Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.2


New member
Jan 30, 2014
Not sure if this has been fixed yet but with the iOS 8 update - my app update broke on 7.0.4 - hitting update on an app would just open the app but not update it - fix for me was to set it to auto update all apps - so I can't "hold off" on an update - sucks when I know it's going to break the game like the last SST update.

This is true. I am on ios 7.0.6. You can still update your apps manually by searching for the app in the store and then updating it from there. This way you don't have to update if you don't want to.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
agreed with 74-89 , the coin sound alone was perfect , the chunk chunk ........ sounds ..... chunk :/

Sorry, I mean iPad 1. But this has to be tested. iPad 2 will be able to handle it for sure.

TPA has dropped iPad 1. You make so many of happy every month. You must do what's best for the majority. You can only accomplish so much and quite frankly you guys go above and BEYOND every month. Thanks man!!

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Back when the iPad first came out - I was an early adopter and bought the first model. It felt like only months before the iPad 2 came out rendering my iPad instantly obsolete with many of the new apps requiring iPad 2 - nail in the coffin was not being able to update the iOS past 5. Currently my GF uses my old iPad 1 in the kitchen to display cooking recipes - and most of the cooking websites crash it :(

It is unfortunate that apple make very expensive disposable technology. My ipad2 is about to become the kitchen recipe display. And my shiny new iPad air is not looking as shiny as it used to...

Ding ding ding!!!!! ;)


New member
Jul 12, 2014
First of all I would like to apologize from you for physics change of the last update. It's been a while we tried to find the proper settings for the current physics engine, but it seems like this is an impossible task. If we change a thing that makes it better, then another thing which was good so far, will be worse for sure. That's why the management made a decision to change the current physics engine to another, which is an own developed engine by a programmer who learned physical studies. We used that engine initially but we changed it because it eats more resources than the current one and iPad 1 and iPhone 4 couldn't handle it. That improved physics engine is very accurate, flippers can shoot the ball accurately etc. We are going to make this change and send an update to Apple as soon as possible, also Android build will get that improved physics engine. We have to make this step because we also want to make a real-life but playable pinball app!

Awesome news! Thanks for keeping us in the loop. And thank you for striving to make the game the best it can be. All the hard work and creativity is evident in every update.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Night, great I am looking forward to the new physics. I imagine this game looking as real and PLAYING as real as possible as Im sure the developers are trying for. I believe in ASK homework and Zsolt, this game has come a LONG way!
With the current update, i played with the physics and like:
33% tilt
30% flipper
50% elasticity
100% friction
25% slingshot
50% bumper
An 0% velocity.
Id love to check out what settings you guys think are best.


New member
May 18, 2012
Night, great I am looking forward to the new physics. I imagine this game looking as real and PLAYING as real as possible as Im sure the developers are trying for. I believe in ASK homework and Zsolt, this game has come a LONG way!
With the current update, i played with the physics and like:
33% tilt
30% flipper
50% elasticity
100% friction
25% slingshot
50% bumper
An 0% velocity.
Id love to check out what settings you guys think are best.

I don't like any setting at the moment and throw my settings out of the window. Especially now we know there will be a new physics engine I would love to start from scratch when it arrives. Perhaps it is so good we don't have to do a thing about it :)


New member
Jun 4, 2012
while i love the fact wecan tweak to kur hearts content im glad there being major physics choices being made

id rather have one setting that made all tables work well rather than 1000 were nothing really works like it should

Zevious Zoquis

New member
Jul 27, 2013
while i love the fact wecan tweak to kur hearts content im glad there being major physics choices being made

id rather have one setting that made all tables work well rather than 1000 were nothing really works like it should

yup, that's my feeling as well. I don't want to have to fiddle with the physics settings at all. Also, the leaderboards should be locked to the default physics afaic...

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
yup, that's my feeling as well. I don't want to have to fiddle with the physics settings at all. Also, the leaderboards should be locked to the default physics afaic...

Yes i totally agree and also with the posts above., a master editions collection with masters editions physics.
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New member
May 18, 2012
It does not make sense. Perhaps ProPinball comes close, but no pinball simulation out there is perfect out of the box. The possibility to tweak and refine settings is a must have.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
You don't have to tweak physics settings if you don't want to. Just accept default setting as their best. Actually that should be how they release those thing. Rest is just a nice option.

Zevious Zoquis

New member
Jul 27, 2013
The option to tweak is nice, but it shouldn't be a necessity. It will never be perfect obviously, but I have to assume that the people making the game have access to resources and expertise that I don't have - if they don't, then I don't think they should be making the game. So that being said, the physics the game comes with should be as close as the sim can get within its own limits - which the devs should be highly aware of. If its not, then no amount of "tweaking" by me or others is likely to really fix it.

As a rule, in most games I've played where users have access to options that change the "physics" (whether it be pinball sims or flight sims or racing sims or whatever), the "fixs" or improvements people think they've achieved are usually just placebo effects anyway...

But I don't mind the options being there. I do feel the leaderboards should be open only to the defualt physics though.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
As a rule, in most games I've played where users have access to options that change the "physics" (whether it be pinball sims or flight sims or racing sims or whatever), the "fixs" or improvements people think they've achieved are usually just placebo effects anyway...

As long as a concrete value which affects some function is changed, it is NOT a placebo effect; it DOES change something. It feels like placebo effect because the effect is too subtle to meaningfully felt is a different matter, I think. Been a flight simmer for long I know what you're talking about, tho.

Since they're not holding an online tournament or some competition option is a welcome gift. People who don't feel like that just shouldn't go "advanced" mode (or "Pro mode" whatever), that's it.

Zevious Zoquis

New member
Jul 27, 2013
Oh of course, it certainly changes something when you change a parameter. I mean you put the ball speed down 0 the ball goes slower obviously. But I would argue that all the physics changes I've tried so far in Zacc that people have posted here - while they may have had a somewhat positive effect on the play characteristics in some ways, they haven't really done much of anything at all to impact what I see as the fundamental issues with the game engine. Those are things that can't be fixed by tweaking and once they are fixed by the devs we'll likely find that tweaking isn't nearly as necessary...

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
Another issue here, do you guys also have to enter youre name after every last ball ? or is there something wrong here,

Btw It would actually be nice if the screensize is smaller and coloured somewhat more in tune with the app tho

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Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
And another issue im having here, everytime i start the app, the layout of the screen starts in landscape and looks like this..


This view remains in this postion untill i change the postion of my device to landscape and back to portrait again, after this it finally rearanges to portrait mode..


do you guys also have this issue ?
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Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
Hi Zsolt., we discussed the following several times and like the idea of having the red & blue ( and white ) flippers as a switchable option for every table in the graphics menu..




It would be nice to hear ask's thoughts about this, cheers

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