Zaccaria Pinball - update v2.0

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
Own it on Steam and play it often. The physics are top notch for a pool game. The best I have seen so far. Now where is our table for this month? TPA finally got Apple to release it's table of the month. So Zaccaria should be good to go now too. Not even a clue of what the table is this month.


New member
Aug 18, 2013
Own it on Steam and play it often. The physics are top notch for a pool game. The best I have seen so far.
my congratulations, Mick, if you own VP4 on steam because here no available VP4 for purchase on steam - you can only buy it from official celeris site.
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Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
my congratulations, Mick, if you own VP4 on steam because here no available VP4 for purchase on steam - you can only buy it from official celeris site.

Ooops. Wrong game mentioned on Steam. I do own it, but mentioned the wrong game that is on Steam. The pool game I play on Steam is Pool Nation. I own over 800 games between Steam, Origin, hard copies, and other downloaded games off the net. It gets confusing. LOL If you like the VP series...then I highly suggest you get Pool Nation too guys. I got it gifted to me and I play it quite often.


New member
Dec 3, 2012
I think they should add a new 'Cartoon Physics' option so that fans of cartoon physics are pleased. They could sell it as an in-app. Maybe the name should be totally advanced cartoon physics, to underscore the advancement of that particular flavor of physics simulation.

And I hope the other modes (based on regular physics) are refined and optimized.

And PLEASE keep the app iOS 5.x compatible. Or release a Mac version.

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