worthy? That would be cool no? ^^


New member
May 24, 2013
i`m an old bastard , i`m for it !!! old tables new tables all the same to me, it`s still pinball !!! lets be grateful with modern technology we have all these lovely tables. why not throw in a couple of newies !!! :)


New member
Dec 14, 2013
nah, real pins for me. zen2 does a great job with theirs but i have a hard time playing that game for more than 30mins, once a week. TPA im on for 2-7 hours a day everyday, 'cuz of the real pins ;). i guess one wouldnt hurt, but, would much rather get a recreated one instead, hands down.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
The appeal of TPA for me is that it's actual REAL tables. The graphics, UI, sound etc ... is not the best out there IMHO, but I don't care: the tables are REAL tables.
I do like the graphics and sounds of Zen Pinball 2 better for example, but I almost never played Zen Pinball once I got TPA.


May 10, 2013
I would not hesitate to buy an original table. The last time I stood in front of a real-world pinball machine was back in the 80s, so most of TPA's “real tables” I know only as digital. Since Farsight are so well-versed in grounding their recreations in reality I would gamble 8 bucks (pro version price) that they could invent a table that we all could love to criticize and hate.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
I would love to see sequels to my fav tables. I can imagine a sequel to Black Knight with a DMD, new features and the same old good soundtrack.

I was envisioning something similar not too long ago, like a "Revenge of the Black Knight" or something like that.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
I would be interested in original tables, if the pinball veterans were designing them.

Or how about THIS for a twist: I'd be interested in new original artwork/gameplay designs on existing pinball tables, if the licensing for said existing table is too cost-prohibitive. Kinda like how Gottlieb did some of their games (Hollywood Heat, Raven, etc.)... FS could take, say, a Star Wars table and re-brand it "Space Fighters".


May 10, 2013
If you don't mind my asking...how come?

Say Jeff, sorry I missed seeing this question earlier. No really good reason for not playing real pinball except I haven’t seen many pinball machines in my daily travels for a couple of decades.

In my youth, over the course of a few years, my local 7-11 had Superman, replaced by Kiss, replaced by Gorgar, and the owner/manager took pity on me and a buddy and usually set the table to free play as long as we bought a hot dog and a slurpee or whathaveyou. Gorgar was there the longest and I played a few times a week, basically for free. That routine lasted through most of high school.

So, when I went to the theater arcade, dropped 50 cents into Black Hole for a brutal, 20 second game, I gave up on pinball and most arcade games. I liked it but it was too hard and expensive to get the necessary practice. I’d been spoiled by free Gorgar. I didn’t hang out in arcades after high school except for a brief air-hockey addiction in the early 90s, but they didn’t have pinball there.

And like I said, I haven’t seen many machines out in the wild. I don’t get out much,tho. Work, home, grocery store; that’s about it. I do live about 30/35 minutes from the Pacific Pinball museum (although I’d never heard of it until I read about it in this forum last year), but I haven’t had the proper combination of time, spare change and energy to make the drive. I’d say it’s just laziness, but I seem to be pretty busy most of the time.

I’d LOVE to spend time in front of a real Firepower or Monster Bash, tho. Geez. Typing about it makes me want to go. I just googled the hours for the place. Hmm. I’m taking some time off of work in the near future. Maybe I just finally talked myself into it. I bet I’m a flailing newbie on a real Firepower.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Jeff, you'll LOVE the Pacific Pinball Museum. I live across the bay from it, so i don't get to go as often as I like, but it's so much fun. After you pay admission, you can play all day for free, and the staff is very knowledgeable as well. I was actually able to convince my work to have the PPM take their "Lil' Juju" (awesome Airstream-style trailer with five classic EM pinball tables inside) out to our location to be part of our boardwalk-themed company picnic. It was a total smash. ...Yeah, go as soon as you get a chance.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
No. It would not mojo with the current app.

If they want to do a seperate app for that sort of thing then all the power to them. However don't pollute the Pinball Arcade with fantasy tables.

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