XBox360 vs PS3 vs iPad3


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
My recommendation is to check if you have flipper lag on the PS3. If not, stick with that. There is not enough of a difference between the PS3 and the XBOX360 version to warrant buying a whole new system.

I play on XBOX, iphone 4, and samsung galaxy S3 so this is a non-fanboy answer :D

If you have a choice of console vs mobile, go console. The buttons feel more like flipper buttons and being able to nudge in any direction at multiple levels of force give you great control without worrying about tilting.

The Ipad 3 is going to have the highest resolution but that does not equate to detail. The consoles will have more detail to them, though the mobile versions do look great.

You need to choose according to your needs. Are you going to be playing at home most? Go with your console. Are you going to playing in the car or on the bus more often? Go with the iPad version.

Ultimately, unless the xbox live exclusive leaderboard is really worth 200$ to you, your best bet is the PS3.


New member
May 19, 2012
I've got PS3 and iPad3 - I only play iPad. I prefer playing in portrait, plus the graphics seem far better to me on it. I don't have any flipper lag on the PS3 so that doesn't come in to it.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I play on both. I do most of it on the iPad because well, I have it with me most of the time, being the right size to show the table off. I also play on my iPhone because that's often with me when my iPad isn't.

But I do like it on my 360, though they really need to spruce up the arcade - the sloppy paint and bare wood...

I can't say much about Android as I only have it on demo.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Xbox 360 is preferable to PS3 for TPA, IMO. Don't have an iPad, so can't say, but the iPad versions of the tables are technically inferior to the console versions. If you want the "full-fat" experience, you'll go console. Personally, if I had an iPad I'd get all the tables on it too, but when I was playing seriously, I'd still play on 360.


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Since the last ps3 TPA update, my lag issues seem to be resolved. Ps3 looks way more realistic than my iPad 2. I don't have an Xbox but if the controls are snappier than ps3, that's what I'd certainly go with. The ability to control your nudging is a crucial feature. It makes the console versions the best by far IMO.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I dunno if my suggestion counts as I only have a PS3 of the three versions listed. I much prefer the PS3 controller over the 360 controller (tried it, didn't like it) and the lighting in the PS3 version is very good. It also makes the table darker but it's not so dark that you can't see anything. I'd never use iPads as I hate not being able to use buttons.

P.S. I do not get flipper lag.

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