Your favorite Halloween (or horror) movies?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I love this time of year here in the states. I get to see some of my all time favorite movies. I'm a very big Vincent Price fan. Watching The Tingler right now and House of Wax follows in about an hour.
A more current favorite of mine is Trick 'r Treat from 2008.

So, what are some of your favorite Halloween/horror flicks or actors?


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Well i dunno how huge a horror fan i am as i refuse to watch most zombie ****e

theres the evil dead and night of the living i guess...hail to the king baby

Im pretty fond of 80s horror, and the first scary movie was okay for a laugh..

Id say my top three in no real order are

1. candyman
2. the omen
3. evil dead 3


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Good ones. I'm not into the zombie thing either.
Another classic is Rosemary's Baby. I'm sure you've seen that one at some point over the years.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
An old British black and white called 'Night of the Demon' is a good one. 'Nosferatu' still gives me the creeps even now, the Josh Brolin flick 'The Car' is a fave.

The original Omen movies, just rewatched the Exorcist movies as they've just been released on Blu Ray in the UK.

Modern horror has gone downhill recently. Don't really go for the found footage fest although the original Paranormal Activity was good.

Any classic John Carpenter is also high on my list


New member
Jul 30, 2015
The Ring & that first Hellraiser are favorites. The Exorcist series, and The Evil Dead movies are good.

The Shipping News is not considered a horror movie, but there is some pretty horrible stuff in it.

Home Sweet Hell & some John Waters stuff like Serial Mom & Cecil B. Demented are very funny black/horror comedies. :)
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New member
May 4, 2012
I love horror & terror movies, especially the extremely rare very good ones. Here are some of them:

Rosemary's Baby
The Blair Witch Project
Funny Games (both versions)
Night of the Living Dead
The Exorcist
Miracle Mile
Dawn of the Dead (the remake with Sarah Polley)
Dogtooth (sort of horror)

I'm sure I'm forgetting some great ones.

(I don't care much for slasher movies, even Halloween.)


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Classic Horror

-Spider Baby (or The Maddest Story Ever Told) - I think Lon Chaney Jr. Is underrated and he is probably my favorite horror star along with Vincent Price
-The Universal Classic Monster movies from the 30's and 40's
-The Evil Dead trilogy
-The Roger Corman Poe films starring Vincent Price
-Night of the Living/Dawn of/ Day of the Dead
-Horror of Dracula
-Godzilla (1954 Japanese version)
-Dead Alive
-The Incredible Shrinking Man
-Jaws (but that is more of a summertime movie than a Halloween movie)

Modern Horror

-The Conjuring
-Saw (only the first one)
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New member
Apr 15, 2014
Anything that MST3K riffed on. God I love that show.

you n' i both!!! :) i have pretty much every epi loaded on my ps3 drive and can let it run for -weeks- at a time if i cared to let it go for that long... it's my "happy place!"

as far as a "serious" list, i dunno; tough choices...

1) the exorcist - because you can't really "background"-watch this one; you have to absolutely watch it with no other distractions or even casual web-surfing. it's just too moody, too deep, too well-done. no matter how many viewings... no matter how "early-seventies slow-paced" it is, compared to other flicks you can watch so many times then have it mentally memorized. and, maybe so it's so realistically paced, it's still completely and utterly shocking, as if you're watching a documentary (or maybe, the best/"worst" "ghost adventures" episode ever!)

2) i dunno, but i'd -have- to get a cronenberg in here somewhere... "the fly" is an obvious popular favorite (and well worth it!) - "scanners" for being his most popular, yet pre-mainstream, and uncomfortably snuffish-quality of his early days ("he blowed up good! blowed up -real- good!")... but my favorite is "videodrome"... it's like having a high-fever from chicken pox and you're not sure whether or not everything you're seeing is "for real."

3) yah you gotta put the "evil deads" right around in here. "evil dead II" being just too incredibly classic; like the three stooges on shrooms decided to make a horror flick! (i can't tell ya how "vindicated" i felt that raimi got to do the first round of modern spiderman flicks... 1 and 2 being modern classics; as good as the disney-marvels have turned out, -nothing- really touches those first two spidermans!) (although ED2 is very comedic and not horrifying, i'll keep it here cuz ED1 was also so "snuffish" and gritty, the whole series deserves the mention.)

4) ??? "profit!" ;0 (no, actually another hween movie list somewhere else listed "seven" - and i would agree; it is horrifying; still is.)

5) i just have to always put in, "freaks"... because, there's just no other movie like "freaks." -nothing.- :) it's brilliant, and moving way beyond anything any "chick flick" could ever try to be... and that next-to-last scene, where the "freaks" carry out their revenge... every frame could be a poster. beautiufl; just beautiful stuff.

- honorable mentions? "night of the living dead", yeah... it practically on its own invented the whole modern movie ratings system! (too many parents at the time were just dropping their kids off at the movie theater to go shop, thinking it was "just another shlocky b movie", then picking up their kids crying and screaming their heads off! ;0)

and "jaws", i agree; that opening scene when the girl's getting yanked all around - terrifying!

and i dunno, just cuz it's in the cronenberg vein, a very cyber/body-horror flick - "tetsuo the iron man!"

p.s. chris, agree a bit on john carpenter flicks - so love "the thing" - but his are so much more of a "hoot" to watch and not really anything i flinch at in a horror vein. but his stuff is all primo for the noon-6/midnight to 6am schedule! ("dark star" is like one of my all time favorites ever - it's such a great one to chuckle and get drowsey with like at 2, 3/4am in the morn :)

p.p.s.: gorgar, honorable mention for "dead alive!" :) (any of you searching for that, might find it by the original title, "brain dead") - it's PETER JACKSON! i was a big "film threat" mag fan back in the day; i can't tell you how pumped i was to find out he scored "LOTR"... i remember going to LOTR first time just -knowing- me and my friends were gonna be knocked flat by it! "dead alive" lol definitely was an "evil dead 2" style thing - not so much "horror" to me, but man, was so "EEEEWWWwwww!" in terms of gorey effects. any of you who have never seen it before, keep those barf-bags at the ready! ;0
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New member
Jan 26, 2014
nice movies, probably like "Evil Dead" and "Dead Alive" movies the best because you can also have a good laugh while watching.
that's the good thing about the classic horror movies. they have this haunted house amusement park flair about them.

also like the price movies, especially the ones with several short stories, can't remember them all, but probably the first horror flicks I watched.
with modern ones it was probably "funny games" (austrian version) and "the ring" (jap version) which left the best impression.
recently I was surprised by "It follows". Pretty good horror.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Love Trick 'r Treat too.

My fave has always been Disney's Sleepy Hollow.

You read my mind on both of those. Sleepy Hollow's on Netflix, not sure about Trick 'r Treat.

Also there's some Halloween specials that I try to watch, but usually don't get around to it. It's always sunny in Philadelphia, 'who got Dee pregnant'? Any Simpsons treehouse of horror. Freaks n Geeks has a good one. That 70s show has a few, and of coarse The Office.


New member
Apr 15, 2014
so many great ideas for hween watches... for you real horror-film freaks, i have to suggest a GREAT book i need to dig out of my book boxes... search amazon for "Cut! Horror Writers on Horror Film" by Christopher Golden... and order up a copy for yourself. i'd love to just buy a bunch and toss 'em out to you; it's a brilliant book for horror fans! dated by now, sure, but has so much foundation/groundwork for the modern scene, it's an essential to have. thought i'd toss that out for you all for a treat! :) happity halloween! :)

p.s. feel stupid for not mentioning "the shining"... but that's my mid-winter/chrismis watch (one day every winter anymore, it's on repeat all day. ;0). but regardless, "top-five/ten/twenty/fifty"... i dunno how many i'd need to make a good list.
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Can anyone make any recommendations for modern horror films made in 2000 and after based on my taste (listed above). I know there are a lot of good ones, but there are a or of crappy ones too. So any recommendations?


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Can anyone make any recommendations for modern horror films made in 2000 and after based on my taste (listed above). I know there are a lot of good ones, but there are a or of crappy ones too. So any recommendations?

Have you seen Shrooms yet? Just off the top of my mind


New member
May 4, 2012
Can anyone make any recommendations for modern horror films made in 2000 and after based on my taste (listed above). I know there are a lot of good ones, but there are a or of crappy ones too. So any recommendations?
The Cabin in the Woods?

The Cabin in the Woods is a 2012 American horror comedy film directed by Drew Goddard in hisdirectorial debut, produced by Joss Whedon, and written by Whedon and Goddard.[SUP][4][/SUP] The film stars Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth, Anna Hutchison, Fran Kranz, and Jesse Williams.
Goddard and Whedon, having worked together previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, wrote the screenplay in three days,[SUP][5][/SUP] describing it as an attempt to "revitalize" the slasher filmgenre and as a critical satire on torture porn. Filming took place in Vancouver, British Columbiafrom March to May 2009 on an estimated budget of $30 million. The film premiered on March 9, 2012 at the South by Southwest film festival in Austin, Texas and was released in the United States on April 13, 2012. The film was featured on Metacritic's best films of 2012 list, and grossed over $66 million worldwide.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I haven even heard of Shrooms. And I have heard of Cabin in the Woods, but have never seen it. I'll have to check it out

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