Zen Studios acquired by Embracer Group


Nov 28, 2017
Is that the new ios? I have an older ipad pro I haven't updated. It sounds like I shouldn't, and it also serves to remind me why I left the apple ecosystem. Every OS has some compatibility issues, but I've had a LOT of apps suddenly become unusable when apple updates their OS.

Sent from my motorola one fusion+ using Tapatalk


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Fear put aside, even if Embracer focus on RPG games it doesn`t mean Zen is limited to this. By the way Zen has an own Arm for there RPGs that build games like Operancia, Castlestorm, Dreadful and more and that everytime. The companies and the portfolio of Embracer are also not all in RPGs

For those People who don`t believe a software company can`t be affected by corona Lockdowns, first not every compnay can arrange a safe access for everyone, plus even if you have it, you need to talk face to face in some topics. Yes there is the possibillity for voicechat but to be true Europe hasn`t the best internet and everybody who played a reaction game with some european player can fill books. And I`m from germany plus I don`t have good stable internet, for these lucky Large City Super-duper- mega -Jackpot internet guys from germany good for you, but both people I know are argue about it
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New member
Apr 9, 2019
Is that the new ios? I have an older ipad pro I haven't updated. It sounds like I shouldn't, and it also serves to remind me why I left the apple ecosystem. Every OS has some compatibility issues, but I've had a LOT of apps suddenly become unusable when apple updates their OS.

Sent from my motorola one fusion+ using Tapatalk

Yes new iOS, sound drops out and app crashes every few games. The fact that the insiders on the forum have gone silent concerns me.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Based on what is going on with the iPad version, internal error messages, parts challenges gone, I think we have seen their best shot.

Blame Apple for that one. They forced all game companies recently to have their games compatible with Metal. Many iOS games were never designed with Metal in mind. Magic Pixel for one is having a time of their life trying to re-progam Zaccaria Pinball to work on it. It looks like Zen tried to do a quick fix, but as you can see doesn't work 100%.

Is that the new ios? I have an older ipad pro I haven't updated. It sounds like I shouldn't, and it also serves to remind me why I left the apple ecosystem. Every OS has some compatibility issues, but I've had a LOT of apps suddenly become unusable when apple updates their OS.

Yes new iOS, sound drops out and app crashes every few games. The fact that the insiders on the forum have gone silent concerns me.

Is this regarding Zen Pinball or Williams Pinball?

I don't run Zen Pinball any more (although I do have many tables purchased) but Williams Pinball seems perfectly fine on my iPad mini 5 running iOS 14.2. I just now played for over an hour with no sound dropouts, crashes nor anything else out of the ordinary happening. An update for the Williams Pinball app (v1.5.1) was released 2 weeks ago.
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New member
May 24, 2013
just take it in our stride , i have tables coming out of my ears , even if we get no more tables i`m bloody happy . about 100 from Zen , about 100 from Farsight and another 100 from Zaccaria . plus all my racing games , i`m in bludgers paradise .:cool:


Feb 21, 2015
The question to ask from all of this is.. which of these now in-house licenses will make good Zen studios Originals pinball tables.

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
It seems like Zen is in the witness protection program not seen nor heard from. I’m wondering when we will hear some news and if we will get another Williams tablepack ever again. I hate knowing ZERO about their roadmap other than the 1up cabinets which I am not interested in.

And even the activity on this site has dropped to virtually zero. Kind of depressing to be quite honest. Can’t go to an arcade. Nohthing much new. No news on current stuff. No talk about anything. (sigh).


New member
Feb 29, 2012
I’m kind of wondering if they’ve just been working on Pinball FX4 and that could explain the slow trickle of tables last year (if it’s not just Covid issues). The new console generation is here after all, so it’s a logical time and would be well worth the wait. We also know we are going to get an announcement for more VR pinball next month, and that is what I’ve been waiting for most for years.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
After a bunch of excitement with table pack 6, yes there is basically nothing going on in digital pinball. I am back to TPA again, trying to wizard goal complete a bunch of tables on my new phone. They really captured the magic on some of their tables. Loving "Wild Card" right now.

The Mandalorian table from Zen looks cool, but the Arcarde 1up platform is completely uninteresting to me - and I can't imagine how there could be more money in Arcade 1up than in the mobile app, the virtual cabinet platform is so niche.

I am interested in where Zen goes because I love their work in the past. Hope something happens at some point here. Otherwise, thank goodness I own all of the tables in TPA.


Nov 11, 2012
Same here; no room for a pac-man or galaga cab let alone for a big pinball one. Maybe Farsight will re-evaluate the competitive situation and decide if we can't spend our money on PFX3 DLC, maybe they can take possession of our dollars.


New member
Feb 29, 2012
I’m not down on Zen at all. Farsight pushed out more tables at a quicker rate, sure, but they were also janky, lower quality efforts that never got much support after the initial release... and so many empty promises from the studio just tanked my respect for them. I quite frankly have a hard time returning to their tables after experiencing the vastly superior physics of Zen’s recreations.

2020 was a hard year on all game developers. Even the giants. Let’s see what 2021 brings. Again, it would make sense that we didn’t see many tables for Pinball FX3 if they are in active development of Pinball FX4 and their VR Pinball project right now.


Feb 26, 2013
^^^ My guess/hope: Pinball FX4... with built in VR and controller haptics tech guaranteed for every table. All PFX3 tables can be upgraded into the new tech hotness for a small fee (let's not be greedy).
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New member
Feb 29, 2012
^^^ My guess/hope: Pinball FX4... with built in VR and controller haptics tech guaranteed for every table. All PFX3 tables can be upgraded into the new tech hotness for a small fee (let's not be greedy).

This is the way


Aug 8, 2018
In the comments of that video someone asked if the first episode of The Pinball Show would announce the next pack of Williams tables, and Zen has replied "It might be bigger than that... ;)".

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