XBox360 vs PS3 vs iPad3

Michael A Lee

New member
Aug 26, 2012

My Birthday and Christmas are coming up and I am having one hell of a time trying to decide what I want to ask Santa for. All I do know is 100% it is going to involve The Pinball Arcade and all of the tables it has.

Currently I have a Samsung Android device and all the demo tables as well as my sons PS3 and all of the demos, but I plan to go all in on one of the above choices.

I know it would be easy to just say "Dude you already have the PS3 and you don't want to deal with Microsofts BS just do that." but I want the honest opinion from you folks in the know, as my Youtube research makes me think it looks just a little bit better on the XBox360.

So my questions to you are the following. (And not all answers need to be the same system)

1. What system will give me the most realistic experiance to the real tables in looks and feel?

2. What system do you feel you enjoy playing on the most and is more fun?

3. What is your choice of system if you were in my shoes and why?

Please keep in mind the following, I am a very patient man and so issues with updates or release dates or bugs should not factor into your answer. Money is also not an issue as this will be from Santa remember? :) I have just been driving myself batty researching through this site and youtube videos and word of mouth so I have finally come to the experts, for the expert advice I need.

The fans and fellow players of this wonderful game. You're thoughts are greatly appreciated.




New member
May 23, 2012
Well the PS3 version has very dark tables and practically mute sound. The iPad has very bright and detailed tables and outstanding sound. The level of detail in the iPad version is just not there in the ps3 version. And we're going on the fourth ps3 update with no real sign of them fixing the audio and atrocious table detail.

However, the huge huge HUGE plus to any console version is that you get to play with buttons. Not the case on the iPad. So basically, it's whatever control scheme suits you best. Personally I prefer buttons by a large margin, but don't let that sway your decision. Figure out what's best for you.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
I prefer the Ipad over PS3. Fingers close to the flippers, great sound and graphics. More tactile than PS3 in my opinion, giving a more life like experience.


Jul 11, 2012
If you already have a PS3 the account can be shared and you get the PS VITA FREE,or vice versa. XBOX gets more updates but in the end the PS3 is the best graphical version.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I have the PS3 and the iPod 3. The graffix on the iPod are clear and crisp, but if you want the mood of a darker table and the light show to go with it, PS3 has that. My personal preference is for the PS3, and it's based mostly on comfort. Holding an iPad for any length of time, it gets uncomfortable. The DualShock is obviously designed for comfort (shut it you Xbox lovers, cuz I like it just fine!) plus you get the added benefit of actual buttons and easy nudging with the analogue stick.

As for sound, I don't know about you but I'll take home theater with sub woofer over little itty bitty iPod speaker anyday. I guess there's always headphones?

As far as buying an Xbox just for this title, form what I've heard there's not too much difference in either direction between 'em. Add in the cost of your Live membership, and 3 years from now you'd have been able to buy both an iPad AND PS3 versions.

Like I said though, comfort trumps the initial visual wow of the iPad.


New member
Aug 26, 2012
After many weeks playing New iPad, PS3 and X360 I enjoy more playing on the PS3 for it's great real feeling of dark tables illumination and also less bright DMD intensity in comparison do the X360 version. I also see just a liitle more jaggies in X360 version than in PS3, all playing at 1080p and same 50 inch plasma TV. The controller is fine for me in both systems. The analog nudge is great on both.

The iPad is a isolated experience, it's mobile, has poor nudge controls, great graphic resolution but poor illumination and details comparing to console versions. The green light at the castle in MM is a big example since it's missing from IOS versions. The touch control is fine, but can get uncomfortable if playing for long periods.
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George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I only have the demo on my iPad because it's a work provided device but it looks great and runs smooth. I own the Android version and it also plays great on my tablet, but not graphically as nice as the iPad. I like having a portable version of the game as a time waster that's more fun to me than when I had an Angry Birds addiction. However, my preferred way to play is on console. I own the PS3 and Xbox versions and they both look fantastic! I personally prefer the Xbox version because I like the feel of the controller A LOT more. Plus, Farsight has already stated that in a future update, the lighting will be changed to match that of the PS3 version. Really, the only version that will best consoles, IMO, is the PC version.

In your case I would get the PS3 version unless you plan on getting an Xbox anyway. The money you save can go to buying the tables on multiple devices. :)


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I have all 3 and 360 is my main platform due to having proper nudge, the superior controller and no lag. In your case id check the lag on ps3 and if its absent id stick to that.


New member
May 15, 2012
Out of those 3 I only have the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. The Xbox 360 version is easily the most superior out of those two due to it having better lighting (PS3 tables are far too dark and no settings can make them look like the 360 tables do), a far better controller, no flipper lag whatsoever (this was a total deal breaker for the PS3 version), and leaderboards that have score that are only from Xbox 360 users. Please make sure that you try the demo on the PS3 first to make sure that you are able to tolerate the excessively dark lighting and to see if you have any major flipper lag problems.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I have all three versions, and I'd go with either the PS3 or 360 because you'll have better lighting and controls. I prefer the darker tables on PS3. They look much better to me, but the 360 version doesn't look bad either.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I can only play with a controller. I just can't get into touch screen controls. I used to own a PS3 and an xbox but I sold the xbox. I just couldn't get used to the controller. For some reason I never liked the offset analog sticks. Anyway when it comes down to it the right choice for you is going to be how, when and where you like to play. I can see why someone would like the xbox controller or touch screen control better, but they aren't for me.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I greatly prefer the 360 version, due to its having proper nudging (the analog sticks allow variable-force and omnidirectional nudging, including the subtle moves you'd use on the real machines). But I have TPA for the iPad 3 as well, both for on-the-road play and to get my fix on newer tables as the 360 is one of the last platforms to get DLC.

Will also be picking up the PC version as soon as FarSight sees fit to release it.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Here's my opinions.

If you're only planning on playing at home, get the Xbox360. The nudging with the controllers is excellent (and remap the flippers to the bumpers and not the triggers - it's much easier to play that way). Be aware that the Xbox sound is very LOUD though, so you'll have to crank down the volume, and it's best played in a darkened room as it's a high-contrast table.

If you want to play mobile - get the iPad. You can carry it with you and the details on the oh-so-nice retina screen are stunning (there are, after all, more pixels on the iPad's retina screen than the 1080p you'll get with the Xbox or PS3). Flippers are just left and right touch and nudging is a bit more difficult.

Personally, I use both.

DLC wise, Android will always get it first (it's up the moment Farsight posts it, no approvals). Next fastest would be iOS, within two weeks of submission (usually under 1). Then comes the PS3 (Sony desperately needs content, so they're letting a lot of things slide in), followed by Xbox (Microsoft's pretty strict about enforcing quality guidelines, and reviews + postings can take at least a couple of months).


New member
Jul 29, 2012
I would recommend the iPad. The portrait aspect ratio is the best fit for a pinball game, and the ability to just pick it up anywhere at any time and be playing a quick game of pinball inside of 5 seconds is unmatched. why tether yourself to your couch? the graphics and physics are not a significant downgrade from the consoles (although i believe lighting is less dynamic).

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
For tactile flipper buttons and the ability to nudge at all.
This. And for anyone doubting that physical buttons and proper nudging has a huge effect on gameplay, evidence from my own high scores:

Theatre of Magic: 1.6B on iPad3, 8.5B on 360
FunHouse: 52M on iPad3, 205M on 360
Monster Bash: 839M on iPad3, 3.5-4.0B on 360 (depending on what percentage you want to cut out due to Franky jackpot issues)

In general, I do 4X to 5X better when I have proper controls. :D I still play on iOS, but strictly for entertainment purposes when on the road.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I play on an iPad simply for the convenience factor. But the best gaming experience seems to be the 360. Real button controls, and the best overall look/lighting IMO.

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