Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3


New member
Jul 21, 2013
I just played one game and the ball is very sluggish moving around the playfield.
So do I need to adjust some options? Very sluggish for a new physics engine.
Thanks all.

I made no changes yet on my iPad 3 when I played the first game just now.
Not impressed so far sluggish movement is not fun.

I changed physics option from custom to arcade and the flow is better but still kinda slow to me. Is this the best I can do for ball movement???
Thanks folks.
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
wildone preformance wise i find this update much better i suggest turning of the background and taking thr glass of and turn particles off works fine and dandy and still as pretty


May 10, 2013
YeS! I can finally aim for and hit that spinner in the middle of winter sports. Only managed a quick ball or two or three — deadlines are looming at the moment — but I'll spend some time with this when I break free. And maybe another ball or two right now. Deadlines shmedlines.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
What is the best settings for ball physics?

I have no issues the graphics are gorgeous eye candy.

Looks incredible just looking for best ball movement some options make is super sluggish on play field but (arcade mode) is a "HUGE" improvement.

The lighting is Kick Ass!!!!

Ball transfer from flipper to flipper is Perfect and aiming for targets is on Point.

Thanks "Zsolt" the best update to date! It is like starting over with this update.

Extremely Happy thank god Apple store is back up.
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New member
Jul 21, 2013
Physics are fine in arcade mode I just had to turn custom settings off.

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!

Zsolt I must say this you always listen to us for suggestions and you and A.S.K. should be extremely proud of yourselves you folks really care about your pinball app. like nothing I have ever seen before you folks must work around the clock to give us the perfection we are experiencing I feel this update has now put you at the TOP OF THE PINBALl CHAIN!!!

Everybody who loves pinball must own your App. period.

I will share this app. with every pinball fan I meet.

Thanks So Very Much And Now I Just Look Forward To More Tables In The Future.


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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Alright. I'm a convert. This is such a blast. I haven't even read any of the rules yet but I'm still having so much fun. Perhaps choosing Time Machine as their try-me table is a mistake. The physics combined with the sounds take me back. I've never even played a Zacc table before but it still reminds me of being a little kid dropping a quarter into a random beaten up machine and going at it. Why don't I get like this with TPA? I think I may be missing the wear and tear.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Alright nevermind. I'm deleting the app and asking Apple for my money back. I'll tell 'em it was Hairy's fault.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I do find it amusing that when I pressed the "Forum" button in the app, it takes me here. The TPA forum.


New member
May 2, 2014
Happy to report the new update installed on iPhone and plays with no issues. Now back to Android.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Alright. I'm a convert. This is such a blast. I haven't even read any of the rules yet but I'm still having so much fun. Perhaps choosing Time Machine as their try-me table is a mistake. The physics combined with the sounds take me back. I've never even played a Zacc table before but it still reminds me of being a little kid dropping a quarter into a random beaten up machine and going at it. Why don't I get like this with TPA? I think I may be missing the wear and tear.

A table you've never played before ?
(Let's celebrate) ;)


New member
Jan 30, 2014
I also want to give a shout out to the fantastic job ASK has done with the Combat table. I swear, it looks and feels like I'm playing on a real live machine. I'm so happy that they are doing such a great job with the Zaccaria EMs. Circus is great, too. I passed on the last update because I was afraid of the physics adjustment, so I've got two new tables to absorb. Probably the best $20 I've ever spent.

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