Guys, thanks to you I hunted down a space shuttlebad condition with faulty boards, acid, missing mpu... I'm currently restoring it...
The right inline drops are wrong in your table. See:
Or on page 76 of the PDF manual..
@ASK: bumper caps have little noses that force the caps in place. The tip of the star is always facing upwards. Plus they are tilted towards the player.
Advance bonus rollover on the left is red not yellow.
Angle is lowered a little bit.The shooting angle of the slings is too high and causes frequent draining of the ball.
Thanks, all of these will be checked and fixed if needed.Hi Zsolt, I can't remember all the particulars, but some tables have crooked and/or incorrect bumper caps. The stars on this table need to be straightened. Winter Sports has these same caps and they should look like the ones on Strike? Not sure of the exact table. House of Diamonds has crooked caps. Someone said they got a Space Shuttle and the Zacc caps only fit in one direction (straight). There were also a couple drops that should be blue and white striped not solid red. There are pics in this thread but I'm too lazy to scroll up.
Time Machine had the speech for past and future reversed, I don't know if that issue has been addressed yet.
Red Show and Nautilus had minor problems with slightly off center playfield art. Please check this stuff!
I'm sure there is some other picky details I forgot. Glad to see dev continuing on these, thank you for your very kind attention.
This could be a physics related issue. It will be examined and make changes to be fixed.Hi Zsolt the effect of delay or freezing for a moment when the ball hits a static object is clearly noticable on this table, fore sure fixing this issue on all tables will improve the ball dynamics alot, thanks for the effort.
This could be a physics related issue. It will be examined and make changes to be fixed.
Guys, thanks to you I hunted down a space shuttlebad condition with faulty boards, acid, missing mpu... I'm currently restoring it...
The right inline drops are wrong in your table. See:
Or on page 76 of the PDF manual..