Of course. The picture was taken in demo mode, that's why they are flashing.This is Really N.I.C.E !! Yes its a big difference the colours are crisp & clean again, thanks alot Zsolt., is the right slingshot also always lit after the update ?
Of course. The picture was taken in demo mode, that's why they are flashing.
Renewed playfield art for Devil Riders. Do you see the difference?
Thanks. FYI it took about 4 days to remake a playfield but it worth it.
Another missing flipper. This time on the top section. This is the third table I have seen this happen on. Am I the only one with this issue?
It had never happened to me until this last update - which I love otherwise! If it happens to you, shut down the app and it corrects itself on restart.
Nice catch!Hi Zsolt i found a video of this table and while watching the gameplay i dont see the elements on the middle left and right side flashing, while both of them are flashing constantly on the ASK sim (link to the vid below)
As I see the middle drop target still stands, so that's why the ramp is in up position.